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Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition Troubleshooting Guide 11g Release 1 (
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Document Information


1.  Overview of Troubleshooting Directory Server Enterprise Edition

2.  Troubleshooting Installation and Migration Problems

3.  Troubleshooting Replication

4.  Troubleshooting Directory Proxy Server

5.  Troubleshooting Directory Server Problems

6.  Troubleshooting Data Management Problems

7.  Troubleshooting Identity Synchronization for Windows

8.  Troubleshooting DSCC Problems

Collecting DSCC Troubleshooting Data

Possible Causes of DSCC Problems

To Collect DSCC Troubleshooting Data

Collecting DSCC 6.x Troubleshooting Data

Possible Causes of DSCC 6.x Problems

To Collect DSCC 6.x Troubleshooting Data

9.  Directory Server Error Log Message Reference

10.  Directory Proxy Server Error Log Message Reference


Collecting DSCC Troubleshooting Data

This section describes the possible causes of DSCC problems and how to collect information about DSCC failures.

Possible Causes of DSCC Problems

The DSCC may fail for one of the following reasons:

To Collect DSCC Troubleshooting Data

  1. Verify the status of the DSCC.
    $ install-path/bin/dsccsetup status
    DSCC Agent is registered in Cacao
    Cacao uses a custom port number (11168)
    DSCC Registry has been created
    Path of DSCC registry is /var/opt/SUNWdsee7/dcc/ads
    Port of DSCC registry is 3998

    On Windows, run the following command to check the status of DSCC:

    C:\install-path\bin>dsccsetup.exe status

    The default installation path for native packages on Solaris operating systems is /opt/SUNWdsee7. For the default installation path on your operating system, see Default Paths.

    If you find any initialization problems with DSCC, fix them using the dsccsetup(1M) command.

  2. If the status says that the DSCC agent is not registered, reinitialize the agent.

    When the DSCC agent is not registered, the local Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances can not be managed from a remote DSCC. Reinitialize the agent using the following command:

    # dsccsetup cacao-reg
  3. If the status message states that the DSCC registry has not been created, initialize the DSCC registry.

    When the registry does not exist, the DSCC application needs to be initialized. Initialize the registry using the following command:

    # dsccsetup ads-create
  4. If you see errors that pertain to the DSCC agent, check the Common Agent Container.

    The cacaoadm(1M) man page describes the error codes that the command returns. For the exact location of this command on your system, see Command Locations.

    You must run the cacaoadm command as root for native packages installation and as the user who performed the installation for zip installation.

    root# /usr/sbin/cacaoadm status
    default instance is DISABLED at system startup.
    Smf monitoring process:
    Uptime: 0 day(s), 3:16

    After installing Directory Server, the Common Agent Container starts automatically. However, when you reboot, you might have to start the Common Agent Container manually as follows.

    # cacaoadm start

    On Windows, check the status of Common Agent Container using the following command:

    C:\install-path\dsee6\cacao_2\bin>cacaoadm status

    For more information about the Common Agent Container, see Sun Java Enterprise System 5 Update 1 Monitoring Guide.

  5. If the other actions do not help, run a clean setup for the DSCC.

    Running a clean setup resets the DSCC but in the process you lose the DSCC registry.

    Run each of the following commands:

    # /opt/SUNWdsee7/bin/dsccsetup dismantle
    #/opt/SUNWdsee7/bin/dsccsetup initialize

    These commands cleanup and reconfigure the DSCC and its agents.