Defines a common interface indicating that an object is associated with an EndecaCommand.

Namespace:  Endeca.Data.Provider
Assembly:  Endeca.Data (in Endeca.Data.dll) Version: (


public interface ICommandSource<TCommand> : ICommandSource
where TCommand : new(), EndecaCommand
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Interface ICommandSource(Of TCommand As {New, EndecaCommand}) _
	Implements ICommandSource
Visual C++
generic<typename TCommand>
where TCommand : gcnew(), EndecaCommand
public interface class ICommandSource : ICommandSource

Type Parameters

The type of the command associated with this source.


This interface supports the UrlManager class in the Endeca.Web assembly, and allows commands and Endeca data sources to be treated in a uniform fashion. In general, application code does not need to interact with this interface.

See Also