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Creating and Configuring Workstation Listeners and Handlers

Creating and Configuring Workstation Listeners and Handlers
The Oracle Tuxedo system includes the capability to require that clients run on a workstation for purposes of security, performance, and convenience. A network administrator can define the environment required to control the Workstation clients. The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console workstation objects allow you to specify the information required to control access to an application from multiple workstations.
These workstation objects are grouped on the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console tree view in the following categories:
You can define new workstation listeners and you can obtain information about active workstation handlers.
Workstation Listeners (WSLs)
The Workstation Listener (WSL) allows you to manage workstation groups, configuration, and run-time attributes of WSL server processes.
Creating Workstation Listeners
To create new Workstation Listeners (WSLs):
Configuring Workstation Listeners (T_WSL Class)
To configure WSLs, select WS Listeners in the Tree view. Enter values for the fields in the tab pages. The Configuration Tool pane contains the following tab pages for configuring Workstation Listener attributes: General, Options, System Parameters, and Statistics.
General Tab
The General tab page contains the following fields:
This section describes these fields.
Group Name (TA_SRVGRP)
Logical name of the server group.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 30 characters. The string may not include asterisks (*), commas, or colons.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your workstation listener within the application. A workstation listener may be in any state defined for the Default Servers class:
Server ID (TA_SRVID)
A server identification number that is unique within the server group.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 1 to 30,001 inclusive.
WorkStation Handler Name (TA_WSHNAME)
The name of the executable providing workstation handler services for this workstation listener. The default value for this is WSH, which corresponds to the system provided workstation handler. Workstation handlers may be customized using the command buildwsh(1).
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 78 characters.
Network Address (TA_NADDR)
The complete network address to be used by the WSL process as its listening address. The listening address for a WSL is the means by which it is contacted by Workstation client processes participating in the application.
If the string has the form 0xhex-digits or \\xhex-digits, it must contain an even number of valid hex digits. These forms are translated internally into a character array containing the hexadecimal representations of the string specified.
Valid Values
TCP/IP addresses may be specified in either of the following formats.
Format 1: //hostname:port_number
In Format 1, the bridge finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). hostname must unambiguously resolve to the address of the machine on which the bridge resides.
Format 2: //#.#.#.#:port_number
In Format 2, the #.#.#.# is in dotted decimal format. In dotted decimal format, each # should be a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine.
In both of the above formats, port_number is the TCP port number at which the bridge will listen for incoming requests. The value of port_number can be either a number (between 0 and 65535) or a name. If port_number is a name, then it must be found in the network services database on your local machine.
The address can also be specified in hexadecimal format when preceded by the characters 0x. Each character after the initial 0x is a number between 0 and 9 or a letter between A and F (case insensitive). The hexadecimal format is useful for arbitrary binary network addresses such as IPX/SPX or TCP/IP.
The address can also be specified as an arbitrary string (with a maximum of 78 characters). For example, string addresses are used in STARLAN networks.
Suppose the local machine on which a TDomain is being run is using TCP/IP addressing and is named, with address Further suppose that the port number at which the TDomain should accept requests is 2334. Assume that port number 2334 has been added to the network services database under the name bankapp-wsl. You can specify the address in any of the following five formats:
The last line shows an address in hexadecimal format where 0002 is the first part of a TCP/IP address and 091E is the port number 2334 translated into a hexadecimal number. The rest of the line contains hexadecimal numbers that are translations of the elements of the IP address "155" becomes "9B", "2" becomes "02", and so on.
Bridge Device (TA_DEVICE)
The full pathname for the device to be used by the WSL process to access the network. This is a required value for access to a network via a TLI-based Oracle Tuxedo system binary. This attribute is not needed for sockets-based Oracle Tuxedo system binaries.
Valid Values
A string from 0 to 78 characters in length.
Group Number (TA_GRPNO)
This field displays the group number associated with this group of servers.
Process ID (TA_PID)
This field displays the native operating system process identifier for the WSL server. Note that this may not be a unique attribute since servers may be located on different machines allowing for duplication of process identifiers.
Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID)
This field displays the logical machine identifier for the machine on which the server is currently running.
Options Tab
The Options tab page contains the following fields:
This section describes these fields.
Executable Options (TA_CLOPT)
Command-line options to be passed to the WSL server when it is activated.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 128 characters.
Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect a running WSL server.
Environment File (TA_ENVFILE)
The environment file specific to the WSL server.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 78 characters.
No entry
Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect a running WSL server.
Restart Command (TA_RCMD)
An application-specified command to be executed in parallel with the system restart of an application server. This command must be an executable file in the native operating system.
Valid Values
A string of string 0 to 78 characters.
No entry
Automatic Restart (TA_RESTART)
Restartable (Y) or non-restartable (N) WSL server. If server migration is specified for this server group, then this attribute must be set to Y.
Valid Values
Y or N
Grace Period (TA_GRACE)
The period of time, in seconds, over which the limit specified in the Max Generations (TA_MAXGEN) for the Workstation Listener class applies.
The value in this field is meaningful only for restartable WSL servers, i.e., if you have entered Y in the Automatic Restart (TA_RESTART) for the Workstation Listeners class. When a restarting server would exceed the limit specified in the Max Generations field but the period specified in the Grace Period field has expired, the system resets the current generation to 1 and resets the initial boot time to the current time.
A value of 0 for this attribute indicates that the WSL server should always be restarted.
Valid Values
A number greater than or equal to zero.
Activation Sequence Number (TA_SEQUENCE)
Specifies when this server should be booted (tmboot(1)) or shutdown (tmshutdown(1)) relative to other servers. If two servers are given the same sequence number, it is possible for tmboot(1) to boot them in parallel and for tmshutdown(1) to shut them down in parallel. If you add a workstation listener without specifying a value in the Activation Sequence Number field (or if you enter an invalid value), the workstation listener that is generated will be 10,000 or more — higher than any other automatically-selected default value.
Servers are booted by tmboot(1) in increasing order of sequence number and shut down by tmshutdown(1) in decreasing order. Run-time modifications to this attribute affect only tmboot(1) and tmshutdown(1) and will affect the order in which running servers may be shut down by a subsequent invocation of tmshutdown(1).
Valid Values
A number in the range of 1 to 10,000 inclusive.
System Parameters Tab
The System Parameters tab page contains the following fields:
This section describes these fields.
Compression Limit (TA_CMPLIMIT)
Message size threshold at which compression will occur for traffic to and from Workstation clients. threshold may be either non-negative numeric values or the string MAXLONG, which is dynamically translated to the maximum long setting for the machine.
Valid Values
This attribute value is not used for Workstation clients running Oracle Tuxedo Workstation release 6.1 or an earlier release.
Suspend Status (TA_SUSPENDED)
This field displays the status of your workstation listener in regard to suspension issues.
Valid Values
One of the following values is displayed in this field:
Indicates that new incoming clients may not connect through this WSL object.
Indicates that Workstation clients already connected to the application through this workstation listener have been SUSPENDED and new incoming connections have been disallowed.
Indicates that no suspension characteristics are in effect.
Current Number of Handlers (TA_CURHANDLERS)
This field displays the number of currently active handlers associated with this workstation listener (WSL).
Highest Number of Handlers (TA_HWHANDLERS)
The maximum number of handlers that should be available in conjunction with this WSL at any given time. Handlers are started as necessary to meet the demand of Workstation clients attempting to access the system. This attribute must be greater than or equal to the setting for the minimum number of handlers.
Valid Values
A number in the range of zero to 32K inclusive.
Version Number (TA_WSPROTO)
This field displays the Oracle Tuxedo Workstation protocol version number for this Workstation group. Note that Workstation clients connecting to this group may themselves have a different protocol version number associated with them.
Minimum Encryption Bits (TA_MINENCRYPTBITS)
When connecting to Oracle Tuxedo, require at least this minimum level of encryption. If this level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment will fail.
Valid Values
0 or 40 or 128 where 0 means no encryption and 40 and 128 specify encryption key lengths (in bits).
Maximum Encryption Bits (TA_MAXENCRYPTBITS)
When connecting to Oracle Tuxedo, negotiate encryption up to this level.
Valid Values
0 or 40 or 128 where 0 means no encryption and 40 and 128 specify encryption key lengths (in bits).
Minimum Port Number (TA_MINWSHPORT)
The lower end of the range of available port numbers that may be allocated to WSH processes by this listener.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 0 to 65,535 inclusive.
Maximum Port Number (TA_MAXWSHPORT)
The upper end of the range of available port numbers that may be allocated to WSH processes by this listener.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 0 to 65,535 inclusive.
Statistics Tab
The Statistics tab page contains the following fields:
This section describes these fields.
Max Generations (TA_MAXGEN)
The number of generations allowed for a restartable WSL server over the specified grace period. The initial activation of the WSL server counts as one generation; each restart also counts as one. Processing after the maximum generations is exceeded is discussed in the description of the Grace Period (TA_GRACE) on the Options tab page for Workstation Listeners.
Valid Values
A number in the range of one to 1 to 255 inclusive.
Min Number of Handlers (TA_MINHANDLERS)
The minimum number of handlers that should be available in conjunction with this Workstation Listener (WSL) at any given time. The WSL will start this many Workstation Handlers (WSH) immediately upon being activated and will not deplete the supply of WSHs below this number until the administrator issues a shutdown to the WSL. Modifications to this attribute for a running WSL may cause additional handlers to be activated.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 0 to 255 inclusive.
Max Number of Handlers (TA_MAXHANDLERS)
The maximum number of handlers that should be available in conjunction with this Workstation Listener at any given time. Handlers are started as necessary to meet the demand of Workstation clients attempting to access the system. This attribute must be greater than or equal to the setting for the minimum number of handlers.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 0 to 32,766 inclusive.
A value of 0 in this field means that the effective value is determined at activation time from the current value in the Max Handlers field and the Max Workstation Clients field for the Machines class (T_MACHINE). Note that a GET operation with the MIB_LOCAL flag set will get the effective value for objects with an activation time default setting.
Max Number of Clients (TA_MULTIPLEX)
Maximum number of clients to be supported by any one handler process concurrently.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 1 to 32,767 inclusive.
Max Idle Time (TA_MAXIDLE)
The maximum amount of time (in minutes) that a Workstation client is permitted to be idle before it is abortively disconnected from the application by the handler. A value of 35,204,649 allows clients to be idle as long as they wish without being timed out. A value of 0 means that clients may be terminated after any period of inactivity greater than 1 second.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 0 to 35,204,649 inclusive.
Max Initialization Time (TA_MAXINIT)
The minimum amount of time (in seconds) that should be allowed for a Workstation client to complete initialization processing through the Workstation Handler before being timed out by the Workstation Listener.
Valid Values
A number in the range of 1 to 32,766 inclusive.
Workstation Handlers (WSHs)
The Workstation Handler object allows you to specify the workstation statistics specific to a particular WSH client process.
Configuring Workstation Handlers (T_WSH Class)
To configure Workstation Handlers, select WS Handlers in the Tree view. Enter values for the fields in the tab pages.
The Configuration Tool pane contains the following tab pages for specifying the attributes of WS Handlers: General, Handler Info, and Statistics.
General Tab
The General tab page contains the following fields:
This section describes these fields.
This field displays the client identifier for this workstation handler. The data in this field should not be interpreted directly by the user except for equality comparison.
WorkStation Client ID (TA_WSHCLIENTID)
This field displays the client identifier for this workstation handler. The data in this field should not be interpreted directly by the end user except for an equality comparison. This field can be used to link the workstation handler to its associated Workstation client objects in the Clients class. The value in this field is always equal to the value in the Client ID (TA_CLIENTID) for this class.
Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID)
This field displays the logical machine identifier for the machine on which the workstation handler is currently running.
Process ID (TA_PID)
This field displays the native operating system process identifier for the Workstation client. Note that this may not be a unique attribute since clients may be located on different machines, allowing for the duplication of process identifiers.
Group Name (TA_SRVGRP)
This field displays the logical name of the server group for the associated workstation listener.
Server ID (TA_SRVID)
This field displays the server identification number for the associated workstation listener. This number is unique within the server group.
Group Number (TA_GRPNO)
This field displays the group number associated with this group of servers.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of the workstation handler client within the application. Any state defined for the Clients class in TM_MIB(5) may be returned or set as indicated on that reference page.
State changes to the SUSPENDED state affect all clients associated with this workstation handler as does the resetting of a SUSPENDED workstation handler to ACTIVE. Additionally, SUSPENDED workstation handler clients will not be assigned any additional incoming clients by the workstation listener.
Note that the state of a workstation handler client may not be set to DEAD when the Clients class is being accessed. However, the state transition to DEAD is allowed via the Workstation Handlers class. Such a transition will result in all connections that are being handled by the targeted workstation handler being dropped abortively.
Handler Info Tab
The Handler Info tab page contains the following fields:
This section describes these fields.
Max Number of Clients (TA_MULTIPLEX)
This field displays the maximum number of clients that may access the application via this workstation handler.
Highwater Number of Clients (TA_HWCLIENTS)
The number displayed in this field is the high-water mark of clients accessing the application via this workstation handler.
Current Number of Clients (TA_CURCLIENTS)
This field displays the number of clients currently accessing the application via this workstation handler.
Seconds Remaining Before Timeout (TA_TIMELEFT)
If there is a value other than zero displayed in this field, it means that the new Workstation client that has just been assigned to this workstation handler has the indicated number of seconds in which to complete the initialization process with the workstation handler.
Current Status of WSH (TA_ACTIVE)
This field displays the state of the workstation handler. A value of Y indicates that the workstation handler is currently performing work on behalf of one of its associated Workstation clients. A value of N indicates that the workstation handler is currently waiting for work to perform on behalf of one of its associated Workstation clients.
Total Active Time (TA_TOTACTTIME)
This field displays the time, in seconds, that the workstation handler has been active since it started processing.
This field displays the time, in seconds, that the workstation handler has been idle since it started processing.
Network Address (TA_NADDR)
This field displays the network address of a Workstation client. Network addresses with unprintable characters are converted to the "0x . . ." network address format (as described for the Network Address field on the Networking tab page for the Machines class). If the address is a TCP/IP address, then it is returned in the dotted_decimal:port_number format:
Each # (pound sign) represents a decimal number in the range of 0 to 255. The value of port_number is a decimal number in the range 0 to 65535. No value will be displayed (that is, the field will be blank) for a non-Workstation client.
Statistics Tab
The Statistics tab page contains the following fields:
This section describes these fields.
Current Workload (TA_CURWORK)
This field displays the amount of work processed by this workstation handler since the last workstation handler assignment by the workstation listener. The workstation listener uses this value to load-balance new incoming connections among a set of workstation handler processes.
Flow Control Events (TA_FLOWCNT)
This field displays the number of times flow control has been encountered by this workstation handler. This attribute should be considered only in relation to recent past values as it may wrap around during the lifetime of the workstation handler.
Queue Blocking Events (TA_NUMBLOCKQ)
This field displays the number of times this workstation handler has been unable to enqueue a message to a local UNIX system message queue due to queue blocking conditions. This attribute should be considered only in relation to recent past values as it may wrap around during the lifetime of the workstation handler.
Bytes Received (TA_RCVDBYT)
This field displays the number of bytes received from the network by this workstation handler from all of its present and past Workstation clients. This attribute should be considered only in relation to recent past values as it may wrap around during the lifetime of the workstation handler.
System Messages Received (TA_RCVDNUM)
This field displays the number of Oracle Tuxedo system messages received from the network by this workstation handler from all of its present and past Workstation clients. This attribute should be considered only in relation to recent past values as it may wrap around during the lifetime of the workstation handler.
Bytes Sent (TA_SENTBYT)
This field displays the number of bytes sent to the network by this workstation handler to all of its present and past Workstation clients. This attribute should be considered only in relation to recent past values as it may wrap around during the lifetime of the workstation handler.
System Messages Sent (TA_SENTNUM)
This field displays the number of Oracle Tuxedo system messages sent to the network by this workstation handler to all of its present and past Workstation clients. This attribute should be considered only in relation to recent past values as it may wrap around during the lifetime of the workstation handler.

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