See It! mode enables you to learn by watching an animated demonstration of tasks being performed in a simulated environment. As tasks are performed, information is provided explaining the steps being performed.


Note: This version of See It! mode does not appear in the Player interface and displays content in a window verses a full screen display. It can only be launched through a link external to the Player.


The topic begins playing automatically when you launch it. You can control the playback with the following buttons.


Pause  - Allows you to pause the playback.


Previous Step  - Return to the previous step.


Next Step  - Advance to the next step.


Restart Playback  - Return to the first step and play the topic again.


Preferences  - Display the Preferences. You can change the color of the action area and specify if you want sound to play, if sound is available.


Help  - Display the Player help.


You can press ENTER to advance to the next step manually, if desired. You can close the window at any time to exit the topic.

Table of Contents