This view provides information about imported SCORM packages (content) published from the Developer. 


PACKAGE_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int) 
Unique identifier of the package on the server.

PACKAGE_FORMAT_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier of the package format.

PACKAGE_FORMAT_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Package format name 

CONTENTROOT_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
Unique identifier of the content root on the server.

CONTENTROOT_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Name of the content root.

MANIFESTOID (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Unique identifier in the manifest.xml file.

PACKAGE_VERSION (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
Package version in the manifest.xml file.

UPLOAD_BY (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
The user ID of the person who uploaded the package.

UPLOAD_DATETIME (Oracle = timestamp (6)), (SQL = datetime)
The time that the package was uploaded.

PACKAGE_TYPE_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
The unique identifier for the package type.

PACKAGE_TYPE_NAME (Oracle = nvarchar2), (SQL = nvarchar)
The name of the package type.

ACTIVE (Oracle = number (1, 0)), (SQL = bit)
Indicates whether the package is active.
0 = deleted
1 = active

WGROUP_OWNER_ID (Oracle = number (10, 0)), (SQL = int)
The workgroup owner of the package.

Table of Contents