This diagram shows the object relationships for WFQ+WRED Configuration. CongestionAvoidance PhbGroupMqc is the parent of Gold PhbMqc, and GoldPhbMqc has two children: WRED Strategy PhbGroup and Gold CoS.

WRED Strategy PhbGroup has the following children, Gold_2 Phb, Gold_1 Phb. A further subset of Link by attribute are Gold_2 Cos and Gold_1 Cos, and these two then have the following children: IP Precedence 2 PacketMarking and IP Precedence 1.

Gold CoS has the following child: Classify_Gold Classification Group. A further subset are Classify_DSCP1 and Classify_DSCP2 Classification. A further subset of Link by attribute are DSCP1 TrafficPacketMarking and DSCP2 TrafficPacketMarking.

The WRED Strategy PhbGroup and Gold CoS children connect together at the end of the hierarchy. IP Precedence 2 PacketMarking connects toDSCP2 TrafficPacketMarking, and IP Precedence 1 PacketMarking connects DSCP1 TrafficPacketMarking.