When exporting sound files, you select the location for the exported files. By default, the files are exported to \MyDocuments\<brand>\Sound. The export process creates two folders within the Sound folder. The Bubble folder conatins the topic sound files, and the WebPage folder contains the web page sound files. Within each of these folders, there are folders named with the GUID of the topic or web page. 


The export process also creates a Sound Report as an .html file. This report provides information about each exported sound file and is useful in identifying missing sounds that need to be created. Bubble sound and web page sound are listed separately on the report. The Sound Report can produce a report of all sounds related to See It/Try It modes or Do It mode.


Web page sound is exported if it is included in a selection or if it is part of the related documents. Web page sound that is linked to a frame using the Frame Link toolpane in the Topic Editor is also exported.


Sound files can be exported from the Outline Editor or the Library.

Note: You can export sound files on a frame by frame basis from the Topic Editor. See Export a Sound File for more information.

 Multi-user Considerations

 To export sound files:

  1. On the Tools menu, point to Export and choose Sound.
  2. Choose whether you want to export related documents, server or local content, and the text for See It!/Try It! or Do It! modes.
  3. Click Export.

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