Oracle's Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence for PeopleSoft 9.1 Preface

This chapter discusses:

Click to jump to parent topicOracle's Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence For PeopleSoft Products

This PeopleBook refers to these PeopleSoft EPM warehouses:

Click to jump to parent topicRelated Documentation

The Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence for PeopleSoft PeopleBook provides you with implementation information for the Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence for PeopleSoft product. Additional, essential information describing the setup and design of your system resides in companion documentation.

This table lists additional books that are cross-referenced in this PeopleBook:



Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide

This guide provides information on installing and configuring the infrastructure or platform components of Oracle Business Intelligence on approved operating system platforms and deployments. This release of the guide applies to infrastructure (platform) releases of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

Note. The Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installer installs the platform components, not the applications components. Refer to the Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence For PeopleSoft Supplemental Installation Instructions to install the Fusion Campus Solution Intelligence application.

Oracle Business Intelligence Server Administration Guide

This is an infrastructure guide that contains post-installation and configuration content that pertains to setting up the Oracle Business Intelligence Server (Oracle BI Server). The guide discusses how to plan, create, and administer the physical, business model and mapping, and presentation layers in the Oracle BI Repository. The guide primarily covers tasks that are performed in the Oracle BI Administration Tool utility.

Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Administration Guide

This guide provides post-installation configuration and administration procedures for Oracle BI Presentation Services, Oracle BI Answers, Oracle BI Delivers, Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards, and the Oracle BI Presentation Catalog and Catalog Manager. Additionally, the guide discusses Oracle BI Presentation Services security, logging, user interface, and integrations using HTTP.

Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide

This guide is for Oracle BI report and dashboard designers and end users of the Fusion Campus Solution Intelligence application.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Performance Management Installation Guide

Chapter 3 of this guide, "Installing Oracle Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence for PeopleSoft" discusses how to install the components that are required to run the Fusion Campus Solution Intelligence application.

PeopleSoft Campus Solutions Warehouse PeopleBook

This book provides information necessary to implement the Campus Solutions Warehouse.

PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management Warehouse PeopleBook

This book provides information necessary to implement the Customer Relationship Management Warehouse.

PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions Warehouse PeopleBook

This book provides information necessary to implement the Financial Management Solutions Warehouse.

PeopleSoft Human Capital Management Warehouse PeopleBook

This book provides information necessary to implement the Human Capital Management Warehouse.

PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management Warehouse PeopleBook

This book provides information necessary to implement the Supply Chain Management Warehouse.

Note. This PeopleBook documents only the delivered metadata, dashboards, reports, subject areas, and security setup for the Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence for PeopleSoft application. Before reading this PeopleBook, read the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition documentation for information on the underlying architecture of the Fusion Campus Solution Intelligence application.

Click to jump to parent topicPeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library

A companion PeopleBook called PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library contains general information, including:

You can find PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library in the online PeopleBooks Library for your PeopleTools release.

Click to jump to parent topicCommon Elements Used in This PeopleBook

Connection Pool

An object in the physical layer of the repository that contains information about the connection between the Oracle BI Server and the data source.


Represents the organization of logical columns (attributes) that belong to a single logical dimension table. Examples of dimensions are Admit Type, Academic Program, Academic Plan, and Institution. In dimensions, you can organize attributes into hierarchical levels. These levels represent your institution reporting requirements.


Represents numeric performance measurement information (measures or calculated data), such as applicant count or admission percent, that can be specified in terms of dimensions. For example, you may want to determine the total number of enrollees for a specific school and career, for a specific term.

Filters and Prompts

Filters are built into requests and are used to limit the results that appear on a dashboard. A report that appears on a dashboard shows only those results that match the filter criteria. Filters are applied on a column-level basis.

Certain filters inherit the values that users specify in dashboard prompts. A prompt is another kind of filter that can apply to all items in a dashboard. Some prompts, such as date or period, can be common to all dashboards. Other prompts, such as admit type, are unique to a specific dashboard. Prompts are synonymous with parameters.

See Oracle Business Intelligence Answers, Delivers, and Interactive Dashboards User Guide, "Filtering Requests in Oracle BI Answers."


In the Oracle BI Presentation Services user interface, folders provide the ability to organize an Oracle BI Web Catalog and its contents, such as reports.

Guided Navigation

A link to navigate to the transaction processing application, another dashboard, or a URL. This link can be set up to appear conditionally based on the results of a report or key performance indicator.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Strategic organizational factors that are used for reporting. KPIs are designed to monitor performance on strategic organizational factors such as enrollment or tuition amount.

Oracle Business Intelligence Answers (Oracle BI Answers)

A component within the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition technology that is used to create ad hoc queries into an organization's data. Oracle BI Answers provide a set of graphical tools to create and execute requests for information. Requests can be saved in the form of reports, and shared, modified, formatted, or embedded in a dashboard.

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

A comprehensive suite of enterprise business intelligence products that contain the programs, servers, and tools to support broad, self-service access across the organization. OBIEE is the foundation for the Fusion Campus Solutions Intelligence application.

Oracle Business Intelligence Delivers (Oracle BI Delivers)

A proactive intelligence solution that provides business activity monitoring and alerting for out-of-tolerance situations to target owners and subscribers.

Oracle Business Intelligence Interactive Dashboards (Oracle BI Interactive Dashboards)

Collections of content that are designed to meet the needs of particular user roles. A dashboard is the user interface that provides a knowledge worker with intuitive, interactive access to information that is actionable and dynamically personalized, based on the individual's role and identity.

Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Catalog (Oracle BI Presentation Catalog)

A collection of subject areas that are defined in the metadata repository layer.

Requests (Reports)

The building blocks of business intelligence dashboards. Requests are created by using Oracle BI Answers to retrieve and display an organization's data. Data can be displayed in a variety of graphical formats. Links can be established in the chart or table of a report to launch another report to offer guided analysis.