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Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Evaluation Guide 11 g Release 1 (
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Directory Server Enterprise Edition

2.  Service Manageability

3.  High Data Availability and Integrity

4.  Tuned for Performance

Cache Optimizations

Setting Thresholds on Dynamic Memory Use

Optimizing Cache Memory Allocation

Log Management Improvements

Time-Based Log Rotation and Deletion

On-Demand Log Rotation

Configurable Log File Permissions Settings

Monitoring and Managing Persistent Searches

Where to Go From Here

5.  Enhanced Security

6.  Managed Scalability

7.  Virtual Directory

8.  Synchronizing Directory Server With Windows Users and Groups

A.  Standards and RFCs Supported by Directory Server Enterprise Edition

Log Management Improvements

This version of Directory Server brings improvements to time-based log rotation, rotate on-demand functionality for access, error, and audit logs, and configurable permissions for log files. It also provides more flexible logging of users involved in proxy authorization.

The following sections describe changes that have been made in the logging functionality of Directory Server.

Time-Based Log Rotation and Deletion

Directory Server supports rotating and deleting logs not only after a specified interval, but also at a specified time. This feature lets you more easily perform operations such as log analysis and trending, as each rotated log file covers the same length of time. This feature can also be used to meet auditing and security requirements because it makes it easier to determine the specific period of time covered by a given log file.

You can specify whether to rotate the log according to a time interval or according to the size of the log file. The following figure illustrates using the DSCC to configure log rotation to occur once a week at midnight, as well as to rotate the log files when the size limit exceeds 100 Mbytes.

image:Illustrates the Log Rotation section of the DSCC

See the log(5dsconf) man page for details on the rotation-time log property.

For example, from the command line, you can display the current configuration for the access log as follows:

$ dsconf get-log-prop -p 20390
enabled                   :  on
level                     :  default
max-age                   :  1M
max-disk-space-size       :  500M
max-file-count            :  10
max-size                  :  100M
min-free-disk-space-size  :  5M
path                      :  /install-path/sA1/logs/access
perm                      :  600
rotation-interval         :  1d
rotation-min-file-size    :  unlimited
rotation-time             :  undefined
verbose-enabled           :  N/A

You can change the rotation interval for the access log through the command line as follows:

$ dsconf set-log-prop -p 20390 rotation-interval:2d

On-Demand Log Rotation

You can manually rotate Directory Server access, error, and audit logs. This feature is useful when you want the server to stop writing to the current log file while you examine the file. You might also choose to use this feature with system scheduler utilities in addition to time-based log rotation.

You can rotate the access log by using the DSCC. The following figure illustrates the logging configuration screen and the Rotate Log File Now button. Clicking this button allows you to close the current log file and start a new one.

image:DSCC Access Log viewer and the Rotate Log File Now button.

To rotate the access log from the command line, type the following:

$ dsconf rotate-log-now -p 20390

See the dsconf(1M) man page for details on the rotate-log-now subcommand.

Configurable Log File Permissions Settings

Directory Server provides the ability to configure the permissions with which the log file is created, allowing you to change permissions to logs from the default value. This feature lets you tightly control what the user who starts the server can do. At the same time, you can permit specific applications and other users to access key, time-dependent information contained in the logs.

Directory Server enables you to specify the permissions with which a log file will be created.

Log file creation permissions can be set using the dsconf command or using the DSCC as illustrated in the following figure.

image:Log File Permissions screen in the DSCC

See the log(5dsconf) man page for details on the perm log property.

Monitoring and Managing Persistent Searches

You can now monitor the number of persistent searches that are running on the server, and set a maximum number of persistent searches. To monitor the number of persistent searches, view the value for the currentpsearches attribute, which is stored under cn=monitor. To set a maximum number of persistent searches, use the command dsconf set-server-prop max-psearch-count:number. This feature is useful for troubleshooting and preventing performance issues related to persistent searches.