////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // catalog.cpp: demonstration of the TTCatalog class. // // $Id: catalog.cpp /main/3 2010/03/19 18:10:59 ogeest Exp $ // $Revision: /main/3 $ // $Name: $ // // Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // All rights reserved. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This is a TTClasses example program. This program utilizes TTClasses // functionality and demonstrates TTClasses best practices. // // This program is distributed as part of TTClasses as as-is, unsupported // example code. This program is not intended for use in a production // environment, and is not warranted or supported in any way, except for // its demonstration of TTClasses functionality and best practices. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include "testprog_utils.h" #include "tt_version.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * usage_string = " catalog [ | -connstr ]\n" "\noptions:\n"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char ** argv) { // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse command-line arguments // --------------------------------------------------------------- ParamParser parser (usage_string); char connStr[256]; if (1 == argc) { /* Default the DSN and UID */ sprintf(connStr, "dsn=%s;%s", DEMODSN, UID); } else { /* old behaviour */ connStr[0] = '\0';; } parser.processArgs(argc, argv, connStr); cerr << endl << "Connecting to TimesTen <" << connStr << ">" << endl << endl; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up TTClasses logging // --------------------------------------------------------------- ofstream output("catalog.txt"); TTGlobal::setLogStream(output) ; TTGlobal::setLogLevel(TTLog::TTLOG_ERR) ; // TTLOG_WARN: default log level // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up signal handling // This code simply registers the signal-handling. // // Subsequent calls to StopRequested() and TerminateIfRequested() // stop the execution loops and rolls back/disconnects/exits gracefully. // // --> NB: since this program is so short, we don't actually need to // call StopRequested() or TerminateIfRequested() anywhere (there's no // loop). See the other TTClasses sample programs for a more thorough // demonstration of signal-handling in a longer-running program (i.e., // one with a loop with database calls). // --------------------------------------------------------------- int couldNotSetupSignalHandling = HandleSignals(); if (couldNotSetupSignalHandling) { cerr << "Could not set up signal handling. Aborting." << endl ; exit(-1); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- TTConnection conn ; try { conn.Connect(connStr, TTConnection::DRIVER_COMPLETE); } catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Error connecting to TimesTen " << st << endl ; if (st.rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) exit(-1); } cerr << endl << "Connected -- now looking at the system catalog ..." << endl ; cerr << "(printing information about user tables and views only)" << endl ; TTCatalog cat (&conn) ; try { cat.fetchCatalogData() ; } catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Error getting the catalog data for TimesTen:\n" << st; // print out the catalog information before exiting } try { // Disconnect immediately -- no need to keep the connection open, // since all of the necessary database access was done in the // TTCatalog::fetchCatalogData() method. conn.Disconnect(); } catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Error disconnecting from TimesTen:\n" << st; // print out the catalog information before exiting } int i,j,k, num_columns ; int num_tables = cat.getNumTables() ; for ( i = 0 ; i < num_tables ; i++ ) { const TTCatalogTable & table = cat.getTable(i) ; if (table.isSystemTable()) continue; cerr << endl ; if (table.getNumColumns() == 0) cerr << "View #"; else cerr << "Table #"; cerr << i << " : " << table.getTableOwner() << "." << table.getTableName() << endl ; num_columns = table.getNumColumns() ; for ( j = 0 ; j < num_columns ; j++ ) { const TTCatalogColumn & column = table.getColumn(j) ; cerr << "\tColumn #" << j << " : " << column.getColumnName() << endl ; } // NB: in TimesTen, SQLSpecialColumns() just returns information about ROWID // --> i.e., it's true for every table, so this info's not particularly // helpful. num_columns = table.getNumSpecialColumns() ; for ( j = 0 ; j < num_columns ; j++ ) { const TTCatalogSpecialColumn & column = table.getSpecialColumn(j) ; cerr << "\tSpecial Column #" << j << " : " << column.getColumnName() << endl ; } int num_indexes = table.getNumIndexes() ; for ( j = 0 ; j < num_indexes ; j++ ) { const TTCatalogIndex & idx = table.getIndex(j) ; cerr << "Index # " << j << " : " << idx.getIndexOwner() << "." << idx.getIndexName() << endl ; cerr << "\t(is an index on table " << idx.getIndexOwner() << "." << idx.getTableName() << ")" << endl ; if ( idx.getType() == PRIMARY_KEY ) cerr << "\tPrimary Key (Hash Index)" << endl ; else if ( idx.getType() == TTREE_INDEX ) cerr << "\tT-Tree Index" << endl ; else cerr << "\t'Other' Index type" << endl ; if ( idx.getType() == TTREE_INDEX ) { if ( idx.isUnique() ) cerr << "\t(UNIQUE index)" << endl ; else cerr << "\t(not a unique index)" << endl ; } cerr << "\tIndex columns are: " << endl ; num_columns = idx.getNumColumns() ; for ( k = 0 ; k < num_columns ; k++ ) { cerr << "\t\t" << idx.getIndexOwner() << "." << idx.getTableName() << "." << idx.getColumnName (k) << endl ; } } } cerr << endl; cerr << "Summary:" << endl; cerr << "--------" << endl; cerr << "There are " << cat.getNumUserTables() << " user tables and views:" << endl; for (i = 0; i < cat.getNumUserTables() ; i++) { const TTCatalogTable & table = cat.getUserTable(i) ; cerr << "\t(" << i << ") " << table.getTableOwner() << "." << table.getTableName() << endl ; } cerr << endl; cerr << "Done looking at the system catalog." << endl ; return 0 ; }