After making changes to documents extracted from an archive, you must recompress the archive to prepare it for import. To do this, you use the same command-line utility as used for extraction, OdArc.exe. 

OdArc.exe is stored in the directory in which the Developer is installed. Therefore, you must change to this directory in order to execute OdArc.exe from the command line.

The syntax for compression is as follows:

odarc /a <source_folder> <archive_path> 


During archive recompression, the OdArc utility processes all files contained in the source_folder location and uses them to create the specified Developer archive file. Therefore, you cannot recompress an archive to the source_folder location or any subfolder thereof, as this would create a loop in which the utility was essentially trying to compress the archive into itself. In addition, because the functioning of an archive depends on its relative structure, you should not remove files/folders from or add files/folders to the directory containing an extracted Developer archive, as the archive obtained upon recompression unusable. In general, this means that you should extract each archive to a clean, empty folder; edit the extracted files in place; and then recompress the archive from the same folder.

As an example, consider a Developer archive file named "test.odarc" that was exported to the "temp" directory at the root of the local computer and then extracted to a subfolder named "extract" in the same directory. To recompress this archive back to its original name and location, the command line should read:

odarc /a c:\temp\extract c:\temp\test.odarc 

Note that the name and path of a recompressed archive do not need to match those of the original archive. For example, you might use a name to indicate that the archive had been edited, such as "test_edited.odarc" in the above example.

Tip: As with all command-line utilities, you must enclose folder names and paths in double quotation marks (") if they include spaces. For example, if the archive file mentioned above had been extracted to a subfolder named "extract" within the folder "export" on the desktop of the local computer and was being recompressed to a folder named "edited archives" in the same location, the command line should read:

odarc /a “C:\Documents and Settings\userID\Desktop\export\extract” 

“C:\Documents and Settings\userID\Desktop\export\edited archives\test.odarc”

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