5 Backup, Recovery, and Deinstallation of Oracle Retail Data Model

This chapter explains how to deinstall Oracle Retail Data Model:

Backing Up and Recovering Oracle Retail Data Model

Backing up and recovering Oracle Retail Data Model involves a two-step process to:

  1. Backup or recover the relational objects

  2. Backup or recover the analytic workspace that is part of Oracle Retail Data Model

The following topics outline these steps:

Exporting Oracle Retail Data Model

Do the following to backup Oracle Retail Data Model:

  • Backup the ORDM_SYS schema by executing the expdp utility. This utility exports all physical tables containing the data, any OLAP Analytical Workspaces present in the schema and the Mining Models. For more information, see Oracle Database Utilities.

Importing Oracle Retail Data Model

Do the following to restore Oracle Retail Data Model from the backup files:

  • Restore the ORDM_SYS schema by executing the impdp utility.

    This utility imports all physical tables containing the data, OLAP Analytical Workspaces, and Mining Models. For more information, see Oracle Database Utilities.

Overview: Deinstalling Oracle Retail Data Model

To deinstall Oracle Retail Data Model, you do not simply run the Oracle Installer in deinstall mode. Instead, you perform the following tasks:

  1. Backup Oracle Retail Data Model, as described in "Exporting Oracle Retail Data Model".

  2. Stop any sessions that use the Oracle Retail Data Model schemas, as described in "Pre-Deinstallation Tasks".

  3. Execute the deinstallation script, as described in "Deinstallation Script Execution".

Pre-Deinstallation Tasks

The deinstallation script removes the ordm_sys schema. Consequently, before you run the deinstallation script, ensure that there are no active sessions that connect to the ordm_sys schema.

Identifying if the ordm_sys schema is active

To identify if there are active sessions connecting to the schema take the following steps:

  1. Sign in as DBA.

  2. Execute the following SQL statement:

    select SID,SERIAL# from v$session where USERNAME='ORDM_SYS'; 

If this query returns a session ID, then there is an active session.

Ending an active ordm_sys schema session

To end an active session, execute the following statements in which you replace sid and serial are the session ID and serial number returned by the earlier queries.

alter system kill session 'sid,serial' ;

Set Oracle Home Environment Variable

Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the location of the Database where you want to deinstall Oracle Retail Data Model.

For example, suppose that Oracle Home is in the directory /loc/app/oracle/product/11.2/

In a Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell, use these commands to set ORACLE_HOME:

$ ORACLE_HOME=/loc/app/oracle/product/11.2/
$ export ORACLE_HOME

In a C shell, use this command to set ORACLE_HOME

% setenv ORACLE_HOME /loc/app/oracle/product/11.2/

Deinstallation Script Execution

To execute the Oracle Retail Data Model deinstallation script:

  1. Execute


  2. When prompted, enter the SYSTEM password.

    The script de-configures the Oracle Retail Data Model and executes the Oracle Installer in deinstall silent mode.