The configuration of a data store. 'dataFiles' should include a directory and a prefix. If 'dataFiles' is omitted, the default data files directory will be used, and 'name' will be used as the prefix. 'wsPort' and 'bulkLoadPort' can be left blank or set to zero, which will cause the Endeca Server to assign ports automatically. A request to create the data files for a new data store on disk and attach it. The data store will be started. A request to start a data store. If the data store is not STOPPED, a fault is returned. A request to stop a data store. If the data store is currently STARTING, then the startup will be cancelled. If the data store is not STARTED or STARTING, a fault is returned. A request to attach to existing data files on disk. The data store will be started. If the data store cannot be successfully started, the data store will not be registered (as if Detach were called). In other words, if this operation returns a fault for any reason, no change will have occurred on the server. If a data store with the given name already exists, a fault is returned. A request to get the status of a data store. A request to list the names of all registered data stores. A request to detach a data store. If the data store is not STOPPED, a fault is returned. A request to list the names of all registered data stores. A request for server-side usage information. The response to createDataStore when successful. The response to startDataStore when successful. The response to stopDataStore when successful. The response to attachDataStore when successful. The response to dataStoreStatus when successful. The response to listDataStores when successful. The response to detachDataStore when successful. The response to version when successful. The response to usage when successful. A fault thrown by an unsuccessful request to the control web service. A web service for control of Endeca Server data stores.