Context information can be used in conjunction with in-application support to provide context-sensitive help. In-application support allows the user to use SmartHelp or the target application's Help menu to launch topics that correlate to their current screen rather than the entire list of topics. The Developer provides context recognition support differently for target applications than it does for non-target applications. 

For target applications, the Developer acquires the context information for each screen when the content is recorded. This type of recognition is called "ExactMatch" because content is tied to a specific screen's context ID ensuring a 100% match. A content developer just records the target application screen. The ExactMatch context indicator ExactMatch appears when the Recorder recognizes the context of the object. This indicator means that the context information will be captured. When the content is launched in the Player using in-application support, the Player searches for "applicable" documents and returns content containing the specific context ID.

Note: Some target applications require additional setup to capture context correctly. Refer to the In-Application Support Guide for more information about target applications.

For non-target browser-based applications, the Developer uses a statistical engine to calculate an identifier on the application screen based on information it gathers on various parts of the screen. This type of recognition is called "SmartMatch". When help is launched through SmartHelp, the SmartHelp engine searches for SmartMatch context that will match the current context. You can add a SmartHelp toolbar button to the browser which will launch context-sensitive help content for target and non-target applications. SmartMatch is not as precise as ExactMatch but it narrows the content down significantly, giving the user some level of context-sensitive help. Additionally, SmartMatch becomes more effective as you record content because more data points are accumulated to help determine the correct screen. The SmartMatch context indicator SmartMatch appears when the Recorder is in the SmartMatch recognition mode.

If the Recorder cannot operate in either ExactMatch or SmartMatch mode, the NoMatch NoMatch context indicator appears.

A warning indicator Warning may also appear next to the context indicator when one of the following situations is detected:

Click on the currently displayed context icon (or warning icon) in the Recorder (or on the AutoRecorder deskband) to configure target application support (or stop the recording and choose the Target Applications category in Tools, Options). You can use the Target Application Configuration dialog box to enable or disable target applications or enable just SmartMatch recognition. Eliminating target applications that you do not record can increase recording performance.

Note: If the Recorder does not recognize certain objects within the target application that you are recording, you can modify the frame in the Frame Properties toolpane in the Topic Editor.

If the application you are recording is not supported, you can create Context IDs manually in the Topic Editor. For more information, see Use Context IDs. If the application you are recording is supported, and the correct context information was not recorded, you can also recapture the context ID only in the Topic Editor.

Note: Explanation, Decision, and No Context frames are informational and do not have Context IDs. However, if matching context occurs on multiple paths of a Decision frame, the Decision frame appears. This allows the user to choose the path appropriate to the task they are performing.

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