If the action is a keyboard action, two extra options appear in the Frame toolpane. These options enable you to specify what key was pressed. The Key field contains a list of the keys on a keyboard, including: Backspace, Delete, Down, End, Enter, Escape, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, Home, Insert, Left, Page Down, Page Up, PrintScreen, Right, Space, Tab, Up, and so on. If any other key is pressed, you need to select the <Character> option and then type the specific key in the Char key (character key) field.

You can change these settings if necessary, but it is not recommended.

Note: If the keyboard action involves the ALT, SHIFT, or CTRL key, the appropriate checkbox is selected automatically in the Frame toolpane.

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