Appendix: Global Consolidations Sources

The GC_SOURCE field stores the consolidation ledger data source — the process from which it originates. The system uses this information when processing consolidations, processing ledger enrichment, running ledger preparation, and generating the consolidation audit trail. In some of the consolidation pages, this field's numeric value appears instead of its translate table description.

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This table lists each GC_SOURCE value and its description:

Source Value



Source ledger balance.

The data originates from the source staging ledger.


Spreadsheet / Manual Entry.

The data originates from a spreadsheet upload or manual entry.


Currency conversion adjustment.

The data originates from a currency conversion adjustment on source ledger balance data during ledger preparation processing.


Currency conversion adjustment - manual entry.

The data originates from a currency conversion adjustment on spreadsheet/manual entry ledger data during ledger preparation processing.


Manual journal entry.

The data originates from the Manual Journal Entry page.


Elimination entry.

The data originates during consolidation processing, when eliminating intercompany transactions.


Equitization entry.

The data originates from the equitization process. These are the equitization entries that the system records against the parent entity to update the investment in subsidiary and subsidiary offset accounts. Also includes entries to the offset balance accounts for financial-statement-based consolidation ledgers.


Eqtz – Elimination entry.

The data originates from the equitization process when eliminating the 5A equitization entries.


NCI for Current Earnings.

The data originates from the equitization process when processing non-controlling interest for current period earnings of subsidiaries.


Eqtz – Subsidiary Offset entry.

The data originates from the equitization process when the system creates offset entries for current earnings of subsidiaries to the specified target account.


Eqtz – Elimination of NCI.

The data originates from the equitization process. This is an optional step that occurs when the processing option for an equitization rule is set to Source Elimination, and eliminates NCI entries.


Eqtz – Elimination of Source.

The data originates from the equitization process when the processing option for an equitization rule is set to Source Elimination. This is an optional step that eliminates the equitization source.


Eqtz – Dividend Reclassification.

The data originates from the equitization process. This is an optional step that occurs when the processing option for an equitization rule is set to Dividend Reclassification.


NCI – Elim for Parent Investment.

The data originates from the non-controlling interest process when eliminating the parent investment account. These entries include the elimination of the parent investment, the elimination of the portion of the subsidiary equity corresponding to the parent ownership, and the out-of-balance entry, if defined in the rule.


NCI – Elim for Non-Controlling.

The data originates from the non-controlling interest process, when eliminating the non-controlling interest account. These entries are for the elimination of the remaining portion of the subsidiary equity (not corresponding to the parent ownership) with an offset to NCI liability. The system also uses this same source code to "unwind" the original 6B entries as other non-controlling owners are brought into the consolidation at higher levels of the consolidation tree.


Allocation entry.

The data originates from the allocation process.


Currency Translation Adjustment.

The data originates from the currency translation process.


Closing Entry.

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represent the balances that are closed into the target accounts by the close process.


RollForward Entry.

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represent the balances that are rolled forward into the target accounts by the close process.


Elimination Reversal- Closing.

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represent the reversal amounts booked to period 1 for elimination entity amounts closed during year-end close process. These entries are only created for the trial balance ledger format.


Elimination Reversal - RollForward.

The data originates from the closing process. These entries represents the reversal amounts booked to period 1 for elimination entity amounts rolled forward during year-end close process. These entries are only created for the trial balance ledger format.