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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use URLFilter
oracle.ide.cmd Contains classes implementing several JDeveloper commands. 
oracle.ide.config Contains classes encapsulating JDevelopers's environment settings. 
oracle.ide.db.model Classes associated with the IDE's navigator nodes for database connections and database objects. 
oracle.ide.dialogs Contains classes implementing standard dialogs used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.explorer Contains the interfaces and classes addins use to provide a structured view of data contained in nodes displayed in a navigator or an editor. 
oracle.ide.log Contains the interfaces and classes that allow addins to provide their own log pages. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. 
oracle.ide.navigator Contains classes providing navigator support. Provides a virtual file system framework based on 
oracle.ide.vcs Contains application-level interfaces to the version control sub-system. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi Contains extension-level service provider interfaces for version control system integraton. 
oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util Contains assorted stateless utilities for version control system integraton. 


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.cmd


Fields in oracle.ide.cmd declared as URLFilter
 URLFilter OpenCommandData.urlFilter
          If file selection dialog is show, use these URLFilters to specify what files can be opened.


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.config


Methods in oracle.ide.config that return URLFilter
static URLFilter GlobalIgnoreList.getURLFilter()
          Returns a URLFilter instance whose behavior is backed by the GlobalIgnoreList's PatternFilters.


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.db.model


Fields in oracle.ide.db.model declared as URLFilter
static URLFilter SqlNode.SQL_FILTER


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.dialogs


Methods in oracle.ide.dialogs with parameters of type URLFilter
static void DialogUtil.addURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Adds a new URLFilter that will be included automatically in URLChooser instances created by DialogUtil.newURLChooser(Context).
static void DialogUtil.setDefaultFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Deprecated. since 11.1.1 this method doesn't do anything
static void DialogUtil.setProjectFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Deprecated. since 11.1.1 this method doesn't do anything
static void DialogUtil.setWorkspaceFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Deprecated. since 11.1.1 this method doesn't do anything


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.dialogs.filter


Methods in oracle.ide.dialogs.filter that return URLFilter
protected static URLFilter DirectoryExcludeFilter.createURLFilter(java.lang.String filterText, int filterType)
 URLFilter FileTypeIncludeFilter.FilterInfo.getURLFilter()


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.explorer


Methods in oracle.ide.explorer that return URLFilter
 URLFilter ChildFilter.getURLFilter()


Methods in oracle.ide.explorer with parameters of type URLFilter
 void ChildFilter.setURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Sets the file filter used to exclude specific files


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.log


Methods in oracle.ide.log that return URLFilter
 URLFilter LogRecognizer.getFilter()
          Gets the URLFilter for the LogRecognizer.


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.model


Methods in oracle.ide.model that return URLFilter
static URLFilter ImageNode.getImageURLFilter()
          Returns a URLFilter that selects the image file formats directly supported by ImageNode.


Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type URLFilter
 java.util.List ContentSet.getDirectories(java.lang.String relPath, IntersectedFilters additionalFilters, URLFilter urlFilter)
 java.util.List ContentSet.getFiles(java.lang.String relPath, IntersectedFilters additionalFilters, URLFilter urlFilter)
 java.util.List ContentSet.getFilesAndDirectories(java.lang.String relPath, IntersectedFilters additionalFilters, URLFilter urlFilter)
 java.util.List ContentSet.getNodes(java.lang.String relPath, IntersectedFilters additionalFilters, URLFilter urlFilter)
 java.util.Iterator ContentSet.nodeIterator(java.lang.String relPath, IntersectedFilters additionalFilters, URLFilter urlFilter)
 java.util.Iterator ContentSet.urlIterator(java.lang.String relPath, IntersectedFilters additionalFilters, URLFilter urlFilter)


Constructors in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type URLFilter
ContentSet.URLIterator(ContentLevel initialLevel, URLFilter urlFilter)


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.navigator


Methods in oracle.ide.navigator that return URLFilter
 URLFilter NavigatorManager.getURLFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass)


Methods in oracle.ide.navigator with parameters of type URLFilter
 void NavigatorManager.registerFilter(java.lang.Class elementClass, java.lang.Class childFilterClass, URLFilter urlFilter)
          Associates a childFilterClass filter and urlFilter with the specified elementClass.


Uses of URLFilter in


Classes in that implement URLFilter
 class DefaultURLFilter
          A default implementation of URLFilter that performs filtering based on file extensions.
 class WildcardURLFilter
          A URLFilter that provides wildcard behavior.


Fields in declared as URLFilter
static URLFilter URLChooser.ALL_FILES_FILTER
          The standard "All Files (*.*)" URLFilter for accepting all URLs.


Methods in that return URLFilter
 URLFilter[] URLChooser.getChooseableURLFilters()
          Returns all of the URLFilters shown in the "File type" combo box as an array.
 URLFilter URLChooserEvent.getCurrentFilter()
 URLFilter URLTextField.getFilter()
          Retrieves the current filter for browsing new URLs
 URLFilter URLChooserEvent.getPreviousFilter()
 URLFilter URLChooser.getSelectedFilter()
          Returns the URLFilter that is currently selected in the file type combo box.


Methods in with parameters of type URLFilter
 void URLChooser.addChooseableURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Adds the specified URLFilter to be one of the filters that are shown in the "File type" combo box.
 void URLTextField.addChooseableURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Adds a URLFilter to the "File types" filter combo box.
 java.util.List<java.lang.String> URLPath.getDirectories(java.lang.String relPath, URLFilter urlFilter)
          Retrieves the list of all directories existing immediately under a relative path that pass the specified filter.
 java.util.List<> URLPath.getFiles(java.lang.String relPath, URLFilter urlFilter)
          Retrieves a list of URLs representing all the files contained under a relative path that pass the specified filter.
 java.util.List<> URLPath.getFilesAndDirectories(java.lang.String relPath, boolean dirsBeforeFiles, URLFilter urlFilter)
          Returns a List of URLs for all the files and directories that pass the specified filter and are contained within the specified relPath, relative to this URLPath.[] TraceFileSystemAccess.list( url, URLFilter filter)
   [] IdeDisplayURLFileSystemHelper.list( url, URLFilter filter)
   [] IdeURLFileSystemHelper.list( url, URLFilter filter)
   [] URLFileSystemHelper.list( url, URLFilter filter)
          Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL; the specified URLFilter is applied to determine which URLs will be returned.[] URLFileSystemHelperDecorator.list( url, URLFilter filter)
static[] URLFileSystem.list( url, URLFilter filter)
          Returns an array of URLs naming files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL; the specified URLFilter is applied to determine which URLs will be returned.
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] url, URLFilter filter)
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] url, URLFilter filter)
          Returns an array of URLFileSystem.FileInfo objects describing files and directories in the directory indicated by the URL that satisfy the specified URLFilter.
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] url, URLFilter filter)
static URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] url, URLFilter filter)
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] TraceFileSystemAccess.lsCached( url, URLFilter filter)
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] URLFileSystemHelper.lsCached( url, URLFilter filter)
 URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] URLFileSystemHelperDecorator.lsCached( url, URLFilter filter)
static URLFileSystem.FileInfo[] URLFileSystem.lsCached( url, URLFilter filter)
 void URLChooserEvent.setCurrentFilter(URLFilter filter)
 void URLTextField.setFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Specifies a filter to use when browsing for new URLs.
 void URLChooserEvent.setPreviousFilter(URLFilter filter)
 void URLChooser.setURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Sets the active URLFilter.


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.ide.vcs


Methods in oracle.ide.vcs that return types with arguments of type URLFilter
protected  java.util.Map<VCSListener,URLFilter> VCSManager.getVCSListeners()


Methods in oracle.ide.vcs with parameters of type URLFilter
 void VCSManager.addVCSListener(VCSListener listener, URLFilter filter)
          Adds a VCSListener to the VCSManager.
 void VCSManager.deleteRecursively([] urls, URLFilter filter, boolean tolerant)
          Deletes the given URLs, recursively processing all directories.
 void VCSManager.deleteRecursively([] urls, URLFilter filter, boolean tolerant, java.util.Collection<> nonDeletedUrls)
          Deletes the given URLs, recursively processing all directories.
 void VCSManager.deleteRecursively( url, URLFilter filter, boolean tolerant)
          Deletes the given URL, recursively processing all directories.
 void VCSManager.deleteRecursively( url, URLFilter filter, boolean tolerant, java.util.Collection<> nonDeletedUrls)
          Deletes the given URL, recursively processing all directories.
abstract  void VCSManager.validateStatus(URLFilter filter)
          Deprecated. replaced by VCSManager.validateStatus(URL[]).


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.library


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.library that implement URLFilter
static class JDKUtil.JDKExeFilter
static class LegacyJDK.JDKExeFilter


Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.library declared as URLFilter
static URLFilter JLibraryList.JDK_FILTER
static URLFilter JLibraryList.LIB_FILTER


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.palette


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.palette that return URLFilter
 URLFilter WebApplicationConfiguration.getCSSFilter()
 URLFilter WebApplicationConfiguration.getDocumentFilter()
 URLFilter WebApplicationConfiguration.getImageFilter()


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that implement URLFilter
static class ChangeListWindow.ScopeFilter


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that return URLFilter
 URLFilter ChangeList.getItemURLFilter()
 URLFilter ChangeList.getScopeFilter()


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist with parameters of type URLFilter
 void ChangeListStatusCache.clear(URLFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Clears the cached change list statuses for URLs accepted by the given filter.[] filter)
          Deprecated. Searches the change list status cache for URLs accepted by the given filter.
 void ChangeList.setItemURLFilter(URLFilter urlFilter)
 void ChangeList.setScopeFilter(URLFilter scopeFilter)


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.controls


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.controls with parameters of type URLFilter
protected  void ConnectionImportExportPanel.setURLChooserFilter(URLChooser urc, URLFilter filter)
          Override to set the default URLFilter for the URLChooser


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic that return URLFilter
protected  URLFilter ActionCommand.getURLFilter()
abstract  URLFilter VCSProfile.getURLFilter(java.lang.String filterId)
          Gets the URLFilter declared in the profile with the specified id.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.generic with parameters of type URLFilter
abstract  void BaseStatusResolver.clearStatuses(URLFilter filter)


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi that return URLFilter
 URLFilter VCSURLBasedCacheEvent.getFilter()
protected  URLFilter VCSCommand.getLocatableURLFilter()
          Deprecated. replaced by VCSCommand.getURLFilter().
 URLFilter VCSSingleNodeObserver.getURLFilter()
          Gets the url filter of this save observer.
protected  URLFilter VCSCommand.getURLFilter()
          Gets the URL filter controlling locatables in the command context.
 URLFilter VCSExtension.getURLFilter()
          Gets a URLFilter for the type of files this VCS extension handles.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type URLFilter
 void VCSStatusCache.clear(URLFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Clears the cached version statuses for URLs accepted by the given filter.
 void VCSURLBasedCache.clearValues(URLFilter filter)
protected  void VCSURLBasedCache.clearValues(URLFilter filter, boolean invalidate)
 void VCSURLFileSystemHelper.deleteRecursively( url, URLFilter filter, boolean tolerant, java.util.Collection<> nonDeletedUrls)
   [] filter)
          Deprecated. Searches the version status cache for URLs accepted by the given filter.[] VCSURLBasedCache.searchValues(URLFilter filter)
 void VCSSingleNodeObserver.setURLFilter(URLFilter filter)
          Sets the url filter of this save observer.
 void VCSIconOverlayTracker.setURLFilter(URLFilter filter)


Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.spi with parameters of type URLFilter
VCSIconOverlayTracker(int batchSize, VCSOverlayItemProducer overlayItemProducer, URLFilter filter, java.lang.String vcsId)
VCSNodeOverlayTracker(int batchSize, VCSOverlayItemProducer overlayItemProducer, URLFilter filter, java.lang.String vcsId)
VCSSingleNodeObserver(VCSStatusCache cache, URLFilter urlfilter)
          Deprecated. replaced by VCSSingleNodeObserver.VCSSingleNodeObserver(VCSStatusCache,URLFilter,String).
VCSSingleNodeObserver(VCSStatusCache cache, URLFilter urlfilter, java.lang.String vcsId)


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util


Classes in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that implement URLFilter
 class VCSURLPatternFilters


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util that return URLFilter
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createBaseURLContentsFilter([] baseUrls)
          Creates a base URL contents URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createChainedANDFilter(URLFilter[] filters)
          Creates a chained URL filter implementation delegating to given filters, based on AND logic.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createChainedORFilter(URLFilter[] filters)
          Creates a chained URL filter implementation delegating to given filters, based on OR logic.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createDirectoriesFilter()
          Creates a directories-only (no files) URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createDirectoryContentsFilter([] directoryUrls)
          Creates a directory contents URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createDirectoryPathFilter()
          Creates a directory path-only (no files) URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createFilePathFilter()
          Creates a file path-only (no files) URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createFileProtocolFilter()
          Creates a 'file' protocol-based URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createFilesFilter()
          Creates a files-only (no directories) URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createFileSuffixFilter(java.lang.String suffix)
          Creates a file suffix-based URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createHttpProtocolFilter()
          Creates an 'http' protocol-based URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSContextUtils.createLocalProtocolFilter()
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createNullFilter()
          Creates a 'null' URL filter implementation that accepts all URLs.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createProtocolFilter(java.lang.String protocol)
          Creates a protocol-based URL filter implementation.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createSpecificURLFilter([] urls)
          Creates a specific (nominated) URL filter implementation.


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.util with parameters of type URLFilter
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createChainedANDFilter(URLFilter[] filters)
          Creates a chained URL filter implementation delegating to given filters, based on AND logic.
static URLFilter VCSURLFilters.createChainedORFilter(URLFilter[] filters)
          Creates a chained URL filter implementation delegating to given filters, based on OR logic.
static ContextMenuListener VCSDefaultUtils.createContextMenuListener(java.awt.Component child, URLFilter filter, java.lang.String vcsId)
          Creates a context menu listener for adding the given menu child.
static IconOverlayTracker VCSDefaultUtils.createNodeOverlayTracker(int batchSize, oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.cache.StatusCacheBridge<VCSStatus> cache, URLFilter filter, java.lang.String vcsId)
          Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through icon-overlay-hook
static IconOverlayTracker VCSDefaultUtils.createNodeOverlayTracker(int batchSize, VCSOverlayItemProducer overlayItemProducer, URLFilter filter, java.lang.String vcsId)
          Deprecated. replaced by declarative registration through icon-overlay-hook
static Node[] VCSModelUtils.findCachedNodes(URLFilter filter)
          Finds nodes cached in the IDE whose files satisfy the given URL filter.
static Locatable[] VCSContextUtils.getContextLocatables(Context context, URLFilter filter)
          Gets the valid locatables from the context node selection.
static Locatable[] VCSContextUtils.getExpandedLocatables(Context context, Element[] elements, URLFilter filter)
          Get the expanded set of locatables from the specified set of elements, only returning locatables which pass the specified filter.
static Locatable[] VCSContextUtils.getExpandedLocatables(Element[] elements, URLFilter filter)
          Get the expanded set of locatables from the specified set of elements, only returning locatables which pass the specified filter.
static Locatable[] VCSModelUtils.getValidLocatables(java.lang.Object[] nodes, URLFilter filter)
          Gets the valid locatables from the given node selection.


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory that return URLFilter
protected  URLFilter VersionHistoryCommand.getURLFilter()


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versiontree


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versiontree that return URLFilter
protected  URLFilter VersionTreeCommand.getURLFilter()


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.faces with parameters of type URLFilter
static JsfResourceUtils.chooseResource(boolean forceResourceURL, URLFilter resourceFilter, Context context, java.lang.String selectDialogTitle, java.lang.String defaultLibrary)
          Lets user choose a resource.
static JsfResourceUtils.chooseResource(boolean forceResourceURL, URLFilter resourceFilter, Context context, java.lang.String promptMessage, java.lang.String promptDialogTitle, java.lang.String saveDialogTitle, java.lang.String selectDialogTitle, java.lang.String defaultLibrary)
          Lets user choose a resource
static URLChooser JsfResourceUtils.getResourceURLChooser(Context context, URLFilter resourceFilter, java.lang.String defaultLibrary, boolean chooseOnlyExisting)


Uses of URLFilter in


Methods in with parameters of type URLFilter[] DynamicStringImageURLFileSystemHelper.list( url, URLFilter filter)


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils


Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils with parameters of type URLFilter
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findNodes(Project project, URLFilter filter, java.lang.Class[] nodeClasses, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findNodes(Project project, URLFilter filter, java.lang.Class nodeClass, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
          Find Nodes of the given Node type in the web-app content set whose URLs satisfy given URL filter.
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findNodes(Project project, URLFilter filter, ResultCallback<Node> callback)
          Find Nodes in the web-app content set whose URLs satisfy given URL filter.
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findURLs(Project project, URLFilter filter, java.lang.Class[] nodeClasses, ResultCallback<> callback)
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findURLs(Project project, URLFilter filter, java.lang.Class nodeClass, ResultCallback<> callback)
          Find Nodes of the given Node type in the web-app content set whose URLs satisfy given URL filter.
static QueryProgress IndexingUtils.findURLs(Project project, URLFilter filter, ResultCallback<> callback)
          Find file URLs in the web-app content set that satisfy given URL filter.


Uses of URLFilter in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile


Classes in oracle.jdevimpl.audit.profile that implement URLFilter
 class ProfileMigrator
          A migrator for Audit profiles.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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