////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // xla_demo.cpp: another demonstration of the TTClasses XLA functionality // // $Id: xlasubscriber1.cpp.proto /main/2 2010/03/12 18:26:04 alansu Exp $ // $Revision: /main/2 $ // $Name: $ // // Copyright (c) 1999, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. // All rights reserved. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // This is a TTClasses example program. This program utilizes TTClasses // functionality and demonstrates TTClasses best practices. // // This program is distributed as part of TTClasses as as-is, unsupported // example code. This program is not intended for use in a production // environment, and is not warranted or supported in any way, except for // its demonstration of TTClasses functionality and best practices. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #if !defined(AIX) && !defined(TRU64) #include #endif /* !AIX && !TRU64 */ #endif /* !_WIN32 */ #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include /* for getpid() */ #endif /* _WIN32 */ #if defined(AIX) || defined(GCC_SOLARIS) #include /* for getpid() */ #endif /* AIX || GCC_SOLARIS */ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif #if defined(AIX) || defined(GCC_SOLARIS) #include /* for getpid() */ #endif /* AIX || GCC */ #include #include #include "testprog_utils.h" #include "tt_version.h" TTXlaPersistConnection conn; const int FETCH_WAIT_SECS = 5 ; void TerminateGracefully(TTXlaPersistConnection&); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This class contains all the logic to be implemented whenever // the command-line specified table is changed. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class SampleHandler: public TTXlaTableHandler { private: // int col[TT_XLA_MAX_COLUMNS] ; int numColumns ; protected: public: SampleHandler(TTXlaPersistConnection& conn, const char* ownerP, const char* nameP); ~SampleHandler(); virtual void HandleChange(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t*, void *pData); virtual void HandleChange(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t*) {} virtual void HandleDelete(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t*); virtual void HandleInsert(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t*); virtual void HandleUpdate(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t*); }; SampleHandler::SampleHandler(TTXlaPersistConnection& connection, const char* ownerP, const char* nameP) : TTXlaTableHandler(connection, ownerP, nameP) { // We aren't treating columns differently. All we're going to do // is print out which columns have changed. // // Later on, we'll print out the column values. numColumns = tbl.getNCols() ; } SampleHandler::~SampleHandler() { } void SampleHandler::HandleChange(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t *p, void *pData) { bool commit_flag; try { switch (p->type) { case INSERTTUP: row.setTuple(p, INSERTED_TUP); // Report the inserted row this->HandleInsert(p); break; case UPDATETUP: resetUpdatedColumnFlags() ; row.setTuple(p, UPDATE_OLD_TUP); // Report the old row value row2.setTuple(p, UPDATE_NEW_TUP); // Report the new row value setUpdatedColumnFlags() ; this->HandleUpdate(p); break; case DELETETUP: row.setTuple(p, DELETED_TUP); // Report the deleted row this->HandleDelete(p); break; default: // Ignore other notifications return; } } catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Error caught while processing XLA record:" << endl; cerr << st << endl; } // Is this record at the end of a transaction? If so, then return this // information to the XLA reader so that we can move the bookmark // forward. commit_flag = isXLACommitRecord(p); if (commit_flag) { *(int *)pData = TRUE; } } void SampleHandler::HandleInsert(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t*) { cerr << "1 row inserted." << endl ; } void SampleHandler::HandleUpdate(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t* ) { cerr << row2.numUpdatedCols() << " column(s) updated: " ; for ( int i = 1 ; i <= row2.numUpdatedCols() ; i++ ) { cerr << row2.updatedCol(i) << "(" << row2.getColumn(row2.updatedCol(i)-1)->getColName() << ") " ; } cerr << endl ; } void SampleHandler::HandleDelete(ttXlaUpdateDesc_t* p) { TTStatus stat; const int BUFFSIZE=256; char buffer [BUFFSIZE+1]; SQLINTEGER actualLen; try { generateSQL(p, buffer, BUFFSIZE, &actualLen); } catch (TTStatus st) { if (st.native_error == tt_ErrNoUniqueIndex) { cerr << "** Cannot display SQL for XLA (delete) record; table does not have a unique, " << endl << "** non-nullable index." << endl; } else { cerr << "** Unexpected error while generating SQL for XLA (delete) record: " << st << endl; } return; } cerr << "Row deleted: ['" << buffer << "'] (" << actualLen << "/" << BUFFSIZE << ")" << endl; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerminateGracefully (TTXlaPersistConnection & connection) { TTStatus stat; // cerr << "Rolling back active transaction..."; cerr << "Disconnecting..."; try { connection.Disconnect() ; } catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Error disconnecting :" << endl; cerr << st << endl; } cerr << "Exiting..." << endl ; exit(1); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- void TerminateIfRequested (TTXlaPersistConnection & connection) { if (StopRequested()) { TTStatus stat; STDOSTRSTREAM ostr; ostr << "Signal <" << SignalReceived() << "> received, " << "terminating execution." << ends << endl ; cerr << ostr.str() << ends << endl; TerminateGracefully(connection); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- const char * usage_string = " xlasubscriber1 [ | -connstr ]\n"; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse command-line arguments // --------------------------------------------------------------- ParamParser parser (usage_string); char connStr[256]; char ownerName[64], tableName[64] ; // Default the DSN and UID if the DSN or Connect String is not specified if (1 == argc) { /* Default the DSN and UID */ sprintf(connStr, "dsn=%s;%s", DEMODSN, XLAUID); } else { /* old behaviour */ connStr[0] = '\0';; } // ------------------------------------------------------ parser.setArg("-logfile", false /* not required */, 128); parser.processArgs(argc, argv, connStr); cerr << endl << "Connecting to TimesTen <" << connStr << ">" << endl << endl; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up TTClasses logging // --------------------------------------------------------------- ofstream output; if (parser.argUsed("-logfile")) { output.open(parser.getArgValue("-logfile")); } else { output.open("xlasubscriber1.txt"); } TTGlobal::setLogStream(output); TTGlobal::setLogLevel(TTLog::TTLOG_WARN) ; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Set up signal handling // This code simply registers the signal-handling. // // Subsequent calls to StopRequested() and TerminateIfRequested() // stop the execution loops and rolls back/disconnects/exits gracefully. // --------------------------------------------------------------- int couldNotSetupSignalHandling = HandleSignals(); if (couldNotSetupSignalHandling) { cerr << "Could not set up signal handling. Aborting." << endl ; exit(-1); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // // Don't try to subscribe to system tables // if (tt_strcasecmp(ownerName, "TTREP")==0 || tt_strcasecmp(ownerName, "SYS")==0) { cerr << "*** Error: cannot monitor TimesTen system tables (SYS.*, TTREP.*) via XLA." << endl; exit(-1); } // unique-ifying the bookmark name int pid = getpid(); char bookmarkName[32] ; sprintf(bookmarkName, "xlasubscriber1_%d", pid); TTXlaTableList list(&conn); // List of tables to monitor // Handlers, one for each table we want to monitor SampleHandler* sampP = NULL; // Misc stuff TTStatus stat; ttXlaUpdateDesc_t ** arry; int j, records; try { conn.Connect(connStr, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE, bookmarkName); } catch (TTStatus st) { if (st.rc == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) { cerr << "Warning received when trying to connect to TimesTen with XLA bookmark <" << bookmarkName << ">: " << st << endl ; } else { cerr << "Error connecting to TimesTen via XLA: " << st << endl ; exit(-2) ; } } cerr << endl << "Which table do you want to monitor : "; fgets(tableName, sizeof(tableName), stdin); tableName[ strlen(tableName) -1 ] = '\0'; cerr << "Which user owns table " << tableName << " : "; fgets(ownerName, sizeof(ownerName), stdin); ownerName[ strlen(ownerName) -1 ] = '\0'; cerr << endl << "Monitoring table " << ownerName << "." << tableName << " for changes." << endl ; cerr << endl << "To run it, in one window run this application. In another window run \n" "\n" " ttIsql -connStr \"dsn=sampledb_1121;uid=appuser\"\n" "\n" "to make changes to these tables. The changes will be visible as \n" "output from this application : " << endl << endl; // Make a handler to process changes to the MYDATA table and // add the handler to the list of all handlers try { sampP = new SampleHandler(conn, ownerName, tableName) ; if (!sampP) { cerr << "Could not create SampleHandler" << endl; TerminateGracefully(conn); } list.add(sampP); } catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Error creating SampleHandler -- most likely, the specified table" << endl << " " << ownerName << "." << tableName << " does not exist." << endl ; TerminateGracefully(conn); } // Enable transaction logging for the table we're interested in try { sampP->EnableTracking(); } catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Error enabling tracking for table " << ownerName << "." << tableName << ":" << endl << st << endl; TerminateGracefully(conn); } // Get updates. Dispatch them to the appropriate handler. // This loop will handle updates to all the tables. // This variable keeps track of whether or not the XLA records terminate on // a transaction boundary. If so, then we should "ack updates". int doAcknowledge; try { stat.resetErrors(true) ; while (!StopRequested()) { conn.fetchUpdatesWait(&arry, 1000, &records, FETCH_WAIT_SECS); if (stat.rc) { cerr << "Error fetching updates" << stat << endl; TerminateGracefully(conn); } doAcknowledge = FALSE; // Interpret the updates for(j=0;j < records;j++){ ttXlaUpdateDesc_t *p; p = arry[j]; list.HandleChange(p, &doAcknowledge); } // end for each record fetched if (records) { cerr << "Processed " << records << " records" << endl ; } // If our batch of XLA records terminates on a transaction boundary, // then we acknowledge the updates. if (doAcknowledge == TRUE) { conn.ackUpdates() ; cerr << "Ack'd updates; moved XLA bookmark forward at transaction boundary." << endl; } // NB: In general, it's a good idea to ack updates at regular (but // not overly frequent) intervals, to move the XLA bookmark forward. } // end while !StopRequested() } // try catch (TTStatus st) { cerr << "Exception caught : " << st << endl ; cerr << "Aborting ..." << endl ; TerminateGracefully(conn); } // No need to clean up here when we catch a signal, since the following // code does the required cleanup. // When we get to here, the program is exiting. list.del(sampP); // Take the table out of the list delete sampP; conn.deleteBookmarkAndDisconnect() ; // clean up this bookmark return 0; }