Chapter 14 Sun Ray Client Firmware

Table of Contents

14.1 Firmware Overview
14.2 Firmware Server Discovery
14.3 How to Update Firmware on Sun Ray Clients
14.4 How to Enable and Disable the Configuration GUI on All Sun Ray Clients
14.5 How to Modify a Sun Ray Client's Local Configuration (Configuration GUI)
14.5.1 Security Configuration Repository
14.5.2 Configuration GUI Menu Descriptions
14.5.3 How to Load a Remote Configuration File
14.6 VPN Support
14.6.1 How to Configure VPN Using Cisco Hybrid Authentication
14.7 IPsec
14.8 802.1x Authentication
14.8.1 How to Configure and Enable 802.1x Authentication on a Sun Ray Client
14.9 How to Display Firmware Versions for All Currently Connected Sun Ray Clients
14.10 How to Display the Firmware Version from a Sun Ray Client
14.11 How to Synchronize the Sun Ray Client Firmware
14.12 How to Downgrade Firmware on a Sun Ray Client
14.13 How to Disable All Sun Ray Client Firmware Updates

This chapter describes how to manage the Sun Ray Operating Software (firmware) on Sun Ray Clients. The Sun Ray Operating Software must be downloaded and installed separately from My Oracle Support. The firmware is officially called Sun Ray Operating Software, but the term "firmware" will continue to be used throughout the documentation.