An object used for formulating queries to an Endeca MDEX Engine through the use of an input URL.

Namespace: Endeca.Navigation
Assembly: Endeca.Navigation (in Endeca.Navigation.dll) Version: (


public class UrlENEQuery : ENEQuery
Visual Basic
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class UrlENEQuery _
	Inherits ENEQuery
Visual C++
public ref class UrlENEQuery : public ENEQuery


A direct subclass of ENEQuery, UrlENEQuery allows an application to pass in an request URL's query string and autopopulate the query fields to automatically query the MDEX Engine objects specified in the URL. Like the ENEQuery superclass, a UrlENEQuery can express a request for a navigation, a record, a value search, and/or a value set search.

Navigation Query

Parameter NameParameter Value FormatENEQuery Method
NEither 0 (zero) for a root navigation request, or one or more dimension value IDs.NavDescriptors
NaoA number indicating the starting index of an aggregated record list.NavAggrERecsOffset
NeEither 0 indicating no refinement values are returned for any dimensions, or one or more dimension value IDs indicating which dimension navigation refinements will be exposed. NavExposedRefinements
Nf Sets a range filter with one of these formats:
<i>key</i>|LT+<i>number</i><br /><i>key</i>|LTEQ+<i>number</i><br /><i>key</i>|GT+<i>number</i><br /><i>key</i>|GTEQ+<i>number</i><br /><i>key</i>|BTWN+<i>num1</i>+<i>num2</i><br /><i>key</i>|GCLT+<i>lat</i>,<i>lon</i>+<i>number</i><br /><i>key</i>|GCGT+<i>lat</i>,<i>lon</i>+<i>number</i><br /><i>key</i>|GCBTWN+<i>lat</i>,<i>lon</i>+<i>num1</i>+<i>num2</i>
NkSpecify none to request that no key properties be returned.NavNumAggrERecs
NoA number indicating the starting index of a record list.NavERecsOffset
NpEither 0 (no records are returned with each aggregated record), 1 (only a single representative record is returned with each aggregate record), or 2 (all records are returned with each aggregated record). NavERecsPerAggrERec
NrThe record filter for the navigation query.NavRecordFilter
Nrc The dynamic refinement configs for the navigation query. Each dynamic refinement config is delimited by the pipe character and must have the
setting. Settings for a dynamic refinement config are: id: The dimension value id. Valid values are integers strictly greater than 0. exposed: Whether to expose the dimension value's refinement. Valid values are true which indicates exposed and false which indicates unexposed. Defaults to exposed. showcounts: Whether to show counts for the dimension value's refinements. Valid values are true which indicates counts are shown and false which indicates counts are not shown. dynrank: Whether the dimension value has Dynamic Ranking enabled. Valid values are enableddisabled and
which uses the setting from Developer Studio. dyncount: The maximum number of dimension values to return. Valid values are integers >=0 or
which uses the setting from Developer Studio. dynorder: Dynamic Ranking sort order. Valid values are
which uses the setting from Developer Studio. Omission of a setting or specifying the value
results in using the setting in Developer Studio.
NrsThe structure expression for the navigation query.NavRecordFilter
NsOne or more sort keys (properties or dimensions) for a Navigation object's record list. Optionally, each sort key can specify a sort order of 0 (ascending sort, the default) or 1 (descending sort). SetNavActiveSortKeys(ERecSortKeyList)
NtkOne or more search keys (properties or dimensions), each delimited by the pipe character. NavERecSearches
Ntpc1 (to turn on the computed alternative phrasings feature for a record search) or 0 (to turn it off). 0 is the default. NavERecSearchComputeAlternativePhrasings
Ntpr1 (to use a computed alternative phrasing for a record search) or 0 (to use the end user's original query). 0 is the default. NavERecSearchRewriteQueryWithAnAlternativePhrasing
NttOne or more terms for a record search. Each term is delimited by a plus sign, and each set of terms is delimited by the pipe character. NavERecSearches
NxOptions for navigation queries (other than options for record search, which are handled by Ntx). NavOpts
NtxOne or more sets of options for record search in the navigation query. These options include search mode, relevance ranking, and the snip and nosnip operators. Each set of options is delimited by the pipe character. NavERecSearches
Nty1 (to turn on the "Did You Mean" feature for a record search) or 0 (to turn it off). 0 is the default. NavERecSearchDidYouMean
NrkThe search key for relevance ranking record searchNavRelRankERecRankNrtOne or more terms for relevance ranking record search. Each term is delimited by a plus sign. NavRelRankERecRankNrrThe relevance ranking strategy to use with relevance ranking record search. NavRelRankERecRankNrmThe match mode to use with relevance ranking record search. NavRelRankERecRank
NuA property or dimension to be used as a rollup key for aggregated records. NavRollupKey

Record Query

Parameter NameParameter Value FormatENEQuery Method
ROne or more Endeca record IDs.ERecs

Aggregated Record Query

Parameter NameParameter Value FormatENEQuery Method
AThe record specification of the Endeca aggregated record. AggrERecSpec
AfOne or more aggregated record navigation range filters. See the Nf parameter for the format. AggrERecNavRangeFilters
AnOne or more dimension value IDs.AggrERecNavDescriptors
ArThe record filter for the aggregated record navigation query. AggrERecNavRecordFilter
ArsThe structure expression for the aggregated record query. AggrERecStructureExpr
AuA property or dimension to be used as a rollup key for aggregated records. AggrERecRollupKey
AsA sort specification to be used to order representative records AggrERecActiveSortKeys

Dimension Search Query

Parameter NameParameter Value FormatENEQuery Method
DThe dimension search query terms.DimSearchTerms
DfOne or more dimension search range filters. See the Nf parameter for the format. DimSearchNavRangeFilters
DiOne or more IDs of dimensions to search against.DimSearchDimensions
Dk0 means means default dimension value ranking is used to order dimension search results, while 1 means relevance ranking is used. DimSearchRankResults
DnOne or more dimension value IDs.DimSearchNavDescriptors
DoA number indicating the offset with which the dimension search will begin returning results per dimension. DimSearchResultsOffset
DpThe number of dimension value matches to return per dimension.DimSearchNumDimValues
DrThe record filter for the dimension search navigation query.DimSearchNavRecordFilter
Drc The dynamic refinement configs for the dimension search query. Each dynamic refinement config is delimited by the pipe character and must have the
setting. Settings for a dynamic refinement config are: id: The dimension value id. Valid values are integers strictly greater than 0. showcounts: Whether to show counts for the dimension value's refinements. Valid values are true which indicates counts are shown and false which indicates counts are not shown. Defaults to false.
DrsThe structure expression for the dimension search navigation query.DimSearchNavRecordFilter
DuA property or dimension to be used as a rollup key for aggregated counts.D=Merlot&Drc=id+1000+showcounts+true&Du=P_WineryDimSearchRollupKey
DxThe options for the dimension search operation.DimSearchOpts


The set methods of this query class are not meant to be usually called through a direct method call. For example a UrlENEQuery could formulate a request for a navigation and a value search from the URL:
This example would express a query to the MDEX Engine for the root navigation as well as a value search for a value named "cadillac".

UrlENEQuery can be instantiated in a couple of ways in a ASP.NET and C# usage. For example:

IENEConnection nec = new HttpENEConnection("", 5001);
ENEQuery usq = new UrlENEQuery(Page.Request.Url.Query);
QueryResults = nec.Query(usq);

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also