In addition to using the standard icons, you can create your own custom icons. You might want to create a custom icon that is consistent with those used in existing documentation, for example, or one that is based on your company logo. You can also make a new icon by starting with an existing icon, editing it as necessary, and saving it with a new name. 

To be used as a custom icon, a graphic file must satisfy the following constraints:

An empty Custom folder is present in your Library by default, even if your content does not currently include custom icons.

Note: The color depth for icons is unrestricted, although 8- or 16-bit color is typically sufficient.

When you change the icon of a frame link, you see a preview of each icon file saved in the folders System/Icons/Standard and System/Icons/Custom. You cannot browse to any other Library location to select an icon saved elsewhere. Also, if any file saved in a package in either of these folders does not satisfy the requirements for use as an icon (22 pixels x 22 pixels; .png, .jpg, or .gif format), you will not be able to select it as an icon. In this case, you must edit the file in the package in order to use it as an icon.

You can simplify icon management by taking the following approach:

 Multi-user Considerations

To create a custom icon:

  1. In your image editing software, create a graphic appropriate for use as a link icon. You can also make a new icon by starting with an existing icon and editing it as necessary.
    An icon graphic must be 22 pixels x 22 pixels and must be of .png, .jpg, or .gif format.
  2. Create a new package.
  3. Add the image file to the package.
  4. Save the package in the folder System/Icons/Custom.

Tip: To simplify icon management, use the same name for the custom icon file and the package in which it is saved.

Warning! No size or format validation is performed when you add a custom icon to the Library. Therefore, you should verify that the file satisfies the requirements for use as an icon before adding it to the Library.

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