1.5 Passing in a CLI Command at the Command Line

If you want to run the CLI and pass in a simple command, append the command in quotes after the SSH login credentials, for example:

# ssh admin@hostname -p 10000 "list Server" 

You can submit multiple commands using a semicolon (;) as the command delimiter, for example:

# ssh admin@hostname -p 10000 "list Server; show Server name=MyServer" 

If you have enabled key-based authentication, you are not prompted for the password to access the CLI, and the results are displayed. If you have not, you must enter the CLI password before the results are returned. See Section 1.3, “Key-Based Authentication” for information on setting up key-based authentication. Alternatively, you can use the sample eovmcli or eovmclixml Expect scripts on the Oracle VM Manager host to pass in the password without being prompted. These scripts return the results in either plain text, or XML. For example, to display a list of the Oracle VM Servers in plain text using the eovmcli Expect script, enter:

# cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_cli/expectscripts/
# ./eovmcli admin password "list Server"
Command: list Server
Status: Success
Time: date
  id:00:e0:81:4d:41:01:00:e0:81:4d:40:d6:00:e0:81:4d  name:MyServer1
  id:00:e0:81:4d:40:c6:00:e0:81:4d:40:c7:ff:ff:ff:ff  name:MyServer2
  id:00:e0:81:4d:40:f5:00:e0:81:4d:40:be:00:e0:81:4d  name:MyServer3

To display the output in XML, use the eovmclixml Expect script, for example:

# cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_cli/expectscripts/
# ./eovmclixml admin password "list Server"
    list Server
    <object value="id:00:e0:81:4d:41:01:00:e0:81:4d:40:d6:00:e0:81:4d  name:MyServer1"/>
    <object value="id:00:e0:81:4d:40:c6:00:e0:81:4d:40:c7:ff:ff:ff:ff  name:MyServer2"/>
    <object value="id:00:e0:81:4d:40:f5:00:e0:81:4d:40:be:00:e0:81:4d  name:MyServer3"/>

You can only use the semicolon to separate commands when using the ssh command. The eovmcli or eovmclixml Expect scripts do not accept the semicolon as a command delimiter.

If you want to pass in more complex commands to the CLI, you can write your own Expect scripts, as discussed in Section 1.6.2, “Writing Expect Scripts”. You can also use any other programming language to write scripts using the CLI as discussed in Section 1.8, “Integrating the CLI into Your Applications”.