Paste a Copy (selection only) - Outline Editor

After completing this topic, you will be able to paste a copy (selection only) in the Outline Editor.


  1. You will create a new copy of a parent document that maintains its links to the original related child documents.


    Note: We have changed to the Details View in the Outline Editor and added the Document Id column to the view.

    Step 1

  2. Select the document you want to copy.


    Click the Creating Simple Formulas section in the bottom work area.

    Step 2
  3. Use the toolbar to copy the selected document.


    Click the Copy button.

    Step 3
  4. Select the document where you want to paste your selection.


    Click the WordPad Training module in the top work area.

    Step 4

  5. Use Paste Special to create a new copy of the selected document only.


    Click the Edit menu.

    Step 5

  6. Click the Paste Special command.

    Step 6
  7. Click the Copy (selection only) list item.

    Step 7

  8. Click the OK button.

    Step 8
  9. Notice that the Creating Simple Formulas section in the outline in the top work area shows a different Document ID from the original in the bottom work area; showing that these are two independent documents.


    The child documents display identical Document IDs. The Copy (selection only) created a new copy of the selected document only. The new parent links to the same documents as the original parent document.

    Step 9
  10. Rename the section in the top work area.


    Click the Creating Simple Formulas section in the top work area to edit the name.

    Step 10

  11. Enter the desired information into the Rename field. Enter "Formulas".

    Step 11
  12. Press [Enter].

    Step 12
  13. Notice that editing the name does not affect the original.


    The sections have different Document IDs and can be edited independently.

    Step 13
  14. Switch to the Library and view the contents of the WP folder.


    Click the Library tab in the top work area.

    Step 14

  15. Notice the new section created by the selective copy.

    Step 15
  16. Switch to the WordPad Training outline.


    Click the WordPad Training tab in the top work area.

    Step 16
  17. You do not want to include the Using the AutoSum List topic in the WordPad Training outline, but you do not want to remove it from the Excel Level 1 outline.

    Step 17
  18. Delete the link to the topic in the Formulas section.


    Click the Using the AutoSum List topic in the top work area.

    Step 18

  19. Click the Delete Link button.

    Step 19
  20. Notice that the Using the AutoSum List topic was not deleted from the Excel outline.


    Because the parents are separate documents, you can change the links to the two sections independently. This means that you can add or remove document links to a parent in one outline without affecting the parent in the other outline.

    Step 20
  21. The identical Document IDs for the linked topics show that the Creating Simple Formulas section and the new Formulas section link to the same child documents.


    Any changes made to a child document in one outline affects all outlines to which that document is linked.


    To test this, we will rename the Entering Formulas topic in the top work area to Typing Formulas.

    Step 21
  22. The topic is renamed in both outlines.


    The selective copy created a new copy of the Creating Simple Formulas section only. The new section still links to the original topics.

    Step 22

  23. Step 23

After completing this topic, you are able to paste a copy (selection only) in the Outline Editor.

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