Raised when a URL is being constructed for one of the hyperlinks that is rendered by this control.

Namespace:  Endeca.Web.UI.WebControls
Assembly:  Endeca.Web.UI.WebControls (in Endeca.Web.UI.WebControls.dll) Version: (


public event EventHandler<GuidedNavigationUrlEventArgs> BuildingUrl
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Event BuildingUrl As EventHandler(Of GuidedNavigationUrlEventArgs)
Visual C++
 event EventHandler<GuidedNavigationUrlEventArgs^>^ BuildingUrl {
	void add (EventHandler<GuidedNavigationUrlEventArgs^>^ value);
	void remove (EventHandler<GuidedNavigationUrlEventArgs^>^ value);


When this control has been configured with a UrlManager, be setting the UrlManagerId property, hyperlinks are rendered instead of links that post back to the current page. Handling this event allows a page developer to override the default URLs that are generated by the UrlManager. If the handler sets the Url property, then this control renders the value of this property, instead of the default URL.

See Also