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Oracle Identity Synchronization for Windows 6.0 Installation and Configuration Guide
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Part I Installing Identity Synchronization for Windows

1.  Understanding the Product

2.  Preparing for Installation

3.  Installing Core

4.  Configuring Core Resources

Configuration Overview

Opening the Identity Synchronization for Windows Console

To Open Identity Synchronization for Windows Console

Creating Directory Sources

To Create Directory Sources

Creating a Sun Java System Directory Source

To Create a New Sun Java System Directory Source

Preparing Sun Directory Source

To Prepare your Directory Server Source

Creating an Active Directory Source

To Configure and Create Windows Active Directory Servers in a Network

Creating a Windows NT SAM Directory Source

To Deploy Identity Synchronization for Windows on Windows NT

Selecting and Mapping User Attributes

Selecting and Mapping Attributes

To Select and Map Attributes for Synchronization

Creating Parameterized Default Attribute Values

Changing the Schema Source

To Change the Default Schema Source

Propagating User Attributes Between Systems

Specifying How Object Creations Flow

To Specify How Object Creations Should Flow Between Directory Server and Active Directory Systems

Specifying New Creation Attributes

Editing Existing Attributes

Removing Attributes

Specifying How Object Modifications Flow

Specifying Direction

Configuring and Synchronizing Object Activations and Inactivations

Specifying Configuration Settings for Group Synchronization

To Synchronize Groups:

Configure Identity Synchronization for Windows to Detect and Synchronize Groups Related Changes between Directory Server and Active Directory

Configuring and Synchronizing Account Lockout and Unlockout

Prerequisites for Account Lockout

Using the Account Lockout Feature

Specifying How Deletions Flow

To Specify how Deleted Entries Flow Between Directory Server and Active Directory Systems

Creating Synchronization User Lists

To Identify and Link User Types Between Servers

Saving a Configuration

To Save your Current Configuration from the Console Panels

5.  Installing Connectors

6.  Synchronizing Existing Users and User Groups

7.  Removing the Software

8.  Configuring Security

9.  Understanding Audit and Error Files

Part II Identity Synchronization for Windows Appendixes

A.  Using the Identity Synchronization for Windows Command Line Utilities

B.  Identity Synchronization for Windows LinkUsers XML Document Sample

C.  Running Identity Synchronization for Windows Services as Non-Root on Solaris

D.  Defining and Configuring Synchronization User Lists for Identity Synchronization for Windows

E.  Identity Synchronization for Windows Installation Notes for Replicated Environments


Creating Synchronization User Lists

A Synchronization User List (SUL) specifies which users in Active Directory and Sun Directory Server will be synchronized. Every entry in the SUL passes through the Connector and is evaluated against the constraints you configured for that SUL.

Each SUL contains two elements, one to identify which Directory Server users to synchronize and one to identify which Windows users to synchronize.

Note - To synchronize users in a Directory Server with multiple Active Directory domains, you must define one SUL for each Active Directory domain.

For more information about defining and configuring SULs (including components of a definition, how to define multiple SULs, how multiple SULs are processed, and how to configure multiple Windows domain support) refer to Appendix D, Defining and Configuring Synchronization User Lists for Identity Synchronization for Windows

Both of the SUL elements contain three definitions that identify which users to synchronize:

To Identify and Link User Types Between Servers

  1. Select the Synchronization User Lists node in the navigation tree, and then click New Synchronization User List button.

    Figure 4-49 Creating a New Synchronization User List

    image:Click the New Synchronization User List button to create a new SUL.

    The Define a Synchronization User List wizard is displayed.

    Figure 4-50 Specifying a Name for Your SUL

    image:Provide a unique name for your Synchronization User List.

    The program default for your first Synchronization User List is SUL1.

    • If the default name is acceptable, click Next.

    • If you want to use a different name, type a different name into the Name field and then click Next.

    • Do not use spaces or any kind of punctuation in the SUL name.

    • You must specify a name that is unique within the system.

      The Windows Criteria panel is displayed.

    Figure 4-51 Specifying the Windows Criteria

    image:Specify Windows directory sources, Base DN, filters, and creation expressions.
  2. Select a Windows Directory Source from the drop-down list.

    Note - You cannot edit the Active Directory or Directory Server directory sources included in this SUL after you click the Finish button to create the SUL. When the Group Synchronization feature is enabled, the creation expression would be uid=%uid% or cn=%cn% in the Sun Java System Directory Server Criteria panel.

  3. AUser Set Domainis the set of all the users to be synchronized. Enter the User Set Domain's Base DN, using one of the following methods:
    • Type the name into the text field (for example, DC=example,DC=com).

    • Click the Browse button, to open the Set Base DN dialog box so you can look for, and select a Base DN.

      All users under the specified Base DN will be included in this SUL, unless you explicitly exclude them using a filter.

      Note - Base DNs and creation expressions are not allowed for Windows NT machines.

      You cannot edit the Active Directory or Directory Server directory sources included in this SUL after you click the Finish button to create the SUL. When the Group Synchronization feature is enabled, then the creation expression should be uid=%uid% in the Sun Java System Directory Server Criteria panel.

    Figure 4-52 Selecting a Base DN

    image:Click on an entry in this list to select a Base DN.
  4. You can enter an equality, a presence, or a substring Filter to specify which users in this base DN are synchronized. For example, if you are using the same base DN for multiple synchronization user lists, you may want to use a filter to distinguish between them.

    The equality filter syntax is similar to LDAP query syntax, except that equality substrings allow *, &, |, =, ! characters only. For example, you can use the following filter to exclude the Administrator from your SUL:


    The program should populate the Creation Expression field automatically.

    Note - A creation expression defines the parent DN and naming attribute used when new entries are propagated from Active Directory to Directory Server.

    A creation expression is not allowed for Sun directories unless you configured user attribute creations to flow from Active Directory to Directory Server. For more information, see Specifying How Object Creations Flow.

  5. If the creation expression is missing or you want to change the existing entry, you can enter a creation expression for all Windows Active Directory synchronization user lists; for example:

    cn=%cn% ,cl=users,dc=example,dc=com

    If you are going to change the creation expression, you must select an attribute that you will be synchronizing. If necessary, go back to the Object Creation tab and use the Creation Attribute button to add and map this attribute.

  6. Click Next to specify the Sun Java System Directory Server criteria.
  7. When the Specify the Sun Java System Directory Server Criteria panel is displayed repeat Step 2 through Step 5 to provide the Directory Server criteria.

    Figure 4-53 Specifying Directory Server Criteria

    image:Specify Sun Java System Directory Server directory sources, Base DN, filters, and creation expressions.

    Note - You cannot edit the Active Directory or Directory Server directory sources included in this SUL after you click the Finish button to create the SUL.

  8. When you are done, click Finish.
  9. The program adds your new SUL node to the navigation tree and the Synchronization User List panel is displayed on the Configuration Tab.

    Figure 4-54 Synchronization List Panel

    image:Use the Synchronization List panel to edit your Windows and Sun directory sources, Base DNs, filters, and creation expressions.
  10. In cases where a user matches multiple lists, click the Resolve Domain Overlap button to define a preference for the synchronization user list.
  11. Create a Synchronization User List that includes every directory source in your network except for the Directory Server.