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Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Administration Guide     Oracle VM Server for SPARC
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Part I Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software

1.  Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

2.  Installing and Enabling Software

Installing Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software on a New System

Updating the Oracle Solaris OS

Upgrading the System Firmware

Downloading the Logical Domains Manager

How to Download the Logical Domains Manager Software (Oracle Solaris 10)

Installing the Logical Domains Manager

(Oracle Solaris 10) Automatically Installing the Logical Domains Manager Software

Manually Installing the Logical Domains Manager Software

Enabling the Logical Domains Manager Daemon

How to Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon

Upgrading a System That Is Already Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC

Upgrading the Oracle Solaris OS

Saving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Directories

Saving and Restoring the Logical Domains Constraints Database File

Preserving the Logical Domains Constraints Database File When Using the Oracle Solaris 10 Live Upgrade Feature

Upgrading the Logical Domains Manager and the System Firmware

How to Stop All Domains Running on the Platform, Except the Control Domain

Upgrading to Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software

How to Upgrade to the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software (Oracle Solaris 10)

How to Upgrade to the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software (Oracle Solaris 11)

Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Logical Domains

How to Remove All Guest Domains

How to Remove All Logical Domains Configurations

How to Restore the Factory Default Configuration

How to Disable the Logical Domains Manager

How to Remove the Logical Domains Manager

How to Restore the Factory Default Configuration From the Service Processor

3.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security

4.  Setting Up Services and the Control Domain

5.  Setting Up Guest Domains

6.  Setting Up I/O Domains

7.  Using Virtual Disks

8.  Using Virtual Networks

9.  Migrating Domains

10.  Managing Resources

11.  Managing Domain Configurations

12.  Performing Other Administration Tasks

Part II Optional Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software

13.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

14.  Oracle VM Server for SPARC Configuration Assistant (Oracle Solaris 10)

15.  Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software

16.  Logical Domains Manager Discovery

17.  Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager



Installing Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software on a New System

Oracle's Sun platforms that support the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software come preinstalled with the Oracle Solaris 10 OS or the Oracle Solaris 11 OS. Initially, the platform appears as a single system hosting only one operating system. After the Oracle Solaris OS, system firmware, and Logical Domains Manager have been installed, the original system and instance of the Oracle Solaris OS become the control domain. That first domain of the platform is named primary, and you cannot change that name or destroy that domain. From there, the platform can be reconfigured to have multiple domains hosting different instances of the Oracle Solaris OS.

Note - The version of the Oracle Solaris OS software that runs on a guest domain is independent of the Oracle Solaris OS version that runs on the primary domain. So, if you run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in the primary domain, you can still run the Oracle Solaris 11 OS in any of the guest domains. Similarly, if you run the Oracle Solaris 11 OS in the primary domain, you can still run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in any of the guest domains.

Base your decision about which Oracle Solaris OS version to run on the primary domain on your requirements and any potential feature differences between Oracle Solaris 10 and Oracle Solaris 11. See Oracle Solaris 11 Release Notes and Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.

Updating the Oracle Solaris OS

On a brand new system, you might want to reinstall the factory-installed OS to conform to your installation policy. See Required and Recommended Oracle Solaris OS in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Release Notes. For complete Oracle Solaris OS installation instructions, see the Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Information Library and the Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library. You can tailor the installation to the requirements of your system.

If your system is already installed with the Oracle Solaris OS, you must upgrade it to the OS version that is associated with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 software. See Required Software and Patches in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Release Notes. For complete Oracle Solaris OS upgrade instructions, see the Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Information Library and the Oracle Solaris 11 Information Library.

Upgrading the System Firmware

The following tasks describe how to upgrade system firmware by using the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) software. Also see the following resources:

Downloading the Logical Domains Manager

You can obtain the latest packages for both the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and the Oracle Solaris 11 OS. Note that the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software is included by default with the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

How to Download the Logical Domains Manager Software (Oracle Solaris 10)

  1. Download the zip file (

    You can find the software at

  2. Unzip the zip file.
    $ unzip

    See Location of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Release Notes for details about the structure of the file and what it includes.

Installing the Logical Domains Manager

Following are the methods of installing the Logical Domains Manager software:

Note - Remember that you must manually install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software package after you install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC packages. It is not automatically installed with the other packages. See Chapter 15, Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software for more information about installing and using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB.

(Oracle Solaris 10) Automatically Installing the Logical Domains Manager Software

If you use the install-ldm installation script, you have several choices to specify how you want the script to run. Each choice is described in the procedures that follow.

Manually Installing the Logical Domains Manager Software

The following procedure guides you through manually installing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 software on the Oracle Solaris 10 OS.

When you install the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.1 software is installed by default. If you want to install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 software, see How to Upgrade to the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software (Oracle Solaris 11).

How to Manually Install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 Software (Oracle Solaris 10)

Before You Begin

Download the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.2 software (the SUNWldm and SUNWldmp2v packages). For instructions, see How to Download the Logical Domains Manager Software (Oracle Solaris 10).

  1. (Optional) Save your configuration to the service processor (SP), if necessary.

    Perform this step only is you are already running an earlier version of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.

    primary# ldm add-config config-name
  2. Install the SUNWldm.v and SUNWldmp2v packages.
    # pkgadd -Gd . SUNWldm.v SUNWldmp2v

    Answer y for yes to all questions in the interactive prompts.

    The -G option installs the package in the global zone only. The -d option specifies the path to the directory that contains the SUNWldm.v and SUNWldmp2v packages.

    For more information about the pkgadd command, see the pkgadd(1M) man page.

  3. Verify that the SUNWldm and SUNWldmp2v packages are installed.

    The following revision (REV) information is an example:

    # pkginfo -l SUNWldm | grep VERSION

    For more information about the pkginfo command, see the pkginfo(1) man page.

Enabling the Logical Domains Manager Daemon

The install-ldm installation script automatically enables the Logical Domains Manager daemon (ldmd). The ldmd daemon is also automatically enabled when the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software package is installed. When enabled, you can create, modify, and control the logical domains.

How to Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon

Use this procedure to enable the ldmd daemon if it has been disabled.

  1. Use the svcadm command to enable the Logical Domains Manager daemon, ldmd.

    For more information about the svcadm command, see the svcadm(1M) man page.

    # svcadm enable ldmd
  2. Use the ldm list command to verify that the Logical Domains Manager is running.

    The ldm list command should list all domains that are currently defined on the system. In particular, the primary domain should be listed and be in the active state. The following sample output shows that only the primary domain is defined on the system.

    # /opt/SUNWldm/bin/ldm list
    primary          active   ---c-   SP      64    3264M    0.3%  19d 9m