Building the Planning Model

This chapter provides an overview of the planning model and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Planning Model

This section provides an overview of the planning model and discusses common elements used in this chapter.

A planning model is your framework to develop plans and budgets. It includes the time periods and activities that are used during your budget cycle, sources of data available to users, rules (including methods and formulas) that apply to line item budgets, and other budget options and control parameters. The planning model synthesizes all earlier defined budget parameters and establishes the beginning and end of the overall planning and budgeting cycle. Creating a model involves collecting the necessary parts by business unit.

Define and stage a planning model for activities and scenarios using the coordinator role. When you define the model, you specify data requirements such as position, asset, and line item activity data. You select data sources and the source to seed the base budgets. Finally, you stage the data and release the activities and scenarios in the model to distribute the plans and budgets to users.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This Chapter

Account Category

A set of related accounts grouped together to facilitate and serve as a filter during budget preparation, inquiry, and reporting.

Planning Model ID

The name of a planning model used to perform budget and plan development of scenarios and activities for a business unit.


A set of attributes that determines the financial data used in the planning model. A planning model contains a collection of scenarios as defined by the scenario group that is associated with the model. Each scenario definition includes a ledger ID, GL scenario, start and end budget period or start and end fiscal year, and accounting periods, calendar, scenario type, and rate combination name.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the Planning Model

This section provides overviews of how to set up the planning model and activity scenario combinations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Set Up the Planning Model

Define the framework for the budget by performing the following tasks:

  1. Define the planning model.

  2. Assign an activity group to the planning model.

  3. Assign a scenario group to the planning model.

  4. Activity scenario combinations are created based on the groups associated with the planning model.

    For these combinations define:

    - Dimension levels or summarization for planning center and other dimensions.

    - Data sources for activities.

    - Comparison scenarios and target scenarios for line item activities.

    - Default values for line-item activity types, including account category, enforce budget and zero base budget options, method defaults, and public views.

  5. Assign a security group and (optionally) a secondary security group to each activity scenario.

  6. Assign email templates.

  7. Define currency options for a multiple currency planning model.

  8. Enter any notes about the planning model.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Activity Scenario Combinations

You can use activity scenarios to organize the timing of different plans or budgets at similar or varying times throughout your organization's budget cycle. Each activity scenario combination is like its own independent data repository. Activity scenario combinations are automatically created in your planning model when you choose an activity group and scenario group definition in your model. You can leverage some of the same setup data defined by the model, with the scenario's main attribute using the time-related data and the main attribute of the activity using the dimension-related data. The intersection of the two (activity scenario) provides multiple plans and budgets that can be related or independent. The unique activity scenario combinations control the information that you can view and modify under the umbrella of a planning model, which is defined for a business unit. You can have one or many activity scenario combinations within each planning model that you create. Each activity scenario that you define can be staged, released to end users, or placed on hold at any time you define.

Note. When using a Commitment Control planning model, ensure that the activity group you assign contains no activities allowing balance sheet planning, because it is not supported by Commitment Control.

For example, detailed revenue and expense budgets are prepared at the greatest level of detail, and the data is sent back to the general ledger system for storing and tracking. Prior to the commencement of the following year's budget, a higher-level strategic plan may be developed first, covering anywhere from one to five years. As a business process, this information is prepared and reviewed prior to creating a more detailed budget for the following year. In the following example, the first two columns indicate the activity scenario combinations. It includes three line item activities and two scenarios. Because the Strategic Two-Year Plan is associated with a different scenario (2007–2008 Plan), it may use a different element of time, such as an annual calendar. This strategic plan is prepared well before any detail plans are created, having a start date and end date of April 1 and April 30, respectively, for preparation. It is completed before the revenue and expense detail plans are prepared. Using the start and end dates with the activity scenario enables you to open up preparation of the data based on your organization's requirement for the information, or the phase or stage of the budgeting cycle that you are in. You can overlap or stagger the preparation of activity scenarios. No restrictions are placed on the start and end dates. The 2007 Budget Scenario has the two activities, revenue and expense. The start and end dates of budget preparation of these two activity scenarios are not the same, but are overlapping. The following table illustrates the use of start and end dates for activity scenario combinations in your planning model:

Line Item Activity


(Calendar Years)

Start Date

End Date

Strategic Two-Year Plan

2007–2008 Plan

April 1, 2006

April 30, 2006

Projected Revenue

2007 Budget

July 1, 2006

August 31, 2006

Expense Budget

2007 Budget

August 1, 2006

September 30, 2006

Use the Activity-Scenario page in your planning model to define rules and indicate the start and end dates for preparation of the activity scenarios by users.

See Defining Your Planning and Budgeting Parameters.

See Also

Establishing Activities and Activity Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define the Planning Model

Page Name

Definition Name





Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Planning Models

Create a planning model and assign the related default parameters.

Copy Model


Click the Copy Model button on the Model page.

Copy an existing planning model to use as a starting point for a new planning model.

Activity Group


  • Click the link next to the Activity Group drop-down list box on the Model page.

  • Click the Create Activity Group button on the Model page.

  • Click the link next to the Activity Group field on the Activity Scenario page.

Edit or create an activity group.

Scenario Group


  • Click the link next to the Scenario Group drop-down list box on the Model page.

  • Click the Create Scenario Group button on the Model page.

  • Click the link next to the Scenario Group field on the Activity Scenario page.

Edit or create a scenario group.

Activity Scenario


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Planning Models, Activity Scenario

Set up and manage activities and scenarios in the planning model.

Scenario Manager


Click the View Scenario Manager link on the Activity Scenario page.

Manage and update status for activities and scenarios in a planning model.

Compose Mail


Click the Email link on the Activity Scenario page.

Send email to users about budgets and plans.

Dimension Level Summarization


Click the Dimension Level link on the Activity Scenario page.

Define dimension levels, including the planning center dimension, in which an activity scenario is prepared.

Display and Select TreeNodes


Click the Tree View icon on the Dimension Level Summarization page.

Select a tree node to define the level of preparation, summarization, or both for the dimension.

Data Source


Click the Data Source link (associated with an asset activity) on the Activity Scenario page.

Define data sources for asset activities.

Data Source


Click the Data Source link (associated with a line item activity) on the Activity Scenario page.

Define data sources for line item activities.

Spread Definition


  • Click the Select Spreads link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity).

  • Click the Select Spreads link on the Data Source page (associated with a position budgeting activity).

Enter spread IDs for a line item activity when AMTPER Method ID is used.

Enter defaults and available spread IDs for a position activity.

Planning Target Control


Click the View Target Control link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity).

Review target control definitions.

Planning Targets


Click the View Targets link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity).

Define planning target details for the activity scenario in the planning model.

Data Source


Click the Data Source link (associated with a position activity) on the Activity Scenario page.

Define data sources for position activities.

Planning Method Group


Click the link in the Method Group column on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Review the planning method group defaults.

Assign Planning Method Defaults


Click the Method Defaults link on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Assign method defaults by account to line item activities.

Override Controls Help


Click the Override Controls Help link on the Assign Planning Method Defaults page.

Review how to override controls.

Define View


Click the Define View link on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Create or edit a public view definition to determine how users view data in line item activities. Enter a view name and description.

User View Details


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page.

Enter a description to identify the public view details.

Row Display Filter


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Row Display Filter tab.

Define dimension defaults that appear in a line item activity.

Row Display Options (help page)


  • Click the Row Display Help link on the Row Display Filter page.

  • Click the Row Display Help link on the Row Display Options page.

View help documentation for row display view definition options.

Row Display Options


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Row Display Options tab.

Define whether dimension values appear in line item activities at the detail or summary level. Define amount types and currency display options.

Column Display Options


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Column Display Options tab.

Define the type of data that appears in line item activity columns.

Column Display Options (help page)


Click the Column Display Help link on the Column Display Options page.

View help documentation for column display view definition options.

Assign Email Templates


Click Email Templates on the Security and Email tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Assign email templates for specific actions for the line item activity scenario.

Currency Options


Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Planning Models, Currency Options

For a multicurrency model, select entry and target currency codes used in the planning model.



Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Planning Models, Notes

Enter notes for the planning model.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Planning Model Defaults

Access the Model page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Planning Models).

Copy Model

Click to copy the model to a new planning model or business unit


Select the desired status. Values are Active (default) and Inactive.

Note. You can change the status to Inactive only if no activity scenario in the model has a status of Released.

Activity Group

Select the desired activity group.

Click the link next to the drop-down list box to access the Activity Group page and edit or view the selected activity group.

See Establishing Activities and Activity Groups.

Note. This drop-down list box is unavailable when at least one of the activities or scenarios is staged.

Scenario Group

Select the desired scenario group.

Click the link next to the drop-down list box to access the Scenario Group page and edit or view the selected scenario group.

See Setting Up Scenarios and Scenario Groups.

Note. This drop-down list box is unavailable when at least one of the activities or scenarios is staged.

Create Activity Group

Click to create a new activity group.

See Establishing Activities and Activity Groups.

Create Scenario Group

Click to create a new scenario group.

See Setting Up Scenarios and Scenario Groups.


Select to enable setup of currency options for the model, which displays the Currency Options tab. Whether or not you select this option, the business unit base currency is the default currency for the model.

Note. If you clear the Multi-Currency check box, the system removes any definition that you create using the Currency Options page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Existing Planning Models

Access the Copy Model page (click the Copy Model button on the Model page).

Copy an existing planning model to use as a starting point for a new planning model, open the new planning model, and then modify the parameters for the new model as needed.

Business Unit and Planning Model ID

Enter a business unit and planning model ID to create the new target model that you want to create.

When creating a new model for a different business unit, you may want to use one that shares the same setID defaults. Otherwise, the new business unit model may require changes before it will pass model validation or run data staging.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Activities and Scenarios in the Planning Model

Access the Activity Scenario page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Planning Models, Activity Scenario).


Select which activity scenario combinations you want to display. Values are:

All Activity Scenario: Displays all valid activity and scenario combinations for the planning model.

Selected Activity Scenario: Displays only the selected activity scenario combinations.

Edit/View Activity Group

Click to access the Activity Group page and edit or view the selected activity group.

Edit/View Scenario Group

Click to access the Scenario Group page and edit or view the selected scenario group.

View Scenario Manager

Click to access the Scenario Manager page and manage, update, change status, or review process results of the activity scenarios defined.


Click to access the Compose Mail page and send emails to planning and budgeting users.

See Sending Email to Users.


Access the Details tab of the Activity Scenario page.

Based on the selected activity group and scenario group, the following table depicts all the permitted combinations of activity scenarios. The combinations allowed are driven by the budgeting type of the scenario group, each of the scenario types in the group, and the activity types allowed with each:


Scenario Type

Budgeting Type

Activity Type


Bottom Up


Top Down

Standard Budget Ledger

Line Item














Controlled Budget Ledger

Line Item














Project Budget Ledger

Line Item












Select to include and display the links on the associated row so that you can set up the activity scenario.


Displays the short description of the activity that you can click to access the Activity page and review the activity's definition.

See Establishing Activities and Activity Groups.


Displays the short description of the scenario that you can click to access the Scenario page and review the scenario's definition.

See Setting Up Scenarios and Scenario Groups.

Dimension Level

Click to access the Dimension Level Summarization page and define dimension levels for the planning center and other dimensions associated with a tree for the specified activity scenario to be prepared.

If you did not set up the Dimension Level Summarization page, then staging assumes the lowest level for processing.

See Defining Dimension Levels for Planning Centers and Preparing Activities and Scenarios.

Note. This link is available when you select the activity scenario row on the Details tab.

Data Source

Click to access the Data Source page and define data sources for the activity scenario.

See Defining Dimension Levels for Planning Centers and Preparing Activities and Scenarios.

Note. This link is available when you select the activity scenario row on the Details tab.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the date range within which your users will access the activity scenario for preparation, submission, or approval.

If the current date is outside of the start and end date range, the activity scenario is unavailable to the end users.

You can change the dates as necessary, because model processes are not associated with them.

Activity Scenario Status

Displays the status of the activity scenario.

Values are:

Initiated: Appears when you select the row's Select check box, but have not yet processed or staged the activity scenario. End users cannot see their planning centers on the My Planning Workspace page while an activity scenario is initiated.

Staged: Appears automatically when the activity scenario has been successfully staged. End users cannot see their planning centers on the My Planning Workspace page while an activity scenario is staged.

Released: Appears when you change the status to Released on the Scenario Manager page. End users can see and work with their planning centers on the My Planning Workspace page.

On Hold: Appears when you change the status to On Hold on the Scenario Manager page. End users cannot see their planning centers on the My Planning Workspace page while an activity scenario is on hold.

View Only: Appears when you change the status to View Only on the Scenario Manager page. End users cannot edit the planning center data when it is in View Only status.

Note. The status can be changed manually on the Scenario Manager page, or automatically when the complete data staging process is run (the process sets an Initiated activity scenario to Staged).

Line Item Defaults

Access the Line Item Defaults tab of the Activity Scenario page.

Account Category

(Optional) Enter the desired account category default for a line item activity.

After you stage the activity scenario, end users can use the account category as a way to filter on data within their line item grid as a view option or for reporting.

Enforce Budget

Select to have the staging process validate dimension (ChartField) combinations or controlled budget rules for line-item activity scenarios. Any combination rows marked in error are indicated with the error icon in the line item activity grid. End users are responsible for correcting the invalid combination or deleting the row before submitting their plan or budget. Any new rows added during the preparation of the line item activity need to be valid to be saved.

When the check box is not selected, the system does not enforce dimension combinations or controlled budget rules.

You can disable the option after a stage, which enables users to submit budgets with invalid rows.

Note. Enforce budget applies only to line item activity types. If invalid rows are created in child activities such as assets and positions, users will need to modify the dimension combinations in the child to update the parent line item with the correct and valid combinations.

See Understanding the Combination Data Validation Process.

Zero Base Budget

Select to enable preparers to develop budgets without a base amount as a starting point.

The system distributes to preparers a line-item activity scenario that contains all the rows from the base budget (data source) selected, except that all the budget amounts are zero.

Note. After you stage the data, this check box is unavailable.

Method Group

Click to access the Planning Method Group page and view the method and driver defaults in the group.

See Defining the Planning Model.

Method Defaults

Click to access the Assign Planning Method Defaults page and assign planning method defaults to line item activities by account, or account and an optional dimension.

See Assigning Planning Method Defaults to Line Item Activities.

Define View

Click to access the Define View page and define the public view for line item activities.

See Defining Views.

Security and Email

Access the Security and Email tab of the Activity Scenario page.

Security Group

Enter the desired security group. This field is available when you select the Select check box in the applicable activity scenario row.

Note. This field is disabled when the activity scenario has been staged.

You can update or add planning and budgeting users within the security group after stage, without running any further processes.


Click to access the Security Group page and display details about the associated security group.

Create Security Group

Click to access the Security Group page and create a new security group.

Use EW Security

This check box is available only for line item activities that are associated with a secondary security dimension. Select to use the EW (EPM Warehouse) security definition, based on the secondary security dimension that is specified for the activity on the Activity page. If this option is selected, you cannot select a secondary security group from the drop-down list box, because the system uses a predefined secondary security group name based on the EW security definition.

If you do not select this check box, then you can select a secondary security group from a list defined in Planning and Budgeting, based on the secondary security dimension that was specified for the activity on the Activity page. You can also create a secondary security group by clicking Create in the Secondary Security Group column.

Secondary Security Group

This field is active only for line item activities that are associated with a secondary security dimension. Select the desired secondary security group from the drop-down list box.

Note. When you are associating an activity scenario with the secondary security group, the dimension level (Dimension Level Summarization page) must be the same as the selected secondary security group tree level.

Create Secondary Security Group

Click to access the Secondary Security Group page and create a new secondary security group in Planning and Budgeting.

The following rules apply when you are associating a secondary security group with an activity scenario:

  • The dimension on which the secondary security group is based must be the same as the secondary security dimension specified for the activity.

  • The secondary security group must be effective as of the as of date of the activity group.

  • If you use trees for the dimension both in the secondary security group definition and the activity group hierarchies, then they must be the same and the dimension levels must be the same as well. This is to ensure that the dimension is secured at the same level as the level at which it is budgeted.

    Note. If you are unable to access any line item rows that you were intended to access, check whether the preceding rule was violated.

Email Templates

Click to access the Assign Email Templates page and assign email templates to the associated activity scenario for line item types.

See Using Planning and Budgeting Email Templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSending Email to Users

Access the Compose Mail page (click the Email link on the Activity Scenario page).

Users designated as Planning and Budgeting users who have email addresses appear on this page. Enter email subject and text information in the Email Details section.

Subject and Email Text

Enter the desired subject and main text of your email.

Send Email

Click to send the email to the selected recipients.

Select All

Click to specify that all displayed recipients should receive the email.


Select to specify that the associated recipient should receive the email.

User Details (button)

Click to display the associated recipient's Role Name, Business Unit, and Planning Center.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Dimension Levels for Planning Centers and Preparing Activities and Scenarios

Access the Dimension Level Summarization page (click the Dimension Level link on the Activity Scenario page).

The system displays all dimensions selected for the activity as well as the trees defined on the Activity Group Hierarchy page.


Displays a dimension field ID (ChartField) located in the source tables.

Displays the dimension ID values that were selected for the specified activity. Only dimensions defined as active on the Dimension Configuration page in Planning and Budgeting could have been selected for the activity.

Tree Name

Displays the name of the tree with which the dimension is associated on the Hierarchies tab of the activity group page.

No Summarization

Select to have the system avoid summarizing any table row that contains source data for the associated dimension during the data staging process. This will be the level at which the activity will be prepared by end users.

Note. Optionally, you can use the Dimension Member Mapping page on the Hierarchies tab of the Activity Group page to define any special mapping rules or summarization of specific dimension members that you want included in the planning model.

Summarize Data to Level

Enter the level in the tree to which you want the system to summarize the source data during the staging process. This will be the level at which the activity will be prepared by end users. This option is available only when a tree is associated with the dimension.

Note. Any dimension not used in the activity, but with corresponding data for the dimension not included in the source table, will be aggregated and becomes a blank value. You cannot budget against this dimension in the activity.

View Tree (icon)

Click to access the Display and Select Tree Nodes page and select a tree node to assign that node's level as the summarization level, which also enters the selected value into the Summarize Data to Level field.

Note. Any activities associated with the planning model require dimensions for account and the planning center dimension.

If you have staged the activity scenario, you should not change the fields on this page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Data Sources for Asset Activities

Access the Data Source page (click the Data Source link (associated with an asset activity) on the Activity Scenario page).

The Data Source page for asset-related defaults is available only when you have defined an asset activity type that is used in conjunction with a bottom-up scenario type.

Use Source Data

Select to stage data from your source asset management system when you integrate data for assets and depreciation.

When the check box is selected, data is located in the source tables BD_ASSET and BD_ASSET_DEPR, and the stage process will retrieve any related data. You do not need to select the check box when you do not bring data from your source system for assets and depreciation.

Asset Book Name

Enter the book name for the asset information that you want to retrieve for the business unit.

Default Depreciation Account

Enter to populate the default depreciation account for assets that do not have matching depreciation rows. The valid depreciation accounts are taken from those defined using the Depreciation Accounts page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Data Sources for Line Item Activities

Access the Data Source page (click the Data Source link (associated with a line item activity) on the Activity Scenario page).

Select Spreads

Click to access the Spread Definition page and enter a spread ID for an activity.

See Associating Spread Types with Line Item Activities.


Use Multiple Data Sources

Select to choose more than one source scenario to seed or create the base budget for the line item activity.

Note. You can use multiple data sources for all planning scenario types.

Source Scenario

This is a scenario (or multiple scenarios when you select Use Multiple Data Sources) that you select that was defined within your scenario group, and serves as your seed data or budget base during the stage process. This data source scenario is the starting point for your proposed budget and plan development process.

Note. You will define a source scenario even when using zero base budgets so that the stage process can establish dimension combination rows as a starting point for entering amounts and data into the line item activity.

Start Fiscal Year, Start Period, End Fiscal Year, and End Period

If you select Use Multiple Data Sources for a standard or project budgeting type, you must enter your from/to year and period range for each source scenario that you pick. From/to ranges should not overlap.

Start Budget Period and End Budget Period

If you select Use Multiple Data Sources for a control budgeting type, you must enter your from/to year and period range for each source scenario that you pick. From/to ranges should not overlap.

Incremental % (incremental percentage)

Specify an incremental increase or decrease to be applied using a percentage that is applied globally to the source scenario data that creates or seeds your budget base. The calculated result is what is distributed in the base budget to end users. If you leave the Incremental % field blank, the system treats it as a zero percent increase or decrease factor, so the plan or budget base remains unchanged from the source scenario that you select. When using multiple source scenarios, you can apply an incremental increase or decrease for each source that you select.

1st Period to Update

Enter the first period to update when defining the source for a scenario defined as a forecast scenario type. You enter a budget period within the defined scenario specifying the period in which you want update to begin for users. Any period prior to this period will not allow update in the scenario for the related activity.

1st Fiscal Year to Update

When you define a source for a forecast scenario type, you must indicate to which year the first period to update applies. If you are using a single year plan or budget, only one year will be available. For multiyear budgets, more than one option may be available.

Comparison Scenarios

Comparison Scenario

Select scenarios from the scenario group that you want to use in conjunction with the specified line item scenario. These are scenarios that are used as a source for methods, comparison in line item, additional seed, inquiry, and reporting. These scenarios will be ones that end users can access and use when working with their proposed plan or budget, such as using them in conjunction with method bases, comparison during analysis, and reporting. For staging, the source scenarios can be used as additional budget base source.


Click to access the Scenario page and review the scenario definition.

Analysis Base

Select the desired analysis base.

You can select from one that you may have defined earlier, or one of the predefined values of Current Year Budget, Current Year Forecast, Prior Year Actuals, or Year To Date Actuals.

See Defining Your Planning and Budgeting Parameters.

Use as Additional Source

Select to use the selected comparison scenario to generate historical row combinations for your proposed plan or budget. The data staging process recognizes this flag. If this option is selected, then during the data staging process any rows in this scenario that do not exist in the source scenario will be created for every missing dimension combination, creating a zero-amount base budget row.

Note. When using comparison scenarios (for example, to compare history to budget for reporting), you cannot view related history when no row exists in the activity scenario for which you are preparing plans or budgets.

Target Scenario

Target Scenario

(Optional) Select a target scenario. Only top-down scenario types can be selected here.

If you select a target scenario, you must select a target control group.

Click the adjacent link to access the Scenario page and view the scenario definition.

Target Control

Select a target control group for the planning target scenario, which assigns submission controls by user role.

Available values include data that you enter using the Planning Target Control page.

View Target Control

Click to access the Planning Target Control page and review the associated target control definition.

View Targets

Click to access the Planning Targets page and specify dimensions to include for validating planning targets, or to allow users to override when submitting their budgets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Planning Target Scenarios and Controls

Access the Planning Targets page (click the View Targets link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity)).


The system automatically selects this dimension and validates the account node at the planning center level.

Note. Account is a required dimension with planning targets.

<planning center dimension>

The system automatically selects the dimension that you use to define the planning center.

Because the dimension that you use as your planning center is required, the displayed dimension may be different. For example, if Department is your planning center, the system validates planning targets for the detail or roll-up Department dimension and the account roll-up. Dimensions available as the planning center depend on your source financial system and can include Department, Fund, Operating Unit, Product, Program, Class, Project, ChartField 1, ChartField 2, and ChartField 3.

Note. You can select one additional dimension (other than fiscal year) to validate at the planning center level. If you select an additional dimension, the system validates planning targets for this dimension at the defined account roll-up, planning center level, and the other dimension level.

Fiscal Year

Select to indicate that targets are validated by each year (if you defined a multiyear budget or forecast).

If you do not select this check box, the system uses the sum of all years as the planning target.

View Target Details

Click to view target values for all valid rows associated with the line-item activity scenario.

The system displays the complete planning center tree and the parent and child relationship. It displays detail only for actual rows in the planning target ledger and for the summary levels displayed at the rollup for a total of the planning target amounts.

Select (allow target override)

Select to enable users to submit their budgets when the activity scenario falls outside the defined planning target tolerance range.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Spread Types with Line Item Activities

Access the Spread Definition page (click the Select Spreads link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity)).

For the proposed line-item activity scenario, you can associate spread IDs to be used in conjunction with the amount per period (AMTPER) methods for budget preparation. When the scenario for the line item activity is a Forecast scenario type, the page is still available to allow for the AMTPER definitions.

Spread ID

Select the desired custom spread IDs that will be available to the user during the plan and budget preparation as an option for the AMTPER method.

Because the calendar ID is already defined for the spread ID using the Periods Ratio Entry page, only those spread IDs that use the same calendar ID are available.

The AMTPER does not require a default setting. The spread IDs defined and selected here for the AMTPER method are merely used as a data entry tool for this method (similar to the hot keys). The system uses this field only if it contains a value when you are using the AMTPER method, and not for any adjustment type options. No default setting exists for the AMTPER method.

Note. A spread ID for spread evenly is delivered with the system. You do not need to define a custom ID for evenly spread.


Displays the description of the spread ID, as defined on the Spread ID Definition page, that you can click to access and view the spread ID page where you defined this information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Data Sources for Position Activities

Access the Data Source page (click the Data Source link (associated with a position activity) on the Activity Scenario page).

The Data Source page for position-related defaults is available only when you have defined a position activity type that is used in conjunction with a bottom-up scenario type.

Use Source Data

Select when you integrate data for position and employee jobs and want to stage the data from your source human resources system, Workforce Analytics and Workforce Rewards (WFA), or another position activity scenario. The flag enabled indicates that data is located in the source tables (BP_JOB_F00, BP_COMP_F00, and BP_POSITION_D00) and the stage process will retrieve any corresponding data. You do not need to select the check box when you do not bring data from your source system, WFA, or another activity scenario for existing position and employee job data.

Select Spreads

Click to access the Spread Definition page and define the spread of amounts across periods.

Priority and Data Source

Select from the data source drop-down list by order of priority. Available options are HRMS, WFA, and POSBUD (Planning and Budgeting).

The budget model can stage data from multiple sources for an activity scenario, and you can prioritize the list of sources that is used to populate the budget data. For each budget component (positions, jobs, salaries, earnings, benefits and taxes), the staging process queries each source in the order specified by the priority.

Budgeting/WFA Scenario

Select from the available scenarios for each of the data sources, except for an HRMS data source, which is always blank.

Position Source Scenario

For each of the Budgeting or WFA scenarios, select from one of the available scenarios (at the next level of granularity). This field is blank for an HRMS data source because data brought from that source system does not have or use scenarios.

Note. Typically, the scenario ID field is populated if you previously exported the data from another position activity scenario within the application. For example, you are preparing a second scenario for the same activity and want to modify the data stored in the first scenario to create and generate a second optional scenario. Basically, you will use this as your base budget or seed data for the second scenario.

Include Tax Calculation

Select to have the system perform tax-related calculations while loading the position data.

The process uses the tax information from the Job Codes Default page by default, or the Positions Data Defaults page by business unit.

Use Defaults for Employee Data

Select this option to also assign the same compensation defaults to populate data at the employee level.

This check box is optional. It is particularly useful when you are not using PeopleSoft Human Resources payroll or total compensation and want to prepopulate compensation components at the employee level because you did not bring the source data for earnings and benefits from the human resources system.

If you select this option, the system uses job code and position data defaults to populate missing employee compensation components. These compensation components (benefit and earning types) are populated with position defaults when no other rows are associated with the employee for that compensation type. For example, if the employee has existing benefit data, but no earnings data, only earnings data will be picked up from the position defaults for earnings when defined, and benefit data will not because something already exists. If you do not want employee data rows populated with position defaults, do not select this option.

Create New Positions

Select to have the system create positions within PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting for employees who do not have assigned positions.

The system automatically generates a position number for the employee. If you do not select this option, only vacant positions and employees assigned a position number will be staged.

Exclude Temporary Employees

Select this check box if you want the system to include those employees who are designated as temporary on the BP_JOB_F00 table when creating positions.

Note. This check box is available when you select Create New Positions.

Include Employee Contribution

Select to include the employer-paid portion of the employee's benefit retirement contribution.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Spread Types with Position Activities

Access the Spread Definition page (click the Select Spreads link on the Data Source page (associated with a position budgeting activity)).

For the proposed position activity scenario, you can associate spread IDs to be used in conjunction with the position budgeting (POSBUD) method for budget preparation.

The Position Budgeting Spread group box sets the global default for all positions in the activity scenario. This group box is available when:

Spread Evenly

Select to have position expenses spread evenly across budget periods as the global default during data staging and when adding new positions.

User Defined Spread ID

Select to assign your own custom spread ID as the global default during data staging and when adding new positions.

Note. A spread ID for spread evenly is delivered with the system. You do not need to define a custom ID for evenly spread.

Allow Override

Select to let the budget preparer, within position activity at the position level, define a different spread ID than that set at the global level.

The preparer can select from the additional spread IDs selected by the coordinator in the Spread ID for the Activity grid.

If you clear this check box, no user intervention is allowed and one global setting applies to the entire position activity scenario. The Spread ID for the Activity grid is unavailable.

Note. Whether you spread evenly or specify a custom spread ID, these options are unavailable after staging a model. The system uses the default spread ID to stage position data for the activity scenario; all existing positions staged use this global default. After position budgeting begins, new positions added will also use the default spread ID. The Allow Override check box is still available after you stage a model. You can select it to allow users to select different spread IDs during position budgeting.

Spread ID

Select the desired additional custom spread IDs that will be available to the user during the position budget preparation as an option for assigning to a position.

The use of a custom spread, or even spread evenly, is a default used against the annual position and employee job amounts that dictates how the data is spread across periods when inserted into a parent line-item activity.

Because the calendar ID is already defined for the spread ID (using the Periods Ratio Entry page), only those spread IDs that use the same calendar ID are available.

Note. After the position activity scenario has been staged, you will not be allowed to delete any custom spread ID rows that are defined on the page. You will be allowed to add new rows only.


Displays the description of the spread ID (as defined on the Spread ID Definition page) that you can click to access the spread ID page where you defined this information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Planning Method Defaults to Line Item Activities

Access the Assign Planning Method Defaults page (click the Method Defaults link on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page).

To review and edit any of the planning method group defaults that are available for the line item activity, you can click the Method Group ID link (method group ID assigned in the activity group) in the Method Group column on the Line Items Defaults tab.

The Method Defaults link on the Line Item Defaults tab is used to assign any exceptions by account in the line item activity. Without a method default for an account, the system automatically assigns the BASBUD (base budget amount) method to every line item in a base budget and allows override for each row. Use the Assign Planning Method Defaults page to define exceptions by account, including override restrictions on methods.


(Optional) Select an additional dimension for assigning method defaults for the line item activity. The dimensions that you can select include any dimensions that are associated with your activity.

If you select any of these values, the system makes available associated range fields in the Planning Method Defaults group box.

Note. After defining a method that uses an additional dimension, you should not change the settings.

Override Controls Help

Click to access the Override Controls Help page and review how to override controls.

Assign Methods

From Account and To Account

Enter the account range to which you assign a method and related defaults that apply.

Values for the account dimension are based on the setID used for the dimension.

From <Dimension> and To <Dimension>

Enter the additional dimension range to which your method and related defaults will apply.

Note. These columns and fields are available when you select an additional dimension.

Method ID

Select the desired method ID (defined using the Method Group ID page and selected for the line item activity).

Note. Depending upon the method ID chosen, you may need to define the following options: Flexible Formula ID, Driver ID, and Analysis Base.

Flexible Formula ID

Select the desired flexible formula ID from the valid IDs that are associated with the FLEX method ID when you select it.

Driver ID

Select the desired driver ID from the valid driver IDs that are associated with the method ID that you select (if the selected method requires a driver).

Analysis Base

Select the desired method base against which you want to apply the driver (if the selected method requires a base).

Override Controls

Select or clear the following check boxes to specify which method and related defaults (that you assign to each account row in the line item activity) the preparers can override using the data entry pages. Insert rows to identify exceptions to the base budget default method.

Override Method, Override Driver, Override Base, or Driver Parameter

Select to enable preparers to override the method, driver, base, or parameter associated with the specified account or account and additional dimension.


Select to enable incremental or mass adjustments for all users in the line item activity, specified account, or account and additional dimension.

If you clear this check box, users cannot perform line item adjustments or mass adjustments.


Select as a default for the specified accounts used in the line item activity during data staging that any user can change.

Assigning a Hold flag causes the mass adjustment feature to ignore the row when applied by users.

Note. If you do not change the system defaults for methods and method override controls assigned to a line item in the base budget, the system allows override of all method details.

See Also

Building Flexible Formulas for Your Model

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Views

Access the Define View page (click the Define View link on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page).

Views defined here are public and available options when using a line item activity. Users can select these public views from the line item entry page while working on the activity.

View Name and Description

Enter a name for the view before clicking the Create link to define details for it.

If the view already exists, select the Edit link to update the defaults.

Casual Preparer

Select to enable users with this role to use predefined public views when preparing line item activities.

If you clear this check box, the system uses a flat view of the model when casual preparers access line items.


Select to provide a default view that will be used when accessing the line item activity until changed by the end user. You can define one default for Casual Preparer role, and one default that can be used for non-Casual Preparer roles when selected.

Note. If a user view has a planning center filter on it, you cannot select the default check box. The system displays an error message if you do. You must either change the view or choose another public view as the default.


Click to access the User View Details, Row Display Filter, Row Display Options, and Column Display Options pages and further define view details.

Note. The link will say Create instead if it is a new public view. You must first enter a view name before clicking this link.

If a secondary security group is on the activity scenario, and the default user view displays a tree, then the system does not save the page and displays an error message indicating that a default user view with a tree is not allowed with a secondary security group; you cannot use a secondary security group in combination with a default user view that has a dimension level. To resolve this, you can either clear the dimension levels of the default user view, or remove the secondary security group from the activity scenario.

See Specifying User View Details, Specifying Row Display Filters, Specifying Row Display Options, Specifying Column Display Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying User View Details

Access the User View Details page (click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page).


Click to duplicate an existing public view definition if you accessed this page through the line item activity and you can access private views.


Enter a description for the view definition.

If you are defining the view at the coordinator level, the description for the view is supplied by default from the information that you enter using the Define View page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Row Display Filters

Access the Row Display Filter page (click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Row Display Filter tab).

Row Display Help

Click to access the Row Display Help page and review information about each page element.



Displays dimensions included in the line item activity.

Dimension Level

Select the order in which to display dimension data summarized, up to three dimensions in a row. Values are First, Second, and Third.

The dimension that you assign as the first dimension must use a tree that you define using the Activity Group, Hierarchy page. If you do not assign any dimension levels to the dimensions, users see only a flat view of the activity data when preparing line items.

If a secondary security group is on the activity scenario, and the default public view displays a tree, then the system does not save the page and displays an error message indicating that a default user view with a tree is not allowed with a secondary security group; you cannot use a secondary security group in combination with a default user view that has a dimension level. To resolve this, you can either clear the dimension levels of the default user view, or remove the secondary security group from the activity scenario.

Note. You cannot assign a dimension level to the statistic code or currency code dimensions.

Show Code

Select to display the value code for the dimension in line item activity.

Show Description

Select to display the description of the dimension in line item activity.

Note. For a flat view, do not select any dimension levels.

In a flat view, some rows may appear to be duplicate rows unless you define a view that includes all the dimensions. Selecting one of each of these check boxes enables the user to view a distinction between the rows. You can also use these check boxes to view dimensions to which you did not assign a dimension level. For these dimensions to appear, you must select either a code or a description for those dimensions with defined dimension levels.

Filter Dimension Members

From and To

Enter specific values or a range of values to display and work within your line-item activity view.

If you do not enter values, the system displays all valid dimension values.

Note. If end users of the default public view attempt to assign a filter to the Planning Center dimension, the system errors out.

Account Category

Select a value to view a similar group of accounts on a specified level of an account tree.

Note. You cannot use a filter for statistics code and currency code at the same time. Using this combination produces zero rows on the Line Item Details page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Row Display Options

Access the Row Display Options page (click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Row Display Options tab).

Row Summary

Select to display only the node-level summary values for the dimension that you define as the first dimension level using the Row Display Filter page.

Row Detail

Select to display editable, detailed cells for all row dimensions.

Hide Zero Total Amounts for Proposed Budget/Forecast

Select to hide rows in the line item activity total amounts that equal zero.

This selection applies only to the Line Item Details page; the analysis and reporting options do not recognize it.

Method Amount

Select to display the amount based on the method that is assigned to a line item row.

If this option is selected, users can access method details in the line item activity. For example, if you enable override capability of the BASBUD method at the coordinator level, budget users can access the method details and modify the method to AMTPER, which enables them to enter a budget value manually for the line item.

Adjustment Amount

Select to display any incremental or mass adjustment amounts associated with the line item row.

If you enable adjustments for line item activity, budget users can apply adjustments to a line item budget row.

Allocation Amount

Select to display any amount defined by the allocations activity.

Users cannot edit this value.

Total Amount

Select to display the total budget amount for a line item row, which includes the method, adjustment, and allocation amounts.

Users cannot edit this value.

Display Entry Currency

Select to display all entry currency values during line item preparation.

Display Statistic Rows

Select to have the system add the statistics code to the view definition and display statistical amounts by account during line item preparation.

Budget users cannot view both statistical accounts and target currency amounts.

Display Target Currency

Select to display one target currency or all target currencies in line item activity defined in the model.


Select to view a specific target currency in the line item activity defined for the model, and then use the Row Display Filter page to select the currency code that you want to view as the single target currency value for the model.


Select to view all target currencies in the line item defined for the model.

If you define target currency values for the view, then you cannot display statistic rows during line item preparation.

Note. If the model is not defined as a multicurrency model, the currency options are unavailable.

The system does not add statistical amounts to totals or display statistical amounts at the summary level of a node. If you select Display Entry Currency, the system does not summarize statistical amounts. To summarize statistical amounts at the node level, select a specific dimension value for statistics code. The following table shows the data that you view during line item preparation based on the filter dimension values and currency options that you specify for statistical codes:

To display:

Set these filter dimension values:

Set these currency and statistics options:

No currency

1 statistics code

Select a statistics code

Display Statistic Rows

No currency

All statistics


Display Statistic Rows

All entry currency

All statistic codes


  • Display Entry Currency

  • Display Statistic Rows

1 entry currency

No statistic codes

Select a currency code

  • Display Entry Currency

  • Display Target Currency (optional)

All entry currency

No statistics


  • Display Entry Currency

  • Display Target Currency (optional)

When you use statistical accounts, if you select Display Statistic Rows, the system displays statistical accounts, but these accounts are not rolled up or summarized with currency data. If you leave the dimension value blank, when displaying currency or statistics, the system displays all values.

Use the Row Display Options page to set currency and statistics options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Column Display Options

Access the Column Display Options page (click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Column Display Options tab).

Column Display Help

Click to access the Column Display Help page and review information about each check box.

Period Summary

Select to display only summary nodes for the period dimension, such as annual total and quarterly subtotals for a monthly budget.

To summarize the period, the system uses the time hierarchy defined and associated with the scenario group used by the planning model.

Period Detail

Select to display only detailed, editable cells for the period dimension.

Prior Year Actuals

Select to display defined actual expenditures or revenues received for the last completed year in line items.

Year to Date Actuals

Select to display defined actual expenditures or revenues received form the beginning of the year to the present in line items.

Current Year Budget

Select to display defined budget plans approved for the current year in line item budget.

Current Year Forecast

Select to display previously defined forecast projections for the current year.

Note. These four analysis bases—Prior Year Actuals, Year to Date Actuals, Current Year Budget, and Current Year Forecast—are predefined and system-delivered. Coordinators can use these as part of their models, in addition to five others they can define themselves.

History 1– 5 (optional and variable label)

The coordinator can include additional analysis bases, which when defined, are also available for selection in the user view.

Note. The system displays ledger data associated with the analysis base that you define using the Data Source page for the line-item activity scenario.

The coordinator defines analysis bases that determine historical periods included in the view. The historical information appears as annual totals in the columns.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Email Templates

Access the Assign Email Templates page (click Email Templates on the Security and Email tab on the Activity Scenario page).

Use Email

Select to send a predefined email when the associated action occurs.

Template ID

Select the predefined email template that you want the system to use when the associated action occurs.

You create the predefined email text using the Email Template Definitions page. Values are:

Model Stage: After the activity, scenario, and planning model is successfully staged, the system sends the specified email to all users whom you select using the Email Template Definitions page.

Budget Reject: After a budget is rejected, the system sends the specified email to those users who submitted the rejected budget and to any users whom you select using the Email Template Definitions page.

Budget Submit: After a budget is submitted, the system sends the specified email to users who are assigned at the next level of the planning center (approval hierarchy) as determined by the tree definition for the planning center and to users whom you select using the Email Template Definitions page for the template.

Planning Target: After a budget is submitted that includes data outside the planning target tolerance definitions and if the planning target is defined as passive control, the system sends the specified email to users who are assigned at the next level of the planning center hierarchy as determined by the tree definition for the planning center and to users whom you select using the Email Template Definitions page.

You use the Planning Target Tolerance and Planning Target Control pages to set up planning target definitions.

Email Templates (button)

Click to access the Email Template Definitions page that you defined when you set up planning and budgeting parameters.

See Also

Setting Up Planning Target Rules

Using Planning and Budgeting Email Templates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Currency Options

Access the Currency Options page (Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Planning Models, Currency Options).

Note. The Currency Options tab is available when you select multicurrency on the Model page.

See Using Multiple Currencies.

If you are working with a multicurrency planning model, the Currency Options grid displays the one or more rows that you define, and the three available check boxes, in which the base business unit currency definition is the default. After one activity scenario has been staged, you cannot delete any rows or change any check boxes.

Currency Code

Enter the desired currency code.

Create rows for each currency code used in the planning model.

Entry Currency

Select to designate the currency code to perform data entry.

You can specify an unlimited number of entry currencies.

If the transaction currency is not defined as an entry currency, the system translates it into the default currency during the data staging process. At the same time, the system maintains the original transaction currency so that you can export data to external applications with the original currency.

Entry Default

Designates the currency code as the default.

The base currency of the business unit is the default currency for the planning model.

Target Currency

Select to designate the currency code as the one into which the system translates entry currency values. This option is used for reporting and analyzing.

You can specify an unlimited number of target currencies.

Note. After you stage a model, you cannot change the values on the Currency Options page. To add or delete currencies, you cannot have a single activity or scenario staged in the planning model.

Click to jump to parent topicStaging Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model

This section provides overviews of:

This section also lists prerequisites and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Steps to Stage Activities and Scenarios in a Planning Model

When you run the complete data staging process for an activity scenario in a planning model, the system performs steps to:

  1. Validate the model and locate any errors made during setup of activities and scenarios that you can correct.

  2. Determine the dimension member list for all the dimensions used.

  3. Map dimension values to target values on the Dimension Member Mapping page.

    Mapping occurs for both seed and historical data.

  4. Generate the base version for the budgeting activity.

    Validate combinations of dimension members for any line-item activity scenario detail when enforce budgets is enabled.

    Report invalid ChartField (dimension) values.

    Report ChartField (dimension) values that are found in the source ledger for a line item activity, and not included in the planning model.

    Seed the activity scenario detail with amounts from the source aggregating the source amounts to match the level at which the budget activity is being performed.

    Reverse the sign associated with the account type amounts as defined on the Account Type Options rule for line item activities.

  5. Convert seed and historical amounts to the base currency of the business unit/model when the amounts are in a currency that is not supported by the planning model.

  6. Generate future currency exchange rates for the set of currencies supported within the model.

  7. Copy the completed base version for the activity scenario to the master version.

  8. Perform a model recalculation and then create the first working version at the preparer level.

  9. Generate the worklist entries for reviewers.

Note. The system supports any additional incremental staging processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Data Staging Process

Data staging uses application engine processing that places source data into tables used by your activities for the preparation of plans and budgets by users in PeopleSoft Planning and Budgeting.

General Processing Details

During the data stage process, the following rules apply:

Run the data staging process from the Data Staging page.

Balance Sheet Planning Processing Details

The staging process picks up the starting balance, period 0, and the following conditions apply:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Model Validator Rules

Model Validation is an application engine program that ensures that the activity scenario rules are set up accurately in the planning model prior to staging. It validates the model for activities, activity groups, related activities, scenarios, security groups, dimensions, dimension levels, calendars, default accounts, multicurrency options, and so on. The data staging process assumes that data is prepared and valid. Rather than performing exhaustive error handling throughout the staging process, this separate process validates the setup for a scenario and activities in the planing model.

The model validation process can be called from within the staging process, but users can also run model validation outside of the larger staging process to identify setup errors prior to running the data stage process to help validate setup as you go. This process can be run at any time during the model creation process, not only when it is complete. You should run the validation process any time that you make a change to a model.

Results of the model validation process are displayed on the Model Validation Report page. For a list of model validation errors, select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, Message Catalog and look up messages under the Message Set Number 9370, mostly in the range of message numbers 380–430.

These are some of the rules that are checked by the model validation process:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to View Dimension Exceptions After Data Staging

After you resolve any dimension exceptions, run the data staging process again. Repeat these steps until you are satisfied with the data in the staging tables that you then release by activity scenario in the planning model for access by end users.

When you run the data staging process, the system verifies and selects valid dimensions, members, and trees defined by the activity and activity group against the detail data sources for sourcing/seeding the base budget amounts. For example, if you defined a department dimension, for which your as of date is 01/01/2006 for the activity group, the system uses this information to validate each dimension value against the source data that is used as the source to seed the budget. For example, it uses this information to verify that the following conditions are met:

Use the Dimension Exception Inquiry page to view dimension exceptions that are generated during the data staging process.

Note. Even if exception rows show up in your Dimension Information grid, the may not necessarily indicate errors. For example, you may have defined the activity dimension rules to exclude the data on purpose.

See Also

Setting Up the System

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to View Dimension Members After Data Staging

The set of valid members for each dimension for the activity scenario are available using the Dimension Member Inquiry page. The Data Staging processes must check the dimension value set definition for each dimension for the scenario/activity being staged and determine the set of valid detail dimension member IDs. This list of detail dimension members will be used to seed the activity details with data from the source ledger. Additionally, the valid dimension members are stored in a table that is used for the prompt views for the dimension on the activity entry pages.

Use the Dimension Member Inquiry page to review and verify that the dimensions and members that are staged and used to select, seed, and prepare activity scenarios are those that you expect.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before staging activities and scenarios in the planning model:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Stage Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model

Page Name

Definition Name



Data Staging


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Data Staging

Import and stage data for planning model activities and scenarios.

Model Validation


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Validator

Validate components of a planning model.

Model Validation Report


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Validator Report

Review Model Validator results for a given planning model activity scenario.

Dimension Exceptions Inquiry


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Dimension Exceptions Inquiry

Inquire about dimension members that are flagged as exceptions during the data staging process.

Dimension Member Inquiry


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Dimension Member Inquiry

Inquire on dimensions and members that are associated with the planning model for a scenario activity.

User Access to Line Items


  • Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, User Access to Line Items

  • Select Review Access in the Action drop-down list box on the Scenario Manager page.

Review the staged data and investigate nonsubmissible planning centers.

User Access to Line Items Details


Click the Details icon on the User Access to Line Items page.

Review the staged data and investigate nonsubmissible planning centers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicStaging Data for Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model

Access the Data Staging page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Data Staging).

Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and Activity

Select the appropriate values to define the model that you want to stage.

Staging Type

Select the desired type of staging.

Values are:

Partial Staging: Enables you to select the check boxes next to the specific functions that you want performed.

Standard Staging: Automatically selects and performs all functions.

Process Type

Select the desired type of process.

Values are:

Parallel by Activity: Enables you to process the activities in parallel.

Single Processing: Processes budget data to staging tables in a single processing instance.

Validate Model

Select to validate the model.

See Understanding Model Validator Rules.

Load Dimensions

Select to load dimensions and members used by the scenario activities.

Load Exchange Rates

Select to load the exchange rates that will be used by the scenario for a multicurrency planning model.

Seed Activity

Uses a source scenario to seed your proposed plan or budget as a starting point. It will also generate your worklist.

Copy ACE Model

Generates the ACE model that is required for line item activities and analysis reports.

Full Model Calculation

Creates the master version and performs full model recalculation based on model, scenario, and activities selected. The first working version is created after the calculation is performed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Model Validator

Access the Model Validation page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Validator).

Enter the appropriate values in the Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and optionally all or one Activity field to define the model that you want to validate.

You can run the Model Validator on its own any time. This includes during the setup of the planning model, during the staging process, or even after activities and scenarios have been released to end users. In this last case, you would run this when you have made some setup changes that might affect available activity scenarios.

See Staging Data for Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing the Results of the Model Validation Process

Access the Model Validation Report page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Validator Report).

This page displays the results of the model validation process by activity scenario. Click the planning model link to go to that planning model page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Dimension Exceptions After the Data Staging Process

Access the Dimension Exceptions Inquiry page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Dimension Exceptions Inquiry).

The system searches and retrieves dimension exceptions related to the type of activity—asset budgeting, line item budgeting, or position budgeting—and associated scenario.


Select the desired dimension to search for its associated member exceptions.


Click to search for exceptions associated with the selected dimension.

The system displays the exceptions for the dimension by member value in the Dimension Information grid.

Note. If no dimensions are available in the drop-down list box, no exceptions were found for the activity scenario.

The system reports an exception if any of the following conditions exist in the history data:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerifying Model Dimension Values from the Data Staging Process

Access the Dimension Member Inquiry page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Dimension Member Inquiry).

The system searches and retrieves dimension values by an activity scenario in the planning model. Each dimension list by scenario will display the valid values that are staged and available for preparation by end users. This report is a result of the activity group and dimension level summarization rules that you have defined.


Select the desired dimension to search for information about it. Available dimensions and values are those that have been selected in the corresponding activity that is defined.

Only dimensions associated with the business unit, planning model ID, scenario, and activity are available.


Click to search for information about the selected dimension.

The system displays information about the dimension members in the Inquiry Details grid.


Dimension Value and Description

Displays the dimension values and their descriptions.

Use the Dimension Member Inquiry page to display available dimension values generated and staged for the planning model, which you can evaluate to resolve data or staging errors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing User Access to Line Items and to Line Item Details

Access the User Access to Line Items page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, User Access to Line Items).

This page is read-only. It lists all the planning center versions within the selected activity scenario. It includes all levels within the planning center tree. The grid is sorted so that the nonsubmissible planning center versions appear at the top. The Status column shows whether each planning center version is submissible. The Submit Allowed? Column displays an explanation for the status. Use the Details icon in the grid at the row level to access the User Access to Line Items Details page. Use the link to navigate directly to the appropriate Secondary Security Group page.

Access the User Access to Line Items Details page (click the Details icon on the User Access to Line Items page).

This page is read-only and shows which users have access to which line items within a planning center version. Use the link to navigate directly to the appropriate Secondary Security Group page.

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Model and Scenario Manager

This section provides an overview of Model Manger and Scenario Manager and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Model Manager and Scenario Manager

You can manage multiple models and multiple scenarios within each model using the Model Manager and the Scenario Manager. These pages provide a comprehensive view of your models and can help you determine which models you own, the status of each model, and whether any scenario activities within a model have errors associated with them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Access Model and Scenario Manager

Page Name

Definition Name



Model Manager


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Model Manager

Manage and review planning models and access Scenario Manager.

Scenario Manager


  • Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Scenario Manager

  • Click the Manage Scenarios link on the Model Manager page.

Manage activity scenario status and progress by planning model.

View Current Locks


  • Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, View Current Locks

  • From the Action drop-down list box on the Scenario Manager page, select Manage Locks, and then click Go.

Review or modify lock information for a scenario.

Process Summary


From the Action drop-down list box on the Scenario Manager page, select Process Summary, and then click Go.

View the various stage functions processed, last run dates, and list of formulas staged by activity scenario.

Data Staging


  • Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Data Staging

  • From the Action drop-down list box on the Scenario Manager page, select Stage, and then click Go.

Import and stage data for planning model activities and scenarios.

Update Staged Data


  • Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Update Staged Data

  • From the Action drop-down list box on the Scenario Manager page, select Update Stage, and then click Go.

Validate models and update dimension members, exchange rates, worklist entries, and comparison scenarios.

Model Validation


  • Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Validator

  • From the Action drop-down list box on the Scenario Manager page, select Validate, and then click Go.

Validate components of a planning model.

Model Validation Report


  • Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Validator Report

  • Click the Exceptions link on the Process Summary page.

Review Model Validator results for a given planning model activity scenario.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Model Manager

Access the Model Manager page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Model Manager).

Planning Model

Click to access the Model page for the selected planning model to review and update.

See Defining Planning Model Defaults.

Validator Exceptions

Displays Yes or No to indicate whether one or more errors were found within the model.

Manage Scenarios

Click to access the Scenario Manager page for a specific planning model to manage, update, perform actions, change status, or review process results of the activity scenarios defined.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Scenario Manager

Access the Scenario Manager page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, Scenario Manager).

Planning Model (link)

Click to access the Model page and view or edit the planning model.

See Defining Planning Model Defaults.

Edit Activity Scenarios

Click to access the Activity Scenario page and modify the activity scenarios.

See Managing Activities and Scenarios in the Planning Model.


Click to access the Data Staging run control page to perform the process against any activity scenario with an initiated status.

See Staging Data for Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model.


Click to access the Model Validation run control page to validate the accuracy of your model setup.

See Understanding Model Validator Rules.


Click to access the Model Recalculation run control page to perform the recalculation process on activities and scenarios.

See Recalculating the Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model.

Stage Formulas

Click to stage any new or revised formulas into line item activities. When you update or add formulas, they are not available in line items until they are staged, making them available for use in conjunction with the ACE tool.

Note. When you stage formulas for line item activities, you must set them to On Hold status first, select Stage Formulas, then set them back to the Released state. No locks can be on the data when you are running this Stage Formula process, and therefore setting the activity to On Hold also forces all locks to be released.


Click the desired activity name to access the Activity page.


Click the desired link to access the Scenario page.


Enter the current status of the scenario. You can select from the following values:

Initiated: The scenario is in the creation or staging process and the corresponding planning centers are not available on the My Planning Workspace page.

Released: The scenario has been staged and is accessible for editing. The corresponding planning centers are visible on the My Planning Workspace page.

Staged and On Hold: The corresponding planning centers are not available on the My Planning Workspace page.

View Only: The corresponding planning centers are visible on the My Planning Workspace page, but no editing is allowed.

Note. Updating staged data is preferable to restaging, which deletes previously generated data from the tables, and effectively returns the status of the scenario to initiated.

Validator Exceptions

Displays Yes or No to indicate whether errors occurred.

Formulas Require Restaging

Displays Yes or No to indicate whether the scenario requires restaging.


Displays Yes or No to indicate whether the scenario is locked.

If the scenario is locked, changes are not allowed to any attributes (and children) of the locked group.


Select an action to perform on the activity scenario, and click Go.

Values are:

Manage Locks: Accesses the View Current Locks page to enable you to review or release locked planning centers for a scenario.

Process Summary: Accesses the Process Summary page to enable you to view the various stage functions processed, last run dates, and list of formulas staged by activity scenario.

Stage: Accesses the Data Staging page to enable you to import and stage data for planning model activities and scenarios.

Review Access: Applies only to line item activities that have been staged (not in Initiated status). Accesses the User Access to Line Items page.

See Viewing User Access to Line Items and to Line Item Details.

See Staging Data for Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model.

Update Stage: Accesses the Update Staged Data page to enable you to validate models and to update dimension members, exchange rates, worklist entries, and comparison scenarios.

The Update Staged Data page is discussed in the "Updating the Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model" section of this chapter.

See Updating Staged Data.

Validate: Accesses the Model Validation page to enable you to validate components of a planning model.


Click to implement the selected action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Locks in a Planning Model

Access the View Current Locks page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, View Current Locks).


Select the desired activity.

Values for this field are user-defined and supplied by default from the row where you selected the action of manage locks. Change the activity to one of the other available activities in the scenario, or select all to view all planning center locks for all activities in the defined scenario.

Select All to Unlock

Click to release all locked planning center activities.

Save the page to carry out the simultaneous release of all selected locked activities.


Select to unlock an individual planning center activity.

Save the page to carry out the release of all selected locked activities.

Other lock details include the planning center and user associated with the lock, status, and lock type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing the Process Summary

Access the Process Summary page (from the Action drop-down list box on the Scenario Manager page, select Process Summary, and then click Go).


Click to access the Model Validation Report page and review Model Validator results for a given planning model activity scenario.

See Viewing the Results of the Model Validation Process.

Run Model Validator

Click to access the Model Validation page and validate a model.

Run Staging

Click to access the Data Staging page and stage data for scenarios and activities in a planning model.

See Staging Data for Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model.

Update Staged Data

Click to access the Update Staged Data page and recalculate a staged model.

Stage Formulas

Click to stage any new or revised formulas into line item activities after placing them on hold. When you update or add formulas, they are not available in line items until they are staged, making them available for use in conjunction with the ACE tool.

Set the line item activities back to Released state when the formula stage is complete so that users can again access their planning center data.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating the Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model

This section provides overviews of:

This section also discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Update the Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model

After a model has been released, you should be updating only the staged data, never restaging. A complete restage is a start-over and removes everything from the previous staged/released tables, returning the status to Initiated. Coordinators should evaluate carefully before restaging, instead of updating, staged data that requires no status change. Updates to staged data can occur in any state except Released.

After successfully staging the planning model, you can update the data included in the model by running the following processes:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Model Validation in the Update Process

The Model Validation process (BP_STG) can be run at any time, including during the building of the planning model and after activity scenarios are released to end users. You would use the option here, for the Update Staged Data process, after updating a model when activity scenarios have already been released to end users. Model Validation is discussed in another section of this chapter.

See Understanding Model Validator Rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Update Dimension Member Process

The Update Dimension Member process (BP_STG) updates the dimension values that are used in your activity and scenarios.

The system retrieves updated dimension values based on the rules defined in your Activity Group on the Member page. The process is primarily intended to be run after an activity scenario is released, and additional dimension members are required to complete plans and budgets. Oracle recommends that you not delete any dimension members that may have data associated with them because the update process cannot remove any corresponding history associated with the removal of the dimension member.

When you add new dimension members in your planning center tree, you will want to run this process. When updating your planning center dimension, you should run the Update Worklist Entries process in addition to the Update Dimension Members process.

Note. Tree reorganizations are not supported, and should not be made after an activity in the Activity Group page has been staged.

Follow these steps to run the Update Dimension Member process:

  1. Unlock the planning center on the View Current Locks page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Setup Model, View Current Locks).

  2. Run the Update Dimension Members process on the Update Staged Data page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Update Staged Data).

  3. Release the activity on the Scenario Manager page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Scenario Manager).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Update Exchange Rates Process

When you run the Update Exchange Rates process (BP_STG), the system updates the scenario with modified exchange rates for a multicurrency model. Exchange rates are stored by scenario; meaning all activities in one scenario share the same exchange rate data.

Use the Update Exchange Rates page to initiate this process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Update Worklist Entries Process

You can select the Update Worklist process (BP_STG) to update the table used by the My Planning Workspace page that, based on your security access, displays the available planning centers for a given model, scenario, and activity.

When you add a new planning center to the dimension tree used by the activity scenario, you will need to run this process to update the worklist (workspace) table that enables end users to access their work.

The Update Worklist and Update Dimension Member process should be used together when members are updated for the planning center dimension. During the process when new planning center members are available, the system:

To add a new planning center, you:

  1. Modify the existing tree structure by using Tree Manager to add your new planning center to the tree.

    You can enter new detail level planning centers, or new node or roll up values. You should not reorganize the planning center tree; which is not supported for an activity scenario that has already been staged.

  2. Update the Security Group page with the users who are associated with activities using the group definition.

  3. Run the Update Staged Data process, selecting the functions of Update Dimension Members and Update Worklist Entries.

  4. Access the Scenario Manager page and release your updated activity scenario.

    Note. Planning centers that you add after the original staging process do not contain historical data because the data did not exist as part of the original tree definition.

    The system does not update existing working versions with newly added planning centers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Update Comparison Scenario Process

When you run the Update Comparison Scenario process (BP_STG), the system updates the selected comparison scenario. The comparison scenarios that are available are those associated with your line-item activity scenario on the Data Source page in the planning model.

Run this process using the Update Staged Data page.

Note. Planning target data from a top-down scenario is not updated by this Update Comparison Scenario process. Planning target data is dynamic, referencing the data from the source budget ledger table. If you are still actively updating your top-down plan that provides targets, you will need to run the Export to General Ledger process to have access to the most current information.

Use the Update Staged Data page to initiate the Update Comparison Scenario process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Copy ACE Model Process

When you run the Copy ACE Model process (BP_COPY_MDL), the system regenerates the ACE (Analytic Calculation Engine) model required to use your line item activities and analysis reports.

This process is already performed when the Data Staging process occurs, and will typically not be necessary to run after your activities and scenarios have been released. The only time that running this process is necessary is when an ACE model update exists for the Planning and Budgeting application or you have created your own configuration. When you are running the Copy ACE Model process, no locks against the scenario and activities should exist, and you should place the activity scenario in On Hold status. The check box of Unlock on the run control page will perform this for you automatically when selected.

Note. You do not need to run the Copy ACE Model process for new or updated flexible formulas. Instead, you can stage your formulas from the Scenario Manager page for the planning model. But you are still required to release locks and put the line item activities on hold before running the Stage Formula process. When the process is complete, set the activities back to Released state so that end users can work with new or revised formulas.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Model Recalculation Process

When you are working with a planning model, the system recalculates the data every time you enter a new piece of information or change a budget figure. When you make line item modifications at the lowest planning center level in the model—at the preparer level—the recalculations take place immediately. This is possible because the budget changes are isolated within the planning center.

However, when using position and asset budgeting, to make modifications that affect multiple planning centers or to generate new dimension combination rows from details into line item budgets, run the Model Recalculation process to update the model. If the dimension combination rows already exist in the line item activity when you add new positions or assets, you do not need to run the Model Recalculation process.

Additionally, when you have various data or calculation relationships between activities that affect multiple planning centers, you may need to run the Model Recalculation process to synchronize data and generate any new combination rows from the details.

The Model Recalculation process (BP_MDL_CALC) calculates and distributes data throughout the planning model. The system recalculates the data for multiple planning center versions and activities simultaneously. Recalculate the planning model at any time during the budgeting process. You can perform this process against the entire model, a specific scenario, or scenario activities. The model recalculation will unlock planning centers that are still locked when you run the process by selecting the Unlock check box option. If you do not select this check box, you may not be able to run the process if any locks are applied against the data to be recalculated.

Whether you submit a planning center or not, recalculation affects all versions by inserting new dimension combination rows into corresponding activities. The system creates these new rows that reflect the amounts budgeted in those activities. For example, when you distribute position budgeting expenses to other planning centers in the activity, the budget data does not get inserted into the other planning centers unless the amounts are in the master version. Data gets inserted into the master version when the budget is submitted; alternatively, you can copy a working version into the master if you are not ready to submit.

Note. You may also want to consider running this model recalculation process before distributing a budget to preparers to ensure that all dimension combinations are synchronized between line item activities, line item details from asset and position data, and other data relationships such as flexible formulas, particularly when you have not staged the scenario activities at the same time.

Use the Model Recalculation page to initiate the Model Recalculation process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Combination Data Validation Process

In Planning and Budgeting you can develop a controlled budget using Commitment Control definitions that you set up in the PeopleSoft Financial Management database. This enables you to validate budget data according to rules that you are also using in PeopleSoft General Ledger. When the rules are imported into the EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) database through ETL (extract, transform and load process), you can configure a controlled planning model to perform validation against these rules to ensure compliance before exporting budget data back to PeopleSoft General Ledger.

Combination Editing compares ChartField (dimension) combinations to the definitions and rules governing ChartField combinations that you define and import from your PeopleSoft Financial Management database. In Planning and Budgeting you can set up line-item budget activities to have combination editing performed against them to ensure that ChartField (dimension) combinations are valid. Combination editing can be enabled for standard, controlled, and project planning models. Before running data staging for your line item activities, verify that you have selected the Enforce Budget option if you want to have combinations validated during staging.

When you run the Combination Data Validation process (BP_KK_COMBO), the system uses combination edit rules to validate against line item activities that have the Enforce Budget flag enabled for the activity scenario on the Line Item Default tab in the planning model. If your planning model is a control budgeting type (as defined by the scenario group assigned to the model), the system uses the commitment control ruleset information. Any invalid combination found will be marked in error, and the end users will need to either modify or delete the row before their planning center can be submitted.

The combination edit and commitment control rules should exist in the EPM database, and would have been brought over from your source system through ETL maps. Because the Data Staging process initially performs this validation, the combination data validation process can be repeated when the rules have been updated from your source general ledger system after an activity scenario has been released to your end users. The process performs the validation against all versions and planning centers in the activity scenario for which you run the process.

Note. Validations are not performed against asset or position activity types. The validation is performed against the rows inserted into a line item activity from those detailed activities.

Note. If both commitment control and combination edit rules are imported into the EPM database, then a controlled planning model could potentially have both types of ChartField (dimension) validation performed against it. In this case, if ChartField validation processing is enabled, the system will always perform both commitment control and combination edit validation, and you cannot disable one or the other.

The following sections discuss:

Validation Setup

Validation setup comprises the following steps:

  1. Import combination edit rules, or commitment control rulesets, into the EPM database.

    Define a scenario group of budgeting type Controlled Budget Ledger when using the commitment control rulesets. (Select Planning and Budgeting, Define Parameters, Scenario Groups.)

    Combination edits are typically used in conjunction with a scenario group of budgeting type Standard Budget Ledger or Project Budget Ledger.

    See Combination Edit Records.

    See Commitment Control Records.

  2. Associate the defined scenario group with a planning model.

  3. Enable validation processing for line-item activity scenarios. To enable ChartField (dimension) validation for a specific line-item activity scenario, navigate to the Activity Scenario tab of the Planning Model component and select the Enforce Budget check box. You can select and clear this check box any time during the budgeting process to toggle validation processing.

    Note. Only line-item type activities can have ChartField (dimension) validation processing enabled.

Validation Processing

You can run validation either online or through a batch process.

The online ChartField (dimension) validation occurs when a user performs any of these tasks on a line-item activity scenario that has the Enforce Budget check box selected:

The batch validation occurs when any of the following actions occur on a line-item activity scenario that has the Enforce Budget check box selected:

Note. If the combination edit or commitment control rules are changed and reimported into the EPM database after a model is staged, then you must run this process to validate the existing line item entries against the new rules, and update the validation flag.

Validation Error Correction

When working on your budget, you need to correct any line item rows marked in error before you can submit your budget for approval. Entries found in error will appear with a red X icon at the beginning of the row. To correct errors, click the icon. This will take you to the Dimension Errors page where you can perform one of the following tasks:

In addition, if you determine that the validation rules themselves are in error, then you can correct them in the source system and re-import into the EPM database. When this is done, you should rerun the combination data validation process to update the line item entries based on the new rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Refresh Driver Parameters Process

When you run the Refresh Driver Parameters process (BP_DRPRRF), the system updates driver parameters in the line-item activity scenarios in a planning model. Drivers will not be refreshed for those that allow override, because users can change the values themselves. You will be able to update all driver parameters that are defined by the Planning Method Group when using the Initialize All check box.

Use this process to update driver parameters that are not enabled for method and driver parameter override.

Use the Refresh Driver Parameter page to initiate this process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Update Budget Amounts from Source Process

The Update Budget Amounts from Source process enables budget coordinators to update in-process budget data with ongoing changes in the production (source) system to keep budgets synchronized. The system will insert new rows or update existing rows in a line item activity when new budget accounts have been added in the source system. Only budget base amounts (BP_AMT_BASE) are updated; line item rows previously created during the budgeting process are retained.

The following requirements apply to this process:

Keep the following considerations in mind regarding the Update Budget Amounts from Source process:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Update the Scenarios and Activities in the Planning Model

Page Name

Definition Name



Update Staged Data


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Update Staged Data

Validate models and update dimension members, exchange rates, worklist entries, and comparison scenarios.

Copy ACE Model


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Copy ACE Model

Update the ACE rules in the line item activities and analysis reports.

Model Recalculation


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Recalculation

Recalculate and distribute data throughout the planning model.

Combination Data Validation


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Combination Data Validation

Perform validation against combination edits and commitment control rules when they have changed.

Combination Data Inquiry


Planning and Budgeting, Activity Preparation, Combination Data Inquiry

Click on the links to access Combination Edit tables and Control Budget Setup pages.

Refresh Driver Parameters


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Refresh Driver Parameters

Update driver parameters in the line-item activity scenarios that are not enabled for method and driver parameter override.

Update Budgets from Source


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Update Budgets from Source

Update budget amounts from source data.

Budget Update Results


Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Budget Update Results

Review the results of the Update Budgets from Source process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Staged Data

Access the Update Staged Data page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Update Staged Data).

Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and Activity

Select the appropriate values to define the model, scenario, and activities that you want to update.

Select the All Activities check box to process all activities for the selected scenario. Alternatively, process one activity at a time.

View Results

Click to access the Budget Update Results page, where you can review the line items that have been updated as a result of running the Update Budgets from Source process. This link appears only after the process has been run.

Scenario Manager

Click to access the Scenario Manager page and review and update the status of the activity scenario.

Staging Type

Displays the type of data being updated.

Validate Model

Select to validate the selected model.

See Understanding Model Validator Rules.

Update Dimension Members

Select to update the dimension values that are used in your scenario and activities.

Update Exchange Rates

Select to update the scenario with modified exchange rates for a multicurrency model.

Update Worklist Entries

Select to update the table used by the My Planning Workspace page that displays the available planning centers for a given model, scenario, and activity.

Update Comparison Scenario

Select to update a specific comparison scenario that contains revised historical data in which you want to update to a planning model, scenario, or activity.

Comparison Scenario

Select the comparison scenario that you want to update.

Note. The process does not automatically generate new dimension combination rows in the proposed plan or budget scenario activity in line items for any of the versions that you are working with. When new comparison scenario rows are inserted into historical data during this update process, and similar dimension combinations did not exist during the original stage process, the row may not be visible in line item activities or reporting. This does not mean that the row is not stored as history for the model, but rather it is visible when a correlating row exists for the line item activity that you are updating. Preparers can add a new row in their line item activity and the correlating new historical amounts will then become visible.

Viewing Results of the Update Budgets from Source Process

Click View Results on the Update Staged Data page (or, from the main menu, select Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Budget Update Results) to access the Budget Update Results page.

This report lists the total change in the Net Change to Line Item section, and the associated detail amounts in the grid below.

Purge History

Because this process can be run multiple times for a given model, the resulting table can grow in volume. Click Purge History to delete the budget update results for the model, scenario, and activity from previous runs.

If there are no changes to the line item amounts as a result of running the update process, no rows appear in the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Copy ACE Model

Access the Copy ACE Model page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Copy ACE Model).

Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and Activity

Select the appropriate values to define the model, scenario, and activities for which you want to run copy ACE model.

Select the All Activities check box to process all activities for the selected scenario. Alternatively, process one activity at a time.


Select to unlock all the open checkouts and keep all the activity scenario in On-Hold status while the system processes calculations.

If you do not select the check box, all the activity scenario should be set manually to an On-Hold status, and all locks must be released before the process can be run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecalculating the Scenarios and Activities in a Planning Model

Access the Model Recalculation page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Model Recalculation).

Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and Activity

Select the appropriate values to define the model, scenarios and activities, or both on which you want to perform model recalculation.

Select the All Scenarios check box to process all scenarios in the planning model.

Select the All Activities check box to process all activities for the selected scenario.

Manage Scenarios

Click to access the Scenario Manager page if you want to review locks or change the status against the activities and scenarios in the planning model.


Select to unlock all the open checkouts and keep all the activity scenario in On-Hold status while the system processes calculations.

If you do not select the check box, all the activity scenarios should be set manually to an On-Hold status, and all locks must be released before the process can be run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Combination Data Validation

Access the Combination Data Validation page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Combination Data Validation).

Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and Activity

Select the appropriate values to define the model, scenario, and line item activities against which you want to run combination edits, commitment control validation, or both.

Select the All Activities check box to process all line item activities for the selected scenario.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Driver Parameters

Access the Refresh Driver Parameters page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Refresh Driver Parameters).

Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and Activity

Select the values to define the model, scenario, and line item activities for which you want to refresh the method driver parameter values, as defined by the corresponding Planning Method Group defaults.

Initialize All

Select to refresh all line items with the current values of the drivers.

If you select this check box, you overwrite any manual changes that preparers have made to the drivers.

Deselect this check box to refresh only those line items where preparers are not allowed to change or override the parameters for the driver, as defined by the corresponding Assign Planning Method Default page.

For methods that use drivers, the coordinator can refresh the parameter by running the Refresh Parameter process. If the coordinator does not initialize the parameter, the driver parameter remains the same, but if the coordinator initializes the parameter, the driver parameter may be different the next time the budget is opened.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Budget Amounts from Source Data

Access the Update Budgets From Source page (Planning and Budgeting, Planning and Budgeting Setup, Process Model, Update Budgets from Source).

Business Unit, Planning Model ID, Scenario, and Activity

Select the values to define the model, scenario, and line item activities for which you want to update budget amounts.

View Results

Click to view the Budget Update Results page, where you can review the line items that have been updated.


Click to update the Planning Centers grid with a list of all of the valid planning centers associated with the specified model.

In the Planning Centers grid, check the selection flag for each planning center you want to update, and select the Budget Version from the list. Click Run to run the process.