rem rem $Header: timesten/quickstart/sample_code/plsql/cursor_loop_types2.sql /main/1 2009/04/03 14:13:41 rolawson Exp $ rem Rem Copyright (c) 1991 by Oracle Corporation Rem NAME Rem pls_examp7.sql - Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem RETURNS Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rolawson 04/03/09 - moved from sample_code/plsql/scripts to Rem sample_code/plsql Rem rolawson 03/04/09 - initial checkin of quickstart files Rem nmeng 11/29/06 - renamed file Rem rvasired 05/12/92 - Creation /* ** This block does some numeric processing on data that comes ** from experiment #1. The results are stored in the TEMP table. ** ** Copyright (c) 1989,1992 Oracle Corporation */ DECLARE result temp.num_col1%TYPE; CURSOR c1 IS SELECT n1, n2, n3 FROM data_table WHERE exper_num = 1; BEGIN FOR c1rec IN c1 LOOP /* calculate and store the results */ result := c1rec.n2 / (c1rec.n1 + c1rec.n3); INSERT INTO temp VALUES (result, NULL, NULL); END LOOP; COMMIT; END; /