User Details

Some fields are mandatory and require an entry to create a new user account. The names of mandatory fields are indicated by a red asterisk in the interface.  


User permissions determine the specific administrative functions a user may perform. A user may be given any number of permissions or none at all. The default is no administrative access.

Expert Advice (available in Professional edition only)

If the Expert Advice feature is enabled and the user has been assigned the Expert permission, a list of titles appears. You can assign the user as an expert for specific titles.


Titles Available for Feedback

Lists the titles for which users can enter feedback. You can assign the user as a monitor for specific titles.


Clear Tracking Data

You can use this to clear all tracking data for the user. This deletes all history of the subjects a user has taken, including assessment scores.


Change Workgroup

You can move a user to another workgroup. This is helpful if you want to delete or consolidate workgroups, but do not want to lose users or tracking data.


To create a user: 

  1. Display the User Management page.
  2. Click Create User.
  3. Enter the required and optional information for the user properties.
  4. Click Save.

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