This report enables you to evaluate the questions in an assessment and see the areas with which students had difficulty, as well as the areas they mastered. It displays detailed assessment information for a particular activity. It includes the number of times each available assessment was taken and the average score. It also includes a list of the question titles included in the assessment, the question type, and the results for each question. The results indicate the number of times all users in a particular workgroup answered the question correctly or incorrectly, along with this number expressed as a percentage.

The options for this report are described below.

The activity name, the assessment name, the total number of times the assessment was taken, the average score, and the assessment type appear before each table in the report. The information that can appear in this report is described below.


Question Title

This column displays the question title.

Question Type

This column displays the question type (for example, true or false, hotspot, and so on).

Number of Correct Answers

This column displays the number of correct answers provided in response to the question.

Number of Incorrect Answers

This column displays the number of incorrect answers provided in response to the question.

% Correct Answers

This column reflects the number correct expressed as a percentage.

% Incorrect Answers

This column reflects the number incorrect expressed as a percentage.

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