The Assessment Coverage view includes a Questions column in the Outline pane. The value in this column indicates the number of questions in the selected assessment that are associated with each document in the outline (through the question's Associated Content property). For example, if a topic is associated with two questions in the assessment, a "2" appears in the Questions column for the topic. Parent documents (modules and sections) show the number of questions that are associated directly with the module and section itself, plus the number of questions associated with the child documents belonging to the module or section. 


Assessments may also include topics. Adding a topic to an assessment adds a Know It? question to the assessment for testing competency in completing the task. When you add a topic (Know It? question) to an assessment, it is automatically associated with the topic itself, and therefore, included in the Question column count for the topic. For example, if a topic is associated with one question and also added as a Know It? question in the assessment, a "2" appears in the Question column for the topic. 


The Questions column shows the dispersal of questions in the outline so that you can create an assessment with balanced coverage. For example, a "0" in the column for a topic indicates that the selected assessment contains no questions associated with that topic. Selecting the assessment's parent document (the document to which it is linked) shows all of the questions and topics (Know It? questions) associated with the parent and child documents. Questions that are included in the selected assessment and are also directly linked to the outline structure (inline questions) are only counted once in the Questions column.


Note: You can compare the Question count in the Assessment section to the value in the Questions column for the assessment's parent document. If the values do not agree, the assessment includes questions whose Associated Content field is not set, or set to documents not linked to the assessment's parent.  

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