Content Acquisition System 3.0.1

Release Announcement  | PDF
Introduces the features added in this release.

Release Notes  | .txt
Provides general release information including bug fixes and known issues.

CAS Quick Start Guide  | PDF
Describes the basics of the Endeca Content Acquisition System (CAS) and then walks you through the high-level process of installing Endeca with CAS, adding manipulators, crawling data sources, and processing the Endeca records in a Forge pipeline.

CAS Installation Guide  | PDF
Describes how to install CAS and set up CAS components after installation on Windows and UNIX.

CAS Migration Guide  | PDF
Describes how to upgrade the Content Acquisition System and describes the major changes between versions.

CAS Developer's Guide  | PDF
Describes how to configure and run CAS to incorporate source data gathered from file systems, CMS data sources, and custom data sources. The guide also explains how to create both Forge pipelines and CAS pipelines that process the data for use in an MDEX Engine.

CAS API Guide  | PDF
Describes how to programmatically configure and run CAS crawls using the CAS Server API, the Component Instance Manager API, and the Record Store API.

CAS Extension API Guide  | PDF
Describes how to implement, test, and package CAS extensions using the CAS Extension API. CAS extensions include data source extensions and manipulator extensions.

Web Crawler Guide  | PDF
Describes how to configure the Endeca Web Crawler and run it to gather source data from Web sites.

CAS Console for Endeca Workbench Help  | PDF
Describes how to create, configure, crawl, and monitor data sources using CAS Console for Oracle Endeca Workbench.

CMS Connector Guides
Describe how to configure and use each CMS connector:

Documentum Content Server | PDF
Documentum eRoom | PDF
FileNet Document and Image Services | PDF
FileNet P8 | PDF
Interwoven TeamSite | PDF
JSR-170 Compliant Repositories | PDF
Open Text Livelink | PDF
Lotus Notes | PDF
Microsoft SharePoint | PDF

CAS Server API Reference (Javadoc)  | HTML
Generated API reference documentation for the CAS Server API.

Component Instance Manager API Reference (Javadoc)  | HTML
Generated API reference documentation for the Component Instance Manager API.

Record Store API Reference (Javadoc)  | HTML
Generated API reference documentation for the Record Store API.

CAS Extension API Reference (Javadoc)  | HTML
Generated API reference documentation for the CAS Extension API.

Web Crawler API Reference (Javadoc)  | HTML
Generated API reference documentation for the Web Crawler API.

API Reference for the CAS Server Deployment Template Component (Javadoc)  | HTML
Generated API reference documentation for executing CAS crawls using the CAS Server.