Personalized content can be enabled for inline assessments or pre- and post-assessments. You may choose to include a pre- and post-assessment associated with the major headings in your outline, but also include several smaller inline assessments to test retention just after learning.


Note: To designate an assessment as a pre-assessment and/or post-assessment in the Professional edition of the Knowledge Center, you must associate the assessment to the parent level document using the Assessments property for the parent document. See Assessments for Personalized Content in this chapter for more information. 


When designing assessments for personalized content, you should start by identifying the sections (parent documents) of your content for which you want to test competency. Consider the amount of content coverage for each assessment (the level in the outline you want to associate with one or more assessments). You can create several smaller assessments linked to each subheading in your content or fewer, larger assessments linked to the major headings.


Questions in the assessment can cover the concepts that appear in the Concept pane for modules, sections, and topics. They can also include important information found in action frames and Explanation frames. You can add topics (Know It? questions) to the assessment to test competency with a process. In Know It? mode, it is important that you include additional text in frames that need further explanation and remove frames from Know It? mode that contain actions you do not want to test. 


Use the Assessment Coverage View to make sure that your questions are associated with the content in your outline and the dispersal of your questions adequately covers the content. Personalized content is based on setting the Associated Content property for questions, so this is a mandatory step if you want to incorporate the personalized content feature.


A common scenario for using personalized content is to include a pre-assessment and post-assessment. After users take the pre-assessment, they can switch to personalized content based on the assessment results. The personal content includes only the content that was failed. After completing the personal content, users can take the post-assessment to see if they have successfully mastered the content material and processes. Based on the post-assessment, the user can continue personalizing the content until it is fully mastered. 


Place-Out Scores 

Pre-assessments allow place-out scores. Place-out scores allow the user to skip content based on the results. Skipped content includes all the sub-level content associated with the assessment's parent. If you permit an assessment to place the user out of the content, make sure that your assessments are not placed at too high a level, in other words, covering too many processes or too much information causing a user to place out of too large a section of content. Place-out scores may result in users placing out of content they failed. For example, if you permit a place-out score of 80% for an assessment with five questions, the user can fail a question, score 80%, and never be required to learn the content associated with the failed question. If you are using place-out scores, it is a good idea to provide several questions for important concepts to thoroughly test competency and avoid placing out of content based on a single question.

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