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Monitoring Tuxedo Job Enqueueing Service

JES Job Operations

You can view all available jobs and perform a set of Job operations by clicking the JES Jobs tag from the Tuxedo JES Admin target homepage.

Querying a Job

From the Query area on the left of the page, you can search jobs by either the combined query conditions or job ID.

The filter conditions can be JES application, job name, job owner, job priority, job class, job status, and the submitted time range. After specifying query condition and clicking Query, the searched job result shows on the page. Clicking on a job item, detailed job information is displayed under the query list.

To avoid displaying of large number queried results on the screen that decreases system performance, you can specify the maximum number of records that can be returned. Default is 1000.

Viewing and Managing Jobs

The jobs searched out by the query conditions are listed in the Jobs Query Result List. Click a job item in the list and then you are able to mange the job with the following action buttons:

  • Cancel: Cancel the selected job.

  • Purge: Purge the selected job.

  • Hold: Hold the selected job which is in CONVING or WAITING status.

  • Release: Release the selected job which is in HOLD_WAITING or HOLD_CONVING status.

  • Job Logs: Show the content of selected job. It displays the last 4 KB content of the log file.

  • Job Sysouts: Show the output information of selected job. It displays the last 4 KB content of the log file.

  • Refresh: Refresh the job list. Once you click Refresh, job query executes again with previous specified query condition and shows query result on screen.

  • Submit: Submit the selected job. You can fill out EJR and Shell options before submitting, if needed.

GDG Management

You can manage Generation Data Group (GDG) files by clicking the GDG tag from the Tuxedo JES Admin target homepage.

Creating a GDG

You can create a GDG with specified base name and max generation by clicking Add. You need to specify the following parameters:

  • Base Name: It contains the path info of a GDG, e.g. /testarea/em/ em.gdg

  • Max Generations: Specifies the maximum number of generations that the GDG can contain.

Querying GDG

GDG can be queried by their base name.

If you are not sure about the GDG base name, you can use the wildcard "*" to substitute for zero or more characters, or "?" to substitute for exactly one character in base name.

Deleting GDG

To delete a GDG, select one row of them and click Delete. You can select multiple GDG items to delete at a time. All the information and files under this GDG are deleted. It is not supported to delete one generation of a GDG.

Viewing List&Check Result

When you choose one of the GDG row in GDG table, the GDG File table displays all the differences between the GDG located in file system and management information stored in DB. Two kinds of data are collected:

  • The information read from disk, which shows generation name with path information in the last column.

  • The information read from GDG_DETAIL table, which shows the information in other columns.


You can reconcile the differences between the GDG located in file system and management information stored in DB. After clicking the Reconcile button, A JES job is submitted to process this request and the Job ID is returned for tracking the reconcile result. If the data in DB is already broken, the reconcile will not be done.

Viewing GDG File Content

To view the GDG file content, click on its base name in the first cell in the GDG File table.

If no content contained in the file, "No content found" message is showed.