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Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) Overview and Installation Information

Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) Overview and Installation Information
The following sections provide an overview of Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) and present the prerequisites and preparatory information for installing the Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) software components:
About Oracle Jolt
Oracle Jolt is a Java class library and API that enables remote Java clients to access existing Oracle Tuxedo ATMI services. As shown in the following Figure B‑1, Oracle Jolt extends the functionality of existing Tuxedo ATMI applications to include intranet- and Internet-wide availability.
Figure B‑1 Oracle Jolt Communication Architecture Using the Jolt Applet
The preceding figure shows one of five types of Jolt client personalities supported by Oracle Jolt, all of which are briefly described in “Oracle Jolt Client Personalities” on page B‑8.
Oracle Jolt Components
Oracle Jolt consists of the following components for enabling secure, reliable access to servers inside corporate firewalls, and for creating Java-based client programs that access Tuxedo ATMI services:
As shown in the following Figure B‑2, the Jolt server implementation consists of one or more Jolt Server Handlers, one or more Jolt Server Listeners, and one and only one Jolt Repository Server, all running on the same Oracle Tuxedo server machine.
Figure B‑2 Oracle Jolt Server Implementation
A Jolt server listens for network connections from Jolt clients, translates Jolt messages, multiplexes multiple Jolt clients into a single process, and submits and retrieves requests to and from a Tuxedo ATMI application. As with all Tuxedo system executables, the Jolt server components reside in the tux_prod_dir/bin directory, where tux_prod_dir represents the directory in which the Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) distribution is installed.
Jolt Server Listener
A Jolt Server Listener (JSL) is a listening process, running on the Tuxedo server, that accepts connection requests from Jolt clients and assigns connections to a Jolt Server Handler also running on the Tuxedo server. It also manages the pool of Jolt Server Handler processes, starting them in response to load demands.
Jolt Server Handler
A Jolt Server Handler (JSH) is a gateway process, running on the Tuxedo server, that handles communications between Jolt clients and the Tuxedo ATMI server application. A JSH process resides within the administrative domain of the application and is registered in the local Tuxedo bulletin board as a client.
Each JSH process can manage multiple Jolt clients. A JSH multiplexes all requests and replies with a particular Jolt client over a single connection.
Jolt Repository Server
The Jolt Repository Server (JREPSVR), running on the Tuxedo server, retrieves Jolt service definitions from the Jolt Repository and returns the service definitions to the Jolt Server Handler. The Jolt Repository Server also provides user support for updating or adding Jolt service definitions to the Jolt Repository.
Jolt Repository
The Jolt Repository, located on the Tuxedo server, is a central repository that contains definitions of Tuxedo ATMI services. These Jolt repository definitions are used by Jolt at run time to access Tuxedo services. You can export services to a Jolt client application or unexport services by hiding the definitions from the Jolt client. Using the Repository Editor, you can test new and existing Tuxedo services independently of the client applications.
Jolt Internet Relay
Jolt Internet Relay routes messages from a Jolt client to a Jolt Server Listener (JSL) or Jolt Server Handler (JSH). It eliminates the need for the JSL, JSH, and Tuxedo application to run on the same machine as the Web server. The Jolt Internet Relay consists of the following components:
A standalone program that routes Jolt messages from Jolt clients to the JSL or JSH via the Jolt Relay Adapter (JRAD). Jolt Relay is not a Tuxedo system server or client process, and it is not dependent on the Oracle Tuxedo system software version.
A Tuxedo system server that operates as a back-end relay for Jolt Relay. The JRAD may or may not be located on the same Tuxedo host machine and server group to which the JSL server is connected.
Figure B‑3 illustrates the Jolt Internet Relay connection path.
Figure B‑3 Oracle Jolt Internet Relay Connection Path
A Jolt server can connect directly to intranet Jolt clients and can connect indirectly to Internet Jolt clients through the Jolt Internet Relay, all at the same time. Jolt Internet Relay is transparent to Jolt servers and Jolt clients.
The JRLY executable (jrly) resides in the tux_prod_dir/udataobj/jolt/relay directory, whereas the JRAD executable resides in the tux_prod_dir/bin directory.
Jolt Class Library
The Jolt class library consists of Java class files that implement the Jolt API. These classes enable Java clients to invoke Oracle Tuxedo ATMI services. The Jolt class library provides functions to set, retrieve, manage, and invoke communication attributes, notifications, network connections, transactions, and services.
The Jolt class library files reside in the tux_prod_dir/udataobj/jolt directory and are stored in the following JAR files:
To view the content of a Jolt JAR file, ensure that the path to the JDK 1.3 (or higher) software is included at the front of your PATH variable, go to the tux_prod_dir/udataobj/jolt directory, and enter the following command:
prompt> jar -tvf filename.jar
For example:
prompt> jar -tvf jolt.jar
   0 Thu Aug 08 07:19:02 EDT 2002 META-INF/
   68 Thu Aug 08 07:19:02 EDT 2002 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
   547 Thu Aug 08 07:19:00 EDT 2002
   741 Thu Aug 08 07:19:00 EDT 2002 bea/jolt/BData.class
   951 Thu Aug 08 07:19:00 EDT 2002 bea/jolt/ByteArrayUtil.class
JoltBeans provides a JavaBeans-compliant interface to Oracle Jolt. JoltBeans are Bean components that can be used in JavaBeans-enabled integrated development environments (IDEs) to construct Jolt clients.
JoltBeans consists of two sets of Java Beans: JoltBeans toolkit (a JavaBeans-compliant interface to Oracle Jolt that includes the JoltServiceBean, JoltSessionBean, and JoltUserEventBean) and Jolt GUI beans, which consist of Jolt-aware Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and Swing-based beans. The separation of Oracle Jolt into these components permits the transactional and Internet components of client/server applications to be implemented separately with the security and scalability required for large-scale Internet and intranet services.
Oracle Jolt Client Personalities
In addition to using Oracle Jolt to build client applets and applications that remotely invoke existing and new Tuxedo applications, Java programmers can use Oracle Jolt to build HTTP servlets to perform server-side Java tasks in response to HTTP requests. This latter type of Jolt connectivity enables simple Web clients to access Tuxedo application services through any Web application server that supports generic servlets.
Oracle Jolt supports the following types of Java client personalities:
A Jolt HTTP servlet uses Jolt session pool classes to invoke Tuxedo services on behalf of simple browser clients. Thus, the servlet handles all Jolt transactions on the Web server, which enables simple browser clients to invoke Oracle Tuxedo services without directly connecting to the Jolt server and Oracle Tuxedo.
The Jolt client personality “WebLogic Connectivity for Oracle Tuxedo” is also known as “Oracle Jolt for Oracle WebLogic Server.”
Oracle Jolt Capabilities
Running as a Java applet or as a standalone Java client application, Oracle Jolt supports the following capabilities:
Oracle Jolt automatically converts Java messages to native Oracle Tuxedo data types and buffers, and converts Oracle Tuxedo data types and buffers back to Java messages.
Oracle Jolt supports the construction and use of Jolt session (connection) pools to increase efficiency, availability, and reliability.
Oracle Jolt support an option to reset a Jolt session pool without stopping the Jolt client, in the event of session pool failure. For example, if the Tuxedo server crashes or the Jolt Server Handler shuts down, the Jolt session pool may be reset without stopping the Jolt client.
To accommodate the Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) server (JSL, JSH, JREPSVR) and Jolt Internet Relay (JRLY, JRAD) components, your environment must provide 2 MB of disk space. For Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) system requirements, including supported platforms, see “Oracle Tuxedo 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) Platform Data Sheets” on page A‑1.
Oracle Jolt Client Support
As stated in “Oracle Jolt Client Personalities” on page B‑8, Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) supports the following four client types:
Figure B‑1 lists the requirements for the Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) applet and application client types.
Requirements for Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) Applet and Application Client Types
Figure B‑2 lists the requirements for the remaining three Jolt client types, all of which are implemented by HTML-based Jolt client classes running inside a Web server. The Web servers certified with Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) are listed in the table.
Requirements for Web-Server based Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) Client Types
Oracle Jolt Client Requirements
Oracle Jolt has the following client requirements:
Oracle Jolt Client Class Library
Various implementations of Java tend to show minor differences in characteristics. Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) is based on JDK 1.5.0_0_9.
The Oracle Jolt class library is compatible with the browsers and JDK versions shown in Figure B‑3.
JDK 1.5.0_0_9
Oracle Jolt Release Interoperability
An Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) client can interoperate with a Oracle Jolt 1.2, 1.2.1, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, or 10.0 server implementation, and the client is able to use the new features available with Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1).
An Oracle Jolt 1.2, 1.2.1, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 10.0 client can interoperate with an Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) server implementation, but only the Oracle Jolt 1.2, 1.2.1, 8.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, or 10.0 functionality is available to the Oracle Jolt client, even though new functionality is added to the Oracle Jolt server-side components when they are upgraded to Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1).
Oracle Jolt Pre-Installation Checklist
On Windows systems, Oracle Jolt 12c Release 1 (12.1.1) automatically installs two Microsoft dynamic link libraries (DLLs), MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCRP71.DLL.
Oracle Jolt Documentation
For more information about Oracle Jolt, see the following documentation:

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