In addition to creating new web page content directly in the Web Page Editor, you can also copy and paste content developed in another application, such as a word processing document or Internet site. You can then modify the pasted content using the formatting controls available in the Web Page Editor. For example, you could paste a column of data from a spreadsheet and then format the resulting paragraphs as a bulleted list. Note, however, that the Web Page Editor supports only the formatting options available through its toolbar. These formatting options provide flexibility but also ensure that your published content is presented well in both Player and document outputs. As a result, your pasted content might not look identical to the selection copied from the external source, and you should always use the Web Page Editor controls after pasting content to ensure that it is formatted as intended. 

Tip: Always save your web page after pasting content from external applications and before applying Web Page Editor formatting. Because saving a web page removes any unsupported formatting, this allows you to see a valid starting point for the pasted content and ensures that any subsequent formatting you apply is preserved.

The following are some points to consider when pasting content into your web pages.



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