5.1 To create a server pool

  1. If you are creating a clustered server pool you must provide a file system or physical disk to use for the server pool file system. Before you create a clustered server pool you must refresh the file system or physical disk to be used for the server pool file system. To refresh a file system, use the syntax:

    refresh { Assembly | FileServer | FileSystem | PhysicalDisk | Repository | SanServer | Server } instance

    For example, to refresh a physical disk:

    OVM> refresh PhysicalDisk id=0004fb0000180000efa8fd003a5f1613

    And to refresh a file system:

    OVM> refresh FileSystem name=nfs:/mnt/vol1/poolfs01

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.75, “refresh” .

  2. To create a server pool use the following syntax:

    create ServerPool virtualIP=value clusterEnable= { yes | no } filesystem=value physicalDisk=value keymapName=value migrateUsingSsl= { yes | no } [startPolicy= { BEST_SERVER | CURRENT_SERVER }] name=value [description=value]

    For example to create a clustered server pool:

    OVM> create ServerPool virtualIP= clusterEnable=yes \
      filesystem=nfs:/mnt/vol1/poolfs01 name=MyServerPool description='Clustered server pool'

    And to create an unclustered server pool:

    OVM> create ServerPool virtualIP= clusterEnable=no name=MyServerPool \
      description='Unclustered server pool'

    For more information on the syntax and usage, see Section A.26, “create ServerPool”.