Within a web page, you can create a hyperlink from specific text or from an image to additional information, such as another web page, a detailed flow diagram, or a web animation. When the user activates a web page hyperlink in the Player, the target opens in a new, independent browser window. 

When inserting a hyperlink, you can choose from two types of targets as follows:


Document in Library Document in Library: Link another web page or a file saved in a package.
This option allows you to link to another attachment contained in the Library. For example, you could link from a word in a web page to another web page containing its definition. This option can be particularly appropriate for package files used as concepts. Rather than linking directly to the package file, you can link to a web page that, in turn, contains a hyperlink to the package file. This approach provides greater control over how and when package files used as concepts are displayed.


Package File Parameters/Bookmarks 


The Developer supports URL parameters or bookmarks to files in packages, such as: 


When you insert a link to a file saved in a package, you can use the Name field on the Insert Hyperlink Browse dialog to select a file inside a package and add parameters/bookmarks after the selected filename (no space).


URL URL: Link to an intranet or Internet site.
This option allows you to link to web content that is maintained outside the Library. You can use link any valid URL, such as mailto and ftp links, provided that your users have appropriate access when they view the content. Examples: Corporate web site, web-based feedback form, or help desk e-mail.


To test the targets of your hyperlinks from the Web Page Editor, right-click the link and select Open Hyperlink. You can also use SHIFT+click to open the targets of your hyperlinks from the Web Page Editor. For web pages and package files, this command opens the target in a new Developer tab. For URLs, the target opens in a new, independent browser window.

When viewing your web page from outside the Web Page Editor (for example, in the Concept pane of the Outline Editor), you can test your hyperlinks simply by clicking on them. In this case, the target of each hyperlink opens in a new, independent window. However, if you need to edit a hyperlink, you must open the web page containing it in the Web Page Editor.


If you have web content that has not yet been deployed or the final deployment server is unknown, you can still create the URL links using relative URL addresses. Relative URLs are addresses which are relative to a configurable base address. By using URL conventions, you enter a path relative to a base address. If the web content is deployed locally or on an accessible server, you can enter a temporary base address to preview and check the relative links. See Work with Relative URLs in the Enhance Content with URLs section of the Enhance Content with Attachments chapter for more information. 

Note: When a glossary term is used in a manually created web page hyperlink, no glossary link is created during glossary markup. That is, text used in manually created hyperlinks is excluded from glossary markup.

To insert a hyperlink in a web page:

  1. Select the text or graphic you want to use as the hyperlink hotspot.
  2. On the Insert menu, select Hyperlink.
  3. On the Link to pane, select the type of hyperlink target as Document in Library Document in Library or URL URL.
  4. Depending on your selection in step 3, navigate to the target document or file or type or paste the target URL in the Address field.
    When selecting a URL, you can also enter a base URL and then follow links in the preview displayed in the results pane to reach your desired target.
  5. Click OK or press ENTER.
    The presence of the hyperlink is indicated by underlining of the selected text or outlining of the selected image.

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