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Oracle® Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Hardware and Software Specification
Release 11g R1 (

Part Number E29132-02
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Oracle® Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data

Hardware and Software Specification

Release 11g R1 (


February 2013

The following chapters contain the recommended Enterprise DQ for Product (EDQP) Oracle DataLens Server system configurations.

Oracle DataLens Server Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements

You must ensure that the following Oracle DataLens Server minimum hardware and software requirements are observed. These requirements represent the certified and supported server configurations.

Oracle DataLens Server Example Hardware Configurations

The following sections describe example server configurations of Oracle DataLens Servers. Your environment may require additional cores to facilitate processing speed based on the number of clients accessing the servers, as well as, the number of DSA and data lens and frequency of checking them in and out.

Entry Level System Configuration

One Administration/Development Server (1)

Administration/Development Server with 4 Cores / 16 GB RAM

One Server Group with One Production Server (1)

Production Server with 4 Cores / 16 GB RAM

Oracle recommends that customers proceed with a multi-tiered server configuration of one Administrative Server and one Production Server. The Production Server is recommended to be a four core box.

Mid-Level System Configuration

One Administration/Development Server (1)

Administration/Development Server with 8 Cores / 32 GB RAM

One Server Group with One Production Server (1)

Production Server each with 8 Cores / 32 GB RAM

Oracle recommends that customers proceed with a multi-tiered server configuration of one Administrative Server and one Production Server. The Production Server is recommended to be an eight core box.

Enterprise System: Production Configuration

One Administration/Development Server (1)

Administration Server with 8 Cores / 32 GB RAM

One Quality Assurance Server (1)

Quality Assurance Server with 8 Cores / 32 GB RAM

One Server Group with Two Production Servers (2)

Production Servers each with 8 Cores / 32 GB RAM

Oracle recommends that Enterprise Customers proceed with a multi-tiered server environment consisting of one Administration Server, one Quality Assurance Server, and two Production Servers. The Production Servers are recommended to be eight core boxes and will be configured to share processes (multi-threading) with load balancing.

Client System Minimum Hardware and Software Requirements

You must ensure that the following EDQP minimum client system hardware and software requirements are observed. These requirements represent the certified and supported server configurations.

Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the documentation set:

See the latest version of this and all documents in the Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Documentation Web site at

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Oracle Enterprise Data Quality for Product Data Hardware and Software Specification, Release 11g R1 (


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