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Oracle® Communications Configuration Management Installation and System Administration Guide
Release 7.2

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3 Administering Configuration Management

This chapter describes how to complete administrative tasks in Oracle Communications Configuration Management.

Using System Properties Files

This section describes how to perform administration tasks on Configuration Management using system properties files.

Using Logging Properties File

The system properties file,, is located in the CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement/Config directory.

This is the default location and can be changed during installation.

Changing Logging Levels

The file controls the logging level used in Configuration Management. This section provides instructions for changing the logging level.

Changing the logging level is recommended for troubleshooting purposes and should be done only by an administrator.

Table 3-1 describes the logging levels.

Table 3-1 Logging Levels

Level User Type Description



Very severe errors that will most likely cause Configuration Management to stop or crash.



Errors that are most likely recoverable and will allow Configuration Management to continue running.



Indicates a potentially harmful condition.



Indicates the progress of an action performed in Configuration Management.



Very detailed error messages that are useful only when debugging Configuration Management.

To change the logging level:

  1. Open the CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement/Config/ file.

  2. Search for the following line:

    log4j.rootLogger=info, file
  3. Change info to any of the levels listed in Table 3-1.

To enable full logging, uncomment the following line in the file:, file

Using Collector Properties Files

The system properties files,,, and, are located in the CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement/CMCollector directory.

This is the default location and can be changed during installation.

Changing Parameters in the Collector Properties files

Table 3-2 lists the parameters, definitions, and default values for the file. If you delete any of these parameters, the default values that exist in the Configuration Management software are used.

User login credentials, such as user name and password are encrypted in the file.

Table 3-2 Parameters

Parameter Description Default

ORB Server port

Configuration Management Collector Port Number


Aggregator Port

Aggregator Port

Note: If you are using a managed server, this port must be the managed server port of WebLogic


Collector Name

Collector Name


Time reading syslog

Time between reading in seconds.


Syslog locations

Location of the syslog.log file.


Syslog message format file

Message format file of the Syslog.



Host for IP Service Activator.

IPSA Home Dir

IP Service Activator Home Directory


Changing Logging Levels for Collector Properties

You can changing logging levels for collector properties. See "Changing Logging Levels" for more information.

Using Server Log Files

The server log files for Configuration Management include logging.log (for the main logs in the GUI and Engine) and cmuser.audit.log (for the user audit trail).

The server logs for Configuration Management are located in the WLS_home/user_projects/Domain_name/logging.log directory:

For example: /opt/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/CMDomain

Changing the Name of the logging.log File

To change the name of the logging.log file:

  1. In the CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement/Config directory, open the file in a text editor.

  2. In the File output section, locate the following line and change the value logging.log to another file name, as shown in the following example:


Changing the Name of the cmuser.audit.log File

The cmuser.audit.log file tracks and reports user actions.

To change the name of the cmuser.audit.log file:

  1. In the CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement/Config directory, open the file in a text editor.

  2. In the File output section, locate the following line and change the value cmuser.audit.log to another file name, as shown in the following example:


System Configuration Script

To create a schedule to archive device and network configurations, you must provision a role on the management interfaces for all of the devices that are managed. Do this manually by using the Configuration Management Administration GUI, or by executing a script that is packaged with the Configuration Management software.

The system configuration script is located in the CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement/Scripts directory.

When you run the script, you are prompted to enter login credentials.

Running the Script

To provision a role, run the following script, in either the foreground or background, by using the following command:


The CmRoleAssign.log log file is created in CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement You can also see the status of the script execution on the console.

If you run the script in the foreground, you can terminate it by using CTRL-C.

To stop a script running in the background:

  1. Find the process you want to stop by using the following command:

    ps –ef | grep Config

    Text appears, similar to the following example:

    root 16127 14862 0 19:49:08 pts/7 0:00 /bin/sh ./
    root 16128 16127 1 19:49:08 pts/7 0:02 /usr/jdk/jdk1.7.0_21/bin/java DPROPFILE_BASE=/CM_Home/Config
  2. Stop all processes with a process ID (PID) associated with the ConfigMgmtRoleAssign process.

    In the above example, two processes belong to the ConfigMgmtRoleAssign script (16127 and 16128). Stop both processes by using the following command:

    kill -9 16127 16128

Managing the Database

Device configuration archives are stored in the Configuration Management database. Because a significant amount of data can accumulate in the database over time, you must purge archive records that are no longer required.

Purging Unlocked Archive Records from the Database

Running the database purge script purges unlocked archive records from the Configuration Management database. Configuration Management must be running in order for you to run the database purge script. A confirmation appears before the archive delete begins, allowing you to verify the operation before continuing. The logging.log file records the progress of the database purge operation.

After you start the database purge script, you cannot stop it. You can press CTRL-C to return to the console, but the script continues to run in the background.

The script purges records at a rate of 100 per minute: allocate sufficient time for the operation to complete.

The script is in the CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement/Scripts directory.


After you enter the command to run either the database purge or bulk archive delete scripts, you are prompted for your IP Service Activator/Configuration Management user ID and password.

To run the database purge script:

  1. Run the following command as the root user:

    ./ start_date end_date [IP_address]

where start_date and end_date are in the format mm/dd/yyyy and IP_address is either an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address, and is used to narrow the operation to records belonging to the specified address. If IP_address is omitted, the command purges all records for all devices between start_date and end_date.

For example, the command

./ 10/22/2013 04/22/2014

purges all device records for the device between the dates October 22, 2013 and April 22, 2014.

The BulkArchiveDelete.log log file is created in CM_Home/ConfigurationManagement each time you run the database purge script.

Stopping and Starting Oracle WebLogic Server

WebLogic Server provides several ways to start and stop server instances. For information about starting and stopping a WebLogic server instance, see Oracle WebLogic Server documentation.

Reducing the ORB Message Timeout

You can customize the Configuration Management Server response time to reduce the ORB message timeout.

When the network that IP Service Activator is managing is over 10,000 devices, the OSS Integration Manager may take longer than the ORB default for message timeouts to respond to a Configuration Management requested device search. Increasing the ORB message timeout setting ensures that the Configuration Management client receives the proper data, and not a timeout notification, from an initiated device search.

Reducing the ORB message timeout increases the amount of time that the Configuration Management Server can wait for a response from the OSS Integration Manager when conducting a device search on a very large IP Service Activator network.

To reduce the ORB message timeout:

  1. In the Configuration Management server WLS_home/user_projects/domains/Domain_name directory, open the file.

  2. Find the following line:

  3. Replace it with the following:

    JAVA_OPTIONS="${SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dcom.sun.CORBA.transport.ORBTCPReadTimeouts=1:15000:300:1"
  4. Save and close the file.

After you edit the file, you must restart the Configuration Management server for the change to take effect.

Restoring Configuration When the Device Model Contains Configlets

When performing a device restoration operation, if the device model contains one or more configlets that were created and persisted through Configuration Management, the commands are re-sent to the device even though the restored configuration has the configlets as part of the device model.

To restore a device configuration:

  1. Log in to Configuration Management and display the domain containing the discovered device.

  2. Create an archive for the device.

  3. Select the device, click Actions, and select View/Modify Configuration.

  4. Create a configlet and activate it.

  5. Click Archive to create an archive.

  6. Click the Configuration Archives link to display the archive list.

  7. Select the check box for the archive you just created.

  8. Click Restore, and select Complete Restore.

    The device is restored and restarted, and it is left in Offline Test mode.

  9. Select the device, click Actions, and select Put in Online Mode.

    The configlet is pushed to the device.

Typically, when you restore the configuration to the device, no configuration commands are sent to the device. This is the only exception.

For complete details, see Configuration Management online Help.

Restarting After Adding a New Domain or Network

If you add a new domain or network to IP Service Activator, you must restart Configuration Management to see the new domain or network.

To restart Configuration Management:

  1. In a browser, go to the WebLogic server console:


    where IP_address is the WebLogic server domain IP address or hostname, and Port is the port on which the WebLogic server listens for traffic.

  2. Log in using your WebLogic credentials.

  3. Select Deployments.

  4. Select the check box next to the ConfigurationManagement deployment.

  5. Click the Stop button, and then select Force Stop Now.

  6. Click the Start button, and then select Servicing All Requests.