Appendix: Activity-Based Management Validation Engine Messages

This chapter lists the Activity-Based Management Validation engine messages.

Click to jump to parent topicActivity-Based Management Validation Engine Messages by Message Number

This table lists the Activity-Based Management Validation engine messages. All of these messages are in message set 10623:

Message Number

Message Text

Extended Message Text


Inconsistent Consumption Pattern defined for the driver and the target.

Consumption Pattern of the Driver does not match the Consumption Pattern of the Driver's Target.


Inconsistent Unit of Measure defined for the Pointers of the Driver.

Inconsistent Unit of Measure defined for the Pointers of the Driver.


Invalid Activity and Cost Object Dimensions combination.

Invalid Activity and Cost Object Dimensions combination.


Invalid Source and Target Listing.

Invalid Source and Target Listing.


More than 1 Target for Direct Assignment Method.

More than 1 Target for Direct Assignment Method.


Amount Type Driver allocated more or less than 100 percent.

Amount Type Driver allocated more or less than 100 percent.


Object Unassigned.

Object Unassigned.


Cost not driven out of primary resource/activity.

Cost not driven out of primary resource/activity.


Cost not driven out of secondary resource.

Cost not driven out of secondary resource.


Cost not driven out of secondary activity.

Cost not driven out of secondary activity.


Cost not driven out of secondary cost object.

Cost not driven out of secondary cost object.


Target object used in Implicit Pointer not defined.

Target object used in Implicit Pointer not defined.


No data found for Pointer.

No data found for Pointer.


No data found for Implicit Pointer.

No data found for Implicit Pointer.


Pointer Quantity is zero.

Pointer Quantity is zero.


Implicit Pointer Quantity is zero.

Implicit Pointer Quantity is zero.


GL Accounts used in Ledger Mapping Rules but not found in GL Ledger.

GL Accounts used in Ledger Mapping Rules but not found in GL Ledger.


GL Accounts used in Ledger Mapping Rules but not found in GL Account Table.

GL Accounts used in Ledger Mapping Rules but not found in GL Account Table.


Cost Object missing in Product Table.

Cost Object missing in Product Table.


Cost Object missing in Customer Table.

Cost Object missing in Customer Table.


Cost Object missing in Channel Table.

Cost Object missing in Channel Table.


Cost Object missing in Department Table.

Cost Object missing in Department Table.


Pointer used in Driver not found.

Pointer used in Driver not found.


Implicit Pointer used in Driver not found.

Implicit Pointer used in Driver not found.


Constraint used in Pointer/Implicit Pointer not found.

Constraint used in Pointer/Implicit Pointer not found.


Tree not defined for the model.

Resource Tree, Activity Tree, Cost Object Tree not defined for the model.


Calendar not defined for the model.

Calendar not defined for the model.


Tree node specified in ledger mapping rules not found.

Tree node specified in Ledger mapping rules not found in the tree defined in ledger default.


2 Drivers exist with the same source and target.

2 Drivers exists with the same source and target. This scenario will cause the Activity-Based Management engine to abort. Please modify the driver setup.


Driver causes looping.

Source and Target are points of a loop.


Tree node used in ledger mapping has been deleted from the tree.

Please update your ledger mapping with another tree node or delete the ledger mapping itself.


Tree node used in ledger mapping has been updated.

Tree node has been moved from one parent to another. Please check to see whether the ledger mapping needs to be updated.


Tree node used in ledger mapping has been updated.

Tree node moved from one parent to another. Please check to see whether the ledger mapping needs to be updated.


New tree node added to tree.

Please check to see whether this new tree node added needs to be used in the ledger mapping.


No cost object exists with same name as resources.

No looping cost objects exists for the reciprocal model. Please setup looping cost objects with same name as looping reciprocal resources.


No Ledger Mapping Defined for the resource.

Please define ledger mapping for the resource to bring in expenses into the model.


Ledger Mapping defined for looping resource.

Ledger Mapping should be defined for looping resource.


Please define tolerance percentage and maximum iteration.

Please define a tolerance percentage that defines the stopping point for the looping. Also define the maximum iteration number which defines the maximum number of times to loop.


Please define minimum iteration.

Please define minimum number of times to loop even if the tolerance is reached. It cannot be zero.


Please define residual target model.

Please define a residual target model to receive the expenses from the looping reciprocal model.


No interunit driver to target model defined.

Please define interunit driver for the cost object to send amount to target model. Also make sure the target object in target model that receives the amount is a resource with same name as cost object sending it.


IBU Driver Target Model out of sequence.

You have defined an IBU driver that drives costs from a Model with a higher sequence number to a Model with lower sequence number. Either correct the driver or change the Model sequence number.


Value Object Value is missing data for the Pointer, Implicit Pointer or Transaction Pointer.

The filter used by the constraint uses a Value Object and the Value Object Value for a Pointer, Implicit Pointer or Transaction Pointer is missing data.