Importing Internal Source Data to Data Warehouse Tables

This chapter provides an overview of internal source data and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Internal Source Data

Internal source data is the data from your organization's Human Resources Management System (HRMS) system, or other enterprise management systems, that you use to populate the Operational Warehouse - Enriched (OWE) tables. You first import the data from the HRMS system into the Operational Warehouse Staging (OWS) tables using the IBM WebSphere DataStage tool. This chapter assumes that you have done this already. Then you use the ETL process to load the data from the OWS into the data warehouse tables (OWE).

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Delivered ETL Jobs and Data Warehouse Tables

To review the delivered ETL jobs and data warehouse tables:

  1. Begin by evaluating your own internal source tables and planning your approach.

  2. Use PeopleTools Application Designer to review the OWS tables and data warehouse tables that are delivered with EPM. Determine how to structure your system to best fit the needs of your organization.

  3. Evaluate the ETL jobs that are delivered with the IBM WebSphere DataStage Project and determine whether they are properly configured to meet the needs of your organization.

  4. See My Oracle Support for a listing of table-loading sequences for mapping PeopleSoft application data to the OWS tables and data warehouse tables.

Warning! Any changes that you make to the delivered data warehouse tables have the potential to affect Application Engine processes and PeopleCode processing throughout the system. Evaluate and make these types of changes very carefully.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Trees

This section provides an overview of Workforce Analytics trees and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Workforce Analytics Trees

Trees define hierarchical relationships for dimensions in Enterprise Performance Management (EPM). Trees add a visual layer to dimensions, helping you see where detail items (such as departments or job codes) fit into your organization's structure. Insight analysis templates in the HCM Warehouse use these hierarchical relationships to facilitate drilldown and roll-up through dimension data. The system also uses these trees to control and organize processing rules.

Warning! PeopleTools does not require you to use levels when creating trees. However, in EPM, the use of levels is required whenever a tree is referenced by the Insight analysis templates for the HCM Warehouse. Workforce Analytics trees provide a hierarchical roll-up structure for the system dimensions. If you don't use levels within your trees, the analysis templates cannot access the data in the data warehouse tables. For each of the trees discussed in this section, you must specify the use of levels on the Tree Definition Properties page, and you must define each level. The maximum number of tree levels that you can define for trees used with Insights is 16.

The following table defines some of the terms used in a subsequent table to summarize the main trees in Workforce Analytics.

Tree Category

This is the first level that you see when you open PeopleTools Tree Manager to view the sample trees. The following two categories are especially important for Workforce Analytics:

  • SHARE: This category indicates that the tree is used across the entire Enterprise Performance Management product line. This category contains sample trees only, having a setID of SHARE.

  • WA: This category indicates that the tree is used primarily within the workforce analytic applications. This category contains sample trees that must be used as templates for Workforce Analytics to function properly. These trees have a setID of MODEL or SHARE. The ones with setID SHARE are sample trees. The ones with setID MODEL are templates that your tree must look like.

Tree Structure ID

This identification code corresponds to one of the main dimensions in the system. When you set up your trees in your system database, the following tree structure IDs must be used for Workforce Analytics to function properly: JOB_WA01, CMP_WA02, GEO_WA03, IND_WA04, FIN_WA05, UNT_WA06, and ORG_WA07, POS_WA08.

Tree Name

This is the name for an individual tree. You must create your own trees, and you can give them any names you choose.


This identifies the tree that is delivered as sample data in your demo database (setID = SHARE or MODEL). Trees with a setID of SHARE are for your use as an example.The one tree with a setID of MODEL is for you to use as a template for creating your tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Trees Used in Workforce Analytics

The following table lists the trees that you may need to set up for the various workforce analytic applications. The last column uses these abbreviations:


Workforce Scorecard




Workforce Rewards


Workforce Planning


Tree Structure ID/ Tree Name/ Dimension Name

Use Sample with SetID of

Tree Category (SHARE or WA)

Workforce Analytics Application





CMP_WA02 / COMPCODE / Compensation Code







PWDP (optional)

DEPT ID / DEPARTMENT / (Financials-Related) Department




FIN_WA05 / FINCODE / Financial Size




GE0_WA03 / GEOGRAPHY / Geography




PWDP (optional)

ORG_WA07 / ORG/DEPT_SECURITY / Organization (or Department)




PWDP (optional)

IND_WA04 / INDUSTRY / Industry Type




JOB_WA01 / JOBCODE / Job Code




POS_WA08 / POSITION / Position




UNT_WA06 / UNITCODE / Unit Size




Note. Before you begin building your trees, you can load the dimension data needed to build the trees. You can load the remainder of the dimension data later. Before you load any dimension data into your system, Oracle strongly recommends that you read the remainder of this chapter and the chapter in this book entitled "Importing External Survey Data into Data Warehouse Tables."

Note. If your implementation includes HCM MDW, depending on the reporting tool that you choose, you may need to flatten the PeopleSoft dimension trees before processing them. Consult your system's implementation team.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Account Tree

This tree provides structure for the WFA account (Workforce Analytics account) dimension for general ledger roll-up and drilldown.

It is a standard tree, meaning that it has leaves, or details. You can expand the number of levels of nodes and add nodes, and you can change and add details as needed to suit the revenue and expense account structure for your organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Compensation Code Tree

This tree provides structure for the compensation code dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of CMP_WA02. All earnings codes, deduction codes, benefits plan types, and pay item name codes from your source data must map to a compensation code if you plan to include them in your analysis.

It is a winter tree, meaning that it has nodes, but no details. The Model version of the tree has the minimum number of levels and the necessary nodes required for the system to aggregate your compensation data properly. The delivered nodes must be used for data to be correctly interpreted by the system.

You can add lower levels of nodes and add nodes to the existing levels as needed to suit the needs of your organization. To add nodes, you use the Compensation Code page (COMPCODE_D00).

On the COMPCODE tree, all regular base pay plans should point to or roll up into the tree node 600 Regular Base Compensation. Overtime earnings codes should point to or roll up into the 610 Premium Base Compensation tree node. Similarly, all health benefit plans should point to or roll up into the 550 Medical tree node, under the 450 Health & Welfare Benefits tree node.

Later in the setup process, you use the compensation mapping pages to map your earnings codes and deduction codes to these compensation codes.

See Also

Mapping Compensation Codes and Plan Values

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Competency Tree

This tree provides structure for the competency dimension, that is, you can use it to provide a hierarchical structure for competency groupings. The competency tree is used in Workforce Planning, although its use is optional. If you choose to use a competency tree, then you must use tree structure WA_COMPETENCY. Use the sample tree that Oracle delivers (tree structure WA_COMPETENCY, tree name WP_COMPETENCY) as an example. The nodes are competencies and no details are available. Note that this is not exactly the same as the HRMS competency tree, which has nodes that are competency types and details that are competencies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Financials-Related Department Tree

This tree provides structure for the financials-related department dimension. The system uses this tree to roll up account data through the accounting relationship for your departments.

It is a standard tree, meaning that it has leaves, or details. You can expand the number of levels of nodes and add nodes, and change and add details as needed to suit the financial roll-up structure of the departments in your company.

The details, or leaves, for the DEPARTMENT tree come from the DEPARTMENT_TBL.DEPTID field. Either you import, using ETL, the department IDs that populate the DEPARTMENT_TBL table, or you add or change departments using the Department Table page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the FINCODE Tree

This tree provides a hierarchical structure for the financial size dimension. This tree is used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with importing external survey data. You use financial codes to define the relative financial size of an organization, categorize data from external survey sources, and validate comparison to data for your organization. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of FIN_WA05.

It is a winter tree, meaning that it has no leaves, or details. You can change the labels and range values for the nodes to financial categories appropriate for your industry. Use the WA_FINCODE_D00 page to create the nodes for the tree.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Geography Tree

This tree provides structure for the geography dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of GE0_WA03. All locations (from the location table) for your internal source data must map to, and roll up to, a geography ID (identification) code.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no leaves, or details.

Review all of your locations in your internal source data, and determine the GEOGRAPHY tree nodes (geography ID codes) that you want them to map to. Then use the Geography page to create the Geography ID codes used for the nodes of the tree.

After you've created a GEOGRAPHY tree, map all of your location codes to nodes on this tree. You can import your locations into the LOCATION_D00 table, or add or change locations using the Locations page. Later in the setup process, you use the WA_LOCATION_MAP page to map your locations to these geography ID codes.

See Also

Mapping Locations to Geography ID Codes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Organization (Department) Tree

This tree provides structure for the organizationally related department dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of ORG_WA07. In this structure, your departments are tied to their organizational reporting hierarchy. The system uses this tree to roll up departmental-level data, such as compensation data for employees within departments. A secondary purpose of this tree is to provide a reference for setting up row-level employee security.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no details, or leaves. It uses the departments from the department table (DEPARTMENT_TBL) for its nodes.

Note. If your implementation includes row-level security at the employee level, based on JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00, then first load the JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00 tables before setting up security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the INDUSTRY Tree

This tree provides structure to the industry type dimension. Industry codes are used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with importing external survey data. You use industry codes to define the industry that an organization is in, categorize data from external survey sources, and validate comparison to data for your organization.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no leaves, or details. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of IND_WA04. Use the WA_INDUSTRY_D00 page to create the nodes for the tree, called industry ID codes. You can change the labels and range values for the nodes to industries that are more appropriate for your organization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the JOBCODE Tree

This tree provides structure for the job code dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of JOB_WA01. The JOBCODE tree must have at least two levels. The highest level is for all job codes. The next level down is for logical groupings of job codes into tree nodes called job code sets. The leaves of the job code set nodes are the individual job codes.

This is a standard tree, meaning it has details, or leaves.

You use the Job Code Set page to create the nodes for the tree. A job code set is a group of related job codes, or any node on the JOBCODE tree. Most nodes are only labels to define relationships. The real meaning is in the details of the tree, which are the job codes grouped together under that node. You either import your job codes to the JOBCODE_D00 table using ETL, or view and edit job codes using the Job Code page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Position Tree

This tree provides structure for the position dimension. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of POS_WA08. You import position data into the POSITION_D00 table. You can use the POSITION_D00 page to access these positions and use them for the nodes for the tree.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no details, or leaves. It uses the positions from the position table (POSITION_D00) for its nodes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up the UNITCODE Tree

This tree provides structure for the unit size dimension. Unit codes are used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with importing external survey data. You use unit codes to define the relative size of an organization (using a criteria other than a financial one), categorize data from external survey sources, and validate comparison to data for your organization.

It is a winter tree, meaning it has no leaves, or details. When you create your tree, you must use a tree structure ID of UNT_WA06. You use the WA_UNITCODE_D00 page to create the nodes for the tree, called unit codes. You can change the labels and range values for the nodes to a unit of measure that is more appropriate for your industry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Which Trees the System Uses

After you have set up trees for Workforce Analytics, use the Workforce Analytics, Workforce Setup, Setup Workforce Trees page to define which versions of the trees the system uses. The page is discussed in detail in the chapter titled "Importing External Survey Data to Data Warehouse Tables."

See Also

Setting Up Trees

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Personnel Actions for JOB_F00

To map personnel actions for JOB_F00, use the WA_ACTN_RSN_DFN.GBL component.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Map Personnel Actions for JOB_F00

Page Name

Definition Name



Action Type


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Action Type.

Define personnel action types, and map them to personnel action types from benchmark metrics surveys. The primary purpose of the action type definition is to facilitate roll-up and drilldown for this attribute in the HCM Warehouse Insight analysis templates.

Action Reason Map


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Action Reason Map.

Map action and reason combinations from your HRMS system to the Voluntary Term (voluntary termination) field in EPM. You can also map the action and reason combinations to benchmark survey action type codes on using this page. The two primary purposes of these attributes are to facilitate high-level action counts and turnover metrics in the HCM Warehouse Insight analysis templates.

Action Reason Map report


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, Action Reason Map Report.

Generate the Action Reason Voluntary Flag Crystal Report (WAC0002). Use the report output to review your personnel action mappings.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Source Table Action and Reason Codes

Review your HRMS source table (PS_ACTN_REASON_TBL) and identify all the valid combinations of action code and reason code that you want to use in EPM. Then determine whether they should map to one of the workforce termination values: Voluntary, Involuntary, or Not a Termination.

Also review your HRMS source table action codes and determine which action types to group them into. For example, your human resources organization may already have standard action types, or you may want to use the same action types used by your company's third-party provider of benchmark metric data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Action Types

Access the Action Type page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Action Type).

Note. No ETL job is delivered for the WA_ACTION_TYPE table. You define action types online prior to running ETL.

Warning! The action type values of HIR (Hire), OTH (Other), PRO (Promotion), SEP (Separation), and XFR (Transfer) are hard-coded in the data mart processing logic.

Action Type

The personnel action type code that you entered to access this page is displayed at the top of the page. After you've created these codes, you can use them on the Action Reason Map page.

Benchmark Action Type

Select a benchmark action type from the list of valid values. You map your action type to a standardized personnel action type that is used in many benchmark metrics surveys. Valid values are Hire, Other, Promotion, Separation, and Transfer. Other includes all other action types that are not hires, separations, transfers, or promotions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Action and Reason Combinations

Access the Action Reason Map setup page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Action Reason Map).

Note. No ETL job is delivered for the WA_ACTN_RSN_DFN table. You map action and reason combinations online prior to loading the OWE table.

Action Code

To open the page, you select an action code, which is a translate table value. The valid values are based on the translate table values for the action code field in HRMS.

Reason Code

Enter a reason code, if one exists. Enter only what you consider valid combinations of action and reason from HRMS. For example, your organization may not want to use a combination in which the action is Separation, and the reason is Null.

Voluntary Term (voluntary termination)

In workforce analytic applications, some of the turnover metrics in the data marts require the ability to define whether an action and reason combination results in a termination, and whether the termination is voluntary or involuntary. Enter the voluntary termination code to which you want to map this action and reason combination. Valid values are from the translate table, and include Involuntary, Voluntary and Not a Termination.

Action Type

Enter the action type to which you want to map this action and reason code combination. Prompt values are from the WA_ACTION_TYPE table, which you created using the Action Types setup page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Your Personnel Action Mappings

Access the Termination Reason Map report page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, Action Reason Map Report).

At any point after you have completed the Action Type and Action Reason Map setup pages, or after you have imported your source personnel action data, you can generate the Action Reason Voluntary Flag report (WAC0002) to review your personnel action mappings.

See Also

Workforce Analytics Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Your Personnel Action Data

After you've completed the two mapping pages, use ETL to import your personnel action data into the data warehouse tables. For each incoming row of employee data, the process validates the reason code against the WA_ACTN_RSN_DFN table. If a mapping exists, then the system places the appropriate value (voluntary, involuntary, or not a termination), along with the row of data, into the Job Data (JOB_F00) table. If no reason code mapping is on the WA_ACTN_RSN_DFN table, then the data goes to the error table.

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Locations to Geography ID Codes

To map locations to geography ID codes, use the WA_LOCN_MAP_DFN.GBL component.

EPM uses a hierarchical structure for the geography dimension based on geography ID codes and the geography tree. Locations roll up into geography ID codes for geographical regions.

This section discusses how to:

Warning! For best results, locations should be mapped to unique geographies. If you have employees who may work simultaneously in two different jobs within the same department but in different locations, then you must uniquely map locations to geographies to ensure that the Workforce Data Mart logic works correctly. Note that the geography dimension of the Workforce Data Mart is tree-based, so if you want to aggregate employee data from multiple locations, you can view the Workforce Data Mart at a higher, more aggregated level of the Geography dimension (that is, at a higher node in the Geography tree).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Pages Used to Map Locations to Geography ID Codes

Page Name

Definition Name



Geography ID Map


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Setup Geography ID Map

Map location codes to Geography IDs. These mappings are stored in the WA_LOCN_MAP_DFN table.

Geography ID Map report


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Geography ID Map Report

Generate the Geography ID/Location Mapping Crystal report (WAC0006).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Loading Source Table Location Codes

Review your HRMS location table. In Workforce Analytics, each location must roll up to a geographical region on the geography tree. For each of your locations, determine the type of geographical regions to which you want to map them.

For the first time setup, either load your HRMS locations to the LOCATION_D00 table without mapping, or manually enter the locations using the LOCATION_D00 page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Geography IDs and Creating a Geography Tree

Create a GEOGRAPHY tree in which the nodes of the tree are geography IDs. Enter the nodes of the GEOGRAPHY tree using the Geography page. The values are stored in the GEOGRAPHY_D00 table.

See Also

Setting Up the Geography Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Locations to Geography IDs

Access the Geography ID Map setup page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Setup Geography ID Map).

Location Code

The City, County, State, Postal Code, and Country for this Location Code fields are supplied from the LOCATION_D00 table. Locations in different countries may display different address fields depending on the formatting that you previously defined in the Country Table, Address Format page.

Geography ID

Because Geography ID is not a part of the HRMS location table (PS_LOCATION_TBL), you must map each location to a geography ID. Select the geography ID code to which you want to map this location code. You are prompted with valid values from the GEOGRAPHY_VW table, and represent nodes on the GEOGRAPHY tree. You create geography IDs using the Geography page. Your mappings are stored in the WA_LOCN_MAP_DFN table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Your Location and Geography ID Mappings

Access the Geography ID Map report page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Geography ID Map Report).

After you have completed the Geography ID Map setup page, or after you have loaded your source location data into the data warehouse tables, you can generate the Geography ID/Location Mapping Crystal report (WAC0006) to review your mappings.

When you use ETL to load location codes, the system checks the WA_LOCN_MAP_DFN table for mapping to a geography ID. Locations and corresponding geography IDs are then stored in the LOCATION_D00 table.

See Also

Workforce Analytics Reports

Click to jump to parent topicMapping Compensation Codes and Plan Values

To map compensation codes and plan values, use the WA_COMP_ERN_MAP.GBL, WA_COMP_PIN_MAP.GBL, WA_COMP_DED_MAP.GBL, and WA_BEN_VALU_TBL.GBL components.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Map Compensation Codes and Plan Values

Page Name

Definition Name



Compensation Deduction Map


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Compensation Deduction Map

Map deduction codes and benefits plans from the HRMS system to compensation codes in EPM. Mappings are stored in the WA_COMP_DED_MAP table.

Compensation Earnings Map


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Compensation Earnings Map

Map earnings codes from the HRMS system to compensation codes in EPM. Mappings are stored in the WA_COMP_EARN_MAP table.

Compensation GP Pin Map


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Compensation GP Pin Map

Map PIN (pay item name) codes from PeopleSoft Global Payroll to compensation codes in the EPM. Mappings are stored in the WA_COMP_PIN_MAP table.

Benefits Valuation Map


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Benefits, Benefits Valuation Map

Assign a monetary amount to a benefit to distinguish whether the amount is an employee cost, employee value, or employer's cost. The benefits amounts and values that you enter using this page are stored on the WA_BEN_VALUE_TBL table. Use this page for compensation codes that you have already set up in the COMPCODE tree and mapped in the Comp Deduction Code Map (HR) page.

Benefits Valuation Map


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Benefits, Benefits Valuation Map report page

Generate the Benefit Value Table Crystal report (WAC0003).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Source Table Earnings, Deductions, and Benefits

To load compensation data, the system uses the following HRMS source tables:

Compensation Type

HRMS Source Tables







Pay Item Names


Generate a list of the HRMS deduction and earnings codes, benefits plans and plan types, and pay item names (PINs). Use this list to determine which ones to import into EPM. Each earnings code, deduction code, benefit plan, and PIN code that you want to import into EPM must map to one compensation code in the target system. Multiple codes and plan types can map to the same compensation code, or each one can have a separate compensation code.

Also determine whether any of these deductions, earnings, or benefit plan types normally don't have cost or value data stored in the HRMS system. Most commonly, this occurs for benefit plan-related information. For those items in need of a cost or value, first determine the cost or value, and then also determine whether it applies to the employee, the employer, or both. For example, assume that your company allows employees to enroll in a dental plan, and neither the employee nor the employer costs or values of the dental plan are tracked through payroll. In this situation, you may want to set up data in EPM to track the dental plan costs and to whom these costs apply.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Compensation Codes and Creating a COMPCODE Tree

When you have a plan for mapping your compensation codes from the HRMS source tables to EPM, you create your compensation codes on the Compensation Code page and create the COMPCODE tree.

See Also

Setting Up the Compensation Code Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Source Table Dependencies

On the compensation and benefits mapping pages, certain fields are supplied from OWS tables. You populate the OWS tables by ETL prior to beginning work on setting up Workforce Analytics. The following table summarizes the prompts for fields on the compensation and benefits mapping pages:

Compensation or Benefit Mapping Page

OWS Prompt Tables

Compensation Deduction Map

Prompt values for deductions come from WA_PLAN_DED_VW and WA_PLAN_TYP_VW. These views in turn look at DEDUCTION_TBL and BENEF_PLAN_TBL.

Compensation Earnings Map

Prompt values for earnings come from EARNINGS_TBL.

Compensation GP Pin Map

Prompt values for pay item names come from the GP_PIN_TYPE table and WA_PLAN_PIN_VW table. These views in turn look to the GP_PIN table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Mapping Deductions and Benefit Plans to Compensation Codes

Access the Compensation Deduction Map page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Compensation Deduction Map).

Plan Type

When you access the page, you are prompted to specify a plan type. Valid values are from the translate table. If this mapping is for a general deduction, select General Deduction.

Mapping Benefit Plan Types

To map a benefit, select from available plan types, other than General Deduction, that are summarized in the following table:

Plan Type


Plan Type



401(k) Retirement Account


Public Employees Retirement System


Accidental Death or Dismemberment Insurance


Personal Leave

Benefits Program

Benefits Program

Profit Sharing

Profit Sharing

Capital Accumulation

Capital Accumulation

Retirement Counseling Canada

Canadian Retirement Counseling

Company Car

Company Car

Short-term Disability

Short-term Disability Insurance


Dental Insurance


Sick Leave

Dependent AD/D

Dependent Accidental Death or Dismemberment Insurance

Standard Pension

Standard Pension (Canada)

Dependent Care

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account

Supplemental AD/D

Supplemental Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

Dependent Life

Dependent Life Insurance

Supplemental Life

Supplemental Life Insurance

Employee Stock Purchase Plan

Employee Stock Purchase Program

Supplemental Pension

Supplemental Pension (Canada)

Family and Medical Leave Act

Family Medical Leave Act

Survivors Income

Survivors Income

General Deduction

General Deductions


U.S. federal government employee Thrift Savings Plan

Health Care Can

Canadian Health Care

USDB Pension Plan 1

U.S. Defined Benefit Pension Plan 1

Health Care

Health Care Flexible Spending Account

USDB Pension Plan 2

U.S. Defined Benefit Pension Plan 2


Individual Retirement Account

USDB Pension Plan 3

U.S. Defined Benefit Pension Plan 3

Life and AD/D

Life Insurance - Accidental Death or Dismemberment Insurance

USDB Pension Plan 4

U.S. Defined Benefit Pension Plan 4


Life Insurance

USDB Pension Plan 5

U.S. Defined Benefit Pension Plan 5

Long-term Disability

Long-term Disability Insurance

USDB Pension Plan 6

U.S. Defined Benefit Pension Plan 6

Major Medical

Major Medical

U.S. Savings Bonds

U.S. Savings Bonds




Vacation Leave

NQ Dental

Non-Qualified Dental Insurance

Vacation Buy

Vacation Leave Buy

NQ Vision

Non-Qualified Vision Insurance

Vacation Sell

Vacation Leave Sell

Nonelective Contrib

Non-elective contributions to a retirement savings or pension plan.


Vision and Hearing Insurance

FEGLI Living Ben

Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Living Benefit

Option A Standard

Option A - Standard Option in the FEGLI program


Type of U.S. retirement savings program.

Retirement TSP 1 %

U.S. government retirement plan called Thrifts Savings Plan, for which agency contribution is one percent.

Employer Only

Retirement savings program contributions, which are employers only.



WA Compensation Code

Benefit Plan

The Benefit Plancolumn includes those deductions with a plan type other than 00 in the HRMS system, such as Medical. Prompt values are from the WA_PLAN_TYP_VW table. Ten HRMS source tables contain data that is used to track benefits enrollment and migration status.

Note. If both vacation buy and sell values are to be analyzed, you must define them separately.

Deduction Code

The Deduction Code column includes those deductions with a plan type of 00 in the HRMS system, such as Parking Reimbursements and Charitable Contributions. Prompt values are from the %EDITTABLE table.

Coverage Code

A coverage code appears when you open the page for a plan type of 10 (Health Benefit, such as Medical). Examples of coverage codes are Employee Only, Employee & Spouse, Employee & Dependents, and Family. Prompt values are from the WA_COVG_CD_R00 table. Tracking coverage codes in EPM serves two purposes:

  • You can track health benefit enrollment migration at a lower level than the plan type. For example, instead of using only one compensation code for all coverage levels of medical insurance, you could have several lower-level compensation codes for different coverage levels of medical insurance, all of which roll up to a single parent compensation code for the generic category called medical insurance.

  • You can store health benefits-related compensation data in the WA_COMP_HST_F00 table, using the mappings in the WA_BEN_VALU_TBL table, more accurately. This is possible because you are allowing for different coverage costs for the different coverage levels, rather than accepting just one default cost value for all coverage levels.

    Note. Any new compensation codes that you create to accommodate multiple coverage codes per a single plan type must be added to the COMPCODE_D00 table and to the COMPCODE tree.

Compensation Code

Compensation Code is a required field in the sense that all of the benefit plans and deductions that you want to include in your data warehouse tables must be mapped to a compensation code, which must correspond to a code on the Compensation tree. Prompt values are from the WA_COMP_ACCT_VW table. You need only bring data into the data warehouse tables that supports your planned analyses. Any deduction code or benefits plan type that is not mapped using this page should not be brought into the data warehouse tables. Mappings entered in this page are stored in the WA_COMP_DED_MAP table.

Amount Type

Select an amount type from the list of translate table values. Valid values are Employee Expense, Employee Val (Employee Value), and Employer Exp (Employer Expense). This indicates whether the monetary value of the deduction or benefit is an expense or value to the employee or the employer. This is only the default value for the compensation code and is overridden if the deduction class on the pay deduction row from HRMS indicates that it is either an employer expense or employee expense. It is also overridden if a row is set up on the Workforce Analytics WA_BEN_VALUE_TBL table for this compensation code. The system uses the amount type to determine employee and employer compensation costs, especially in Workforce Rewards.

See Also

Mapping Compensation Codes and Plan Values

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Earnings to Compensation Codes

Access the Compensation Earnings Map page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Compensation Earnings Map).

Earnings Code

When you access the page, you are prompted to specify an earnings code. Earnings are those values from the ERNCD field on the PS_EARNINGS and PS_PAY_OTHER_EARNS tables from HRMS.

WA Compensation Code

Compensation Code

Compensation Code is a required field in the sense that all earnings you want to include in your data warehouse tables must be mapped to a compensation code, which must correspond to a code on the Compensation tree. Prompt values are from the WA_COMP_ACCT_VW table. You need only bring data into the data warehouse tables that supports your planned analyses. Any earnings code that is not mapped using this page is not brought into the data warehouse tables. Mappings entered in this page are stored in the WA_COMP_ERN_MAP table.

Amount Type

Select an amount type from the list of translate table values. Valid values are Employee Expense, Employee Val (Employee Value), and Employer Exp (Employer Expense). This indicates whether the monetary value of the earnings is an expense or value to either the employee or the employer. The system uses the amount type to determine employee and employer compensation costs, especially in Workforce Rewards.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMapping Pay Item Names to Compensation Codes

Access the Compensation GP Pin Map page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Compensation GP Pin Map).

Pay Element Types

Element Type

When you access the page, you are prompted to specify a pay element type. Pay Elements are from the PeopleSoft Global Payroll system GP_PIN table. This is the main record in that application for setting up elements such as earnings, deduction, absence taken, and so forth.


PIN Number

Enter a PIN number (pay item name code or number). The system displays the related pay item name. This field corresponds to the PeopleSoft Global Payroll field PIN_NUM for pay items within pay element types. For example, pay elements such as earnings might include pay items such as salary plans, sick plans, and so forth.

Compensation Code

Compensation Code is a required field in the sense that all PIN codes that you want to include in your data warehouse tables must be mapped to a compensation code, which must correspond to a code on the Compensation tree. Prompt values are from the WA_COMP_ACCT_VW table. You need only bring data into the data warehouse tables that supports your planned analyses. Any PIN code that is not mapped using this page is not brought into the data warehouse tables. Mappings entered in this page are stored in the WA_COMP_PIN_MAP table.

Amount Type

Select an amount type from the list of translate table values. Valid values are Employee Expense, Employee Val (Employee Value), and Employer Exp (Employer Expense). This indicates whether the monetary value of the earnings is an expense or value to either the employee or the employer. The system uses the amount type to determine employee and employer compensation costs, especially in Workforce Rewards.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Benefit Plan Values

Access the Benefits Valuation Map page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Benefits, Benefits Valuation Map).

Warning! Whenever you enter data in this page, ensure that you aren't creating redundant data. Use this page only to provide a valuation of benefits plans that don't otherwise have an amount and value associated with them in HRMS. That is, use it for a given compensation code when that information is not available through payroll data, or when your source data does not provide the amounts and values that your company wants to track. Do not use this table for expenses, or for duplicating information that is available from payroll data.

Amount Type

Select an amount type from the list of translate table values. Valid values are Employee Expense, Employee Val (Employee Value), and Employer Exp (Employer Expense).

Currency Code

Use the prompt list values in the Currency Code field to indicate the currency for the benefit value amount. Prompt values are from the currency code table (CURRENCY_CD_TBL).

Annual Rate and Percent of Salary

Enter an amount for the benefit value, either as the annual rate or the annual percent of salary.

These mappings are stored in the WA_BEN_VALU_TBL table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Benefits Valuation Maps

Access the Benefits Valuation Map report page (EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Benefits, Benefits Valuation Map report page).

To review the benefits valuation maps that you entered in the system, generate the Benefit Value Table report (WAC0003).

See Also

Workforce Analytics Reports

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Compensation Data

Use the ETL process to load compensation data from the OWS staging tables to the data warehouse tables. Here is a summary of what happens when you load compensation data:

Compensation Type

Mapping Tables Referenced

Target Data Warehouse Tables


WA_COMP_DED_MAP. Any deductions not mapped are not loaded.

WA_COMP_HST_F00 with rows of employee-level compensation cost and value data.


WA_COMP_DED_MAP and WA_BEN_VALU_TBL tables. Any benefit plans not mapped are not loaded.

WA_COMP_HST_F00 with rows of employee-level compensation cost and value data, as annualized costs.

WA_BEN_HST_F00 with benefits enrollment data.

Note. If, while loading WA_COMP_HST_F00, the system finds an enrollment row for an employee on one of the enrollment tables (Health Benefit, Life Add Benefit, Disability Benefit, FSA, Savings, and so on), then the system looks to the WA_BEN_VALU_TBL table for a corresponding compensation code. If a row exists for mapping that benefit to a compensation code on the WA_BEN_VALU_TBL table, then the mapped values associated with that benefit are inserted for that employee on WA_COMP_HST_F00, with a compensation source of B.


WA_COMP_ERN_MAP. Any earnings not mapped are not loaded.

WA_COMP_HST_F00 with rows of employee-level compensation cost and value data.

Pay Item Names

WA_COMP_PIN_MAP. Any pay items not mapped are not loaded.

WA_COMP_HST_F00 with rows of employee-level compensation cost and value data.

Click to jump to parent topicLoading OWE Tables

This section provides an overview of the data warehouse tables of primary concern to workforce analytic applications and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding OWE Tables

You use the ETL process to load internal source data from the OWS staging tables into your OWE tables. The following table provides a brief overview of the OWE tables loaded by the ETL process that are of primary concern to workforce analytic applications. Important points about some of the fact (*_F00) tables are presented both in this table and in this section following the table. Important points about some of the dimension (*_D00) and reference (*_R00) tables are discussed in the next section after that.

This table is not a comprehensive list of all of the data warehouse tables in the OWE.

See My Oracle Support for the most complete, up-to-date documentation of the data warehouse tables. Where a discrepancy exists, the report delivered on My Oracle Support takes precedence.

See My Oracle Support for suggested table loading sequences.

After you've completed the ETL process, you must run the Currency Conversion job if, and only if, the data that you imported with ETL contains currency amounts, which require standardization into a base currency equivalent. Currency Conversion must be run as a standalone job within a jobstream.

OWE Table Name

Source Tables

Usage within Workforce Analytics



Workforce Planning



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Planning



Workforce Planning



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards

Workforce Planning



Workforce Rewards




Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards

Workforce Planning





Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards

Workforce Planning



Workforce Rewards

Workforce Planning



Workforce Planning





Workforce Planning



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Planning



Workforce Planning




Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Planning



















Workforce Rewards






Workforce Planning



Workforce Rewards



Workforce Rewards

Workforce Planning



Workforce Planning




Workforce Planning



Workforce Rewards

Workforce Planning



Workforce Planning



Workforce Planning

Note. Only some, not all, of the fields in the HRMS tables are used in the data warehouse tables. If an apparent discrepancy exists between the information on the previous chart and on My Oracle Support, the information in My Oracle Support takes precedence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Competency Data

The WA_CMPTN_EE_F00 table records employee-level competency data, and it is used in HCM Warehouse and Workforce Scorecard. In this table, the competency source field (WA_CMSOURCE) identifies the source of the competency data for an employee. The field is populated during data loading. The sources are the HRMS modules that use competencies: Plan Careers, Manage Competencies, and Performance Management. Valid values are Career Strength, Career Weakness, Competencies, NVQ Units Progression, and Performance Management.

The WA_CMPTNCY_F00 table records competency ratings for each employee, applicant, or contractor evaluation, and it is used in Workforce Planning. The sources are the HRMS modules: Manage Competencies and Performance Management (employee appraisals). Only the official, approved rating from the employee review is selected.

This list shows the main competency-related dimension tables and fact data warehouse tables used by Workforce Planning:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Staffing Data

During data loading, the system imports data for the Staffing table (STAFFING_F00) from two HRMS tables. When the data comes from the JOB_REQUISITION table, the value for the EPM field REQ_NEW_POS is copied over directly as Y (yes) or N (no). When the data is imported from the POSITION_DATA table, the EPM field REQ_NEW_POS value is derived using the following mapping logic:

If the HRMS table POSITION_DATA.ACTION_REASON field value is NEW, then the value for the EPM field REQ_NEW_POS is set to Y. Otherwise, the value for REQ_NEW_POS is set to N.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Job Data

Before you use ETL to load the OWE table JOB_F00, you must have completed setup of online pages for the following tables:

During data loading, the system creates an additional row in JOB_F00 for employees who have a more recent row in JOB_F00 with another business unit to indicate that the employee is no longer active for the first business unit. For example, assume that the system imports two rows of data for an employee with the following business units, effective dates, and effective statuses:

CORP1, 1/1999, Active CORP2, 2/2000, Active

Then the system will insert a third row of data into JOB_F00 to indicate that the employee is no longer active for the first business unit:

CORP1, 2/2000, Inactive

Setting the WA_VOLUNTARY_FLAG Field

The ACTION, ACTION_REASON, and WA_VOLUNTARY_FLAG fields are in the JOB_F00 table. WA_VOLUNTARY_FLAG is a Workforce Analytics field that you map online prior to data loading. The mapping identifies whether each action and reason combination imported from HRMS results in a voluntary action, involuntary action, or no action.

Importing Effective-Sequenced Job Actions

During data loading, the system imports the maximum effective sequence row for each effective date from the HRMS Job Data table and places that row in JOB_F00. In contrast, the system loads all effective-sequenced rows from the HRMS Job Data table into JOB_INTRADY_F00.

Importing Review Rating Data to JOB_F00

Normally during data loading, the system populates the EPM review rating field (JOB_F00.REVIEW_RATING) with HRMS data. When data is imported into the JOB_F00 table from the HRMS Job Data table, the loading process verifies that only valid values are supplied for REVIEW_RATING by comparing them with values in the lookup table WA_REVWRTG_R00. If a corresponding value isn't on the WA_REVWRTG_R00 table, then some rows of data that you might expect to see for that employee may not be imported. You must verify that all values for a given REVIEW_RATING have a corresponding row on WA_REVWRTG_R00.

Streamlining JOB_F00 and Row-Level Security

If your implementation includes row-level security at the employee level, based on JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00, then load the JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00 tables before setting up security.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLoading Employee Compensation History Data

The EPM compensation code field (WA_COMPCODE) on the Compensation Code table (COMPCODE_D00) categorizes types of compensation. These codes are used to relate compensation to nodes on the COMPCODE tree. Prior to data loading earnings, deductions, benefits plans, and pay item types from HRMS tables are mapped to these compensation codes using online pages. During data loading, employee compensation history is imported into the employee Compensation History table (WA_COMP_HST_F00).

Click to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing Data in Dimension and Reference Tables

To view and edit data in workforce-related dimension and reference tables, use the GEOGRAPHY_D00.GBL, WA_JOBCDSET_D00.GBL, WA_UNITCODE_D00.GBL, WA_INDUSTRY_D00.GBL, WA_FINCODE_D00.GBL, and COMPCODE_D00.GBL components.

This section provides an overview of the review and edit of dimension and reference data and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Review and Edit of Dimension and Reference Data

You can view and edit the data in certain data warehouse dimension and reference tables at any time using the pages in the OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS menu. The main point to remember about these pages is that their intended purpose is for you to monitor and perform slight edits on the data in the data warehouse tables. Do not use them in the traditional, transactional sense to manually add rows of data to the system. Many of the edits and checks that are built into the HRMS system to ensure data integrity are not present in the data warehouse tables. This means that you could create data that would not be valid in the source system. The vast majority of the data in your data warehouse tables should be imported using ETL.

Several dozen dimension and reference table access pages are in the OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS menu. The fields on these pages and in the underlying tables are mostly a mirror representation of, or a selection of, those in the HRMS system. The pages themselves are fairly simple setup pages. For these reasons, this chapter does not address these pages in any great detail, except to make note of any important differences in how they are applied in Workforce Analytics.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View and Edit Data in Dimension and Reference Tables

Page Name

Definition Name





EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, Common, Department

View and edit departments, which can be used for financial related accounting purposes or to provide an organizational hierarchy for your company.



EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, Common, Geography

Create geography identification codes, which are geographical regions, which your locations roll up to.

Job Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Job Code

View and edit data in JOBCODE_D00, and provide the details for the JOBCODE tree.

Job Code Set


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Job Code Set

Create the nodes that define the structure of your JOBCODE tree. You must enter this information for each node using this page. A job code set is a collection of related job codes.

Job Earnings Distribution


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Job Earnings Distribution

View and edit how to post an employee's earnings for accounting purposes. For example, earnings can be posted to a job code, a department, a location, a general ledger account, a position, or distributed among several categories.

Job Tasks


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Job Tasks

View and edit job codes for which sets of job tasks are available.

Personal Data


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Personal Data

View and edit personal information about your employees in the PERSONAL_D00 table. Rows from the HRMS tables PS_PERSONAL_DATA, PS_EMPLOYMENT and PS_EMPLOYEES are intended to be brought in to the PERSONAL_D00 table with ETL.

Dependent Data


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Benefits, Dependent Data

View and edit information about dependents and beneficiaries.



EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Position

View and edit position data if Position Management is implemented in the source HRMS system.

Salary Grade Data


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Salary, Grade

View and edit a salary grade structure for your salary administration plan.

Salary Increase Matrix


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Salary, Increase Matrix

View and edit the identifier for each set of salary increase guidelines, the name of the matrix, and what rating scale is used for the ranges.

Salary Matrix Percent


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Salary, Matrix Percent

View and edit the acceptable percentage ranges for salary increases.

Salary Rate Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Salary, Rate Code

View and edit compensation rate code information.

Variable Comp Plan (variable compensation plan)


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Variable Comp Plan

View and edit data for a variable compensation plan that is not likely to change over the life of the plan.

Stock Plan


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Benefits, Stock Plan

View and edit stock plan and type information.

Training History


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Training, Training History

View and edit employee training history along with related course cost information.

Training Session


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Training, Training Session

View and edit training session expenses.

Training Course 1


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Training, Courses

View and edit training course information.

Training Course 2


Select the Course 2 tab

View and edit additional training course details.

Course Session


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Training, Course Session

View and edit session information for training courses.

Training Program Job Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Training, Training Program Job Codes

View and edit information about training program assignments for jobs in your organization.

Course Goal Competency


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Training, Course Goal-Competency

View and edit the competencies, and their associated proficiency levels, that are associated with a particular training course.

Account Codes


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Account Codes

View and edit the account code information from general ledger and payroll.

Compensation Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Compensation Code

Create nodes for the COMPCODE tree. Also, use this page to view and edit compensation code data after you have run ETLs to import compensation data from your HRMS system.

Coverage Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Benefits, Coverage Code

View and edit benefits coverage codes.

Financial Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Financial Code

Create the nodes for the FINCODE tree.

Industry Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Industry Code

Create the nodes for the INDUSTRY tree.

Unit Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Unit Code

Create the nodes for the UNITCODE tree.

School Codes


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Competencies, School

View and edit codes to schools, colleges, and universities.

School Type


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Competencies, School Type

View and edit codes for school types.



EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Competencies, Accomplishments

View and edit the accomplishments that your employees, applicants, or contractors may achieve. Accomplishments are languages, degrees, licenses, certificates, honors, awards, professional memberships, tests, or NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications).

Review Rating


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Salary, Review Rating

View and edit rating models, consisting of review ratings.



EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Competencies, Competencies

View and edit competencies organized by the following general categories: ability, knowledge, skill, salary planning, and NVQ unit.

Competency Type


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Competencies, Competency Types

View and edit codes for competency types.

Competency Cluster


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Competencies, Competency Cluster

View and edit codes for competency clusters.

Vacation Plan


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Vacations/Absences, Vacation Plan

View and edit information about vacation benefit plans—including the accrual frequency, maximum balance and maximum carryover—for employees in various groups.

Absence Code


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Vacations/Absences, Absence Code

View and edit absence codes for your absence types.

Absence Type


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Vacations/Absences, Absence Type

View and edit the type of absences employees can take.

Absence Class


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Vacations/Absences, Absence Class

View and edit the codes for absence classes.

Health and Safety Data


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Health and Safety Data

View and edit employees' health and safety incident data.

Applicant Disability


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Applicants, Applicant Disability

View and edit information on an applicant's disability.



EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Employee and Job, Disability

View and edit information about an employee's disability.

Department Budget Earn Dist (department budget earnings distribution


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Compensation, Department Budget Earn Dist

View and edit the earnings distributions to accounts for each of the specified department budget levels.

Duration Group Definition


EPM Foundation, Business Metadata, OW-E Dimension Maintenance, HRMS, Common, Duration Group Definition

Define duration groups based upon time duration (such as age, service, job, grade, and so on) which can be used in analysis templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing Departments

Load HRMS departments into the Department table (DEPARTMENT_TBL). Use them to create a financial-related Department tree to provide a hierarchy for departmental accounts. Also use the same departments to create an Organization (Department) tree to provide a hierarchy for all departments in your organization. A secondary purpose of the Organization tree is to create row-level group security.

See Also

Setting Up the Organization (Department) Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Geography IDs

The Geography dimension in Workforce Analytics helps provide a hierarchical structure to your organization's locations, using the Geography tree. Prior to loading locations from HRMS, use the Geography page (GEOGRAPHY_D00) to create geographical regions, which logically group together locations in your organization. Map locations to the geographical regions using the Location Mapping page (WA_LOCN_MAP_DFN).

See Also

Mapping Locations to Geography ID Codes

Viewing and Editing Data in Dimension and Reference Tables

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing Job Codes and Job Code Sets

The job code dimension in Workforce Analytics uses the Job Code tree to provide a hierarchical structure to your organization's jobs. Job code sets are the nodes of the tree. They are logical groupings of job codes that you create using the Job Code Set page (WA_JOBCDSET_D00). Job codes provide the details of the tree. Load job codes into the Job Code table (JOBCODE_D00), prior to building the tree.

Compensation Values Associated with Job Codes

If you are using an external market compensation survey to compare your organization's salaries with industry averages, the salary midpoint for the equivalent job code goes in the Survey Salary field. These are usually annualized values.

Note. When you import market compensation survey data into the Operational Warehouse (OW), the data-loading process annualizes the compensation values. All salary survey data that is processed in the Define Market Compensation module of Workforce Rewards is standardized to annual values.

See Also

Setting Up the JOBCODE Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing Personal Information

When you have loaded personal data from HRMS into the PERSONAL_D00 table, you can use the pages in the Personal Data component to view and edit the information.

Running Application Engine PER099 Prior to Importing Personal Data

Remember that the PS_EMPLOYEES table is used in HRMS to improve the efficiency of report processing. The table is not updated dynamically by the HRMS system; you must run the Application Engine process PER099 (Refresh Employees Table) to update the PS_EMPLOYEES table. To ensure that you are loading the most up-to-date information into the EPM tables, run the Application Engine process PER099 immediately prior to importing personal data into the OWS staging tables.

Clarifying Row-level Security Issues About Personal Data

The PERSONAL_D00 and JOB_F00 tables are intended to be populated with data using the delivered ETL process. If you enter new rows of employee data manually using the Personal Data page, and group security is in effect based on JOB_D00_VW (which is a view of JOB_F00) then you may not see this data displayed on pages having row-level security based on employees. Two additional steps are required to view the data. You must first add a corresponding row of data to JOB_F00, and then you must rerun the PF_SECURITY process for security to be enabled.

If, after you use the data migration process to load data into PERSONAL_D00, the data does not appear in the online pages such as Personal Data, then the problem may have to do with implementation of group (row-level) security based on employees. The search record for PERSONAL_D00 is PERSONAL_SRCH. PERSONAL_SRCH is a join of PERSONAL_D00 and PF_SY_CLASS_OBJ. PF_SY_CLASS_OBJ is populated by running the PF_SECURITY process. If, in your implementation, row-level security is enabled at the employee level, then the security groups are likely built referencing JOB_F00 (or a view of JOB_F00). Both JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00 must be populated with corresponding rows of data, and then the PF_SECURITY process must be run, before the data appears online.

Note. If your implementation includes row-level security at the employee level, based on JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00, then load the JOB_F00 and PERSONAL_D00 tables before setting up security.

Importing Personal Names

During data migration, the system populates the Personal Name field in the PERSONAL_D00 table with the data from the Name field in the HRMS Personal Data table. You can view and edit this data using the Personal Data component. During data loading, the system populates the Personal Name field with the name of the individual from the HRMS Names table.

The Last Name, First Name, and Middle Name fields separate the person's personal name into its components. These fields are also populated by HRMS source fields during data loading.

The Last Name Search and First Name Search fields are populated from the HRMS source fields during data loading. These are versions of the names that have no punctuation (for example, apostrophes are removed) and are in all capital letters. These versions of the names are used by the HRMS system as search values.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing Position Data

The POSITION_D00 page and underlying table are provided for those sites that use the Position Management feature of HRMS. Use of this page and table is not necessary if Position Management is not used at your site.

The position dimension in Workforce Analytics uses the Position tree to provide a hierarchical structure for positions within an organization. Position data is loaded into the Position table (POSITION_D00). Position data and job requisition data are aggregated into a single structure, centering on the Staffing table (STAFFING_F00).

See Also

Setting Up the Position Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing Location Data

You import locations into the Location table, and map them to geography IDs. The geography dimension uses the GEOGRAPHY tree to provide a hierarchical structure to your locations and geographical regions.

During initial setup, first determine what geographical regions you want to map your HRMS locations to. Enter the geography IDs for those regions using the Geography page. Create a GEOGRAPHY tree using these geography IDs. Then map your locations to the geography IDs using the Location Mapping (WA_LOCN_MAP_DFN) page. If you have done all of this correctly, then during the ETL process, for each location imported to the LOCATION_D00 table, the value from the WA_LOCN_MAP_DFN.GEOGRAPHY_ID field is used to populate the LOCATION_D00.GEOGRAPHY.ID field.

See Also

Mapping Locations to Geography ID Codes

Setting Up the Geography Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing and Editing Salary Grades and Steps

After you have loaded the salary administration plan, salary grade, and salary step information from HRMS into the data warehouse tables, you can use the Salary Grades component to view and edit the grades and steps that make up salary administration plans.

Understanding Salary Value Calculations

After you have imported salary data, you can review the data and correct it manually using these pages. When you change a value using one of the online pages, the EPM system does not recalculate any of the other related numbers automatically.

Remember that in the HRMS system, the salary terms are defined in the following way:


The annual rate divided by the pay months per year.


The monthly rate prorated to 12 pay periods, divided by 52 weeks in the year, divided by 40 hours per week.


The maximum plus the minimum divided by two.

Note. In the Workforce Rewards Define Base Pay Structure module, the system defines and calculates midpoints as the maximum plus the minimum divided by two. In your implementation of HRMS, you may have chosen to define compensation midpoints differently. If this is the case, then keep this difference in mind when comparing compensation midpoints from your imported data with compensation midpoints created using Workforce Rewards.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Compensation Codes

The compensation dimension in Workforce Analytics uses the Compensation Code tree to provide a hierarchical structure to the earnings, deductions, benefits values, and PIN codes loaded from the HRMS system.

You create compensation codes using the Compensation Code page (COMPCODE_D00). Then you map the earnings, deductions, benefits values, and PIN codes from HRMS to these compensation codes using a series of mapping pages.

Compensation Classes

Compensation classes are from the translate table. The valid values correspond to the delivered nodes on the model COMPCODE tree.

Account Field

The account field is used for tracking financial data. Prompt values are from the GL_ACCOUNT_TBL table. You load values for the GL_ACCOUNT_TBL table while setting up basic EPM infrastructure and EPM Foundation. This information can be found in the Enterprise Performance Management Fundamentals 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Mapping Compensation Codes and Plan Values

Setting Up the Compensation Code Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Industry Codes

The industry code dimension is used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with loading external survey data. You use the Industry Dimension page to enter industry codes that define the industry that an organization is in. These codes categorize data from external survey sources and validate comparison to data for your organization. Industry codes are the nodes on the Industry tree.

See Also

Setting Up the INDUSTRY Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Financial Codes

The financial code dimension is used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with loading external survey data. You use the FinCode Dimension page to enter financial codes that define the relative financial size of your organization. These codes categorize data from external survey sources and validate comparison to data for your organization. Financial codes are the nodes on the FINCODE tree.

The From Value and To Value fields indicate the value range for the approximate size of an organization's financial worth.

See Also

Setting Up the FINCODE Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Unit Codes

The unit code dimension is used primarily in the Workforce Rewards Market Compensation module to deal with loading external survey data. You use the Unit Code page to enter unit codes that define the relative size of an organization (using an alternate criteria other than a financial one). These codes categorize data from external survey sources and validate comparison to data for your organization. Unit codes are the nodes on the UNITCODE tree.

Note. The purpose of the unit code dimension is to provide an alternate means of measuring the relative size of companies participating in external surveys, as opposed to using the relative financial size of the companies. A typical unit of measure would be the number of employees in a company. The concept of unit is generic enough that the units can be other measures besides number of employees. For example, in the hospital industry the unit could be the number of hospital beds. Or in the hotel industry the unit could be the number of rooms.

The From Value and To Value fields indicate the value range for the approximate size of an organization based on this unit of measure.

See Also

Setting Up the UNITCODE Tree

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Age, Service, and Other Duration Groups

Because durations are not part of the HRMS system, you can define them online using the Duration Group page to provide time dimension for analysis templates (WA_DUR_GRP_DFN).

You can define duration groups based on age, department, grade, job, pay change, promotion, and service. If the group is Service, you can map your service group ID to a benchmark survey service ID.

You can specify whether to measure your group duration in days, months, or years. This defines the frequency for the values that you enter in the Group Low Value and Group High Value fields. For example, if you select a frequency of Months for the group type Promotion, then the system measures the duration since a person's last promotion in months. If you select Days, then the duration since the person's last promotion is measured in days, and so on.

The Group Low Value and Group High Value fields enable you to define the range of values for a duration group. If you create a group ID such as No Service or No Age, enter a value of 0 (zero) in both the Group High Value and Group Low Value fields.