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Using the Visual C++.Net IDE To Develop Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications

Using the Visual C++.Net IDE To Develop Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Applications
The following sections describe how to develop ATMI application clients and/or servers in the Microsoft Visual C++ Integrated Development Environment (msdev) on a Windows XP, or Windows Server 2008 R2 system:
Before You Start
Because Oracle Tuxedo ATMI client but not server components can be installed on Windows XP, you can use the Microsoft Visual C++ IDE on these platforms to develop only ATMI application clients. In contrast, because both Oracle Tuxedo ATMI client and server components can be installed on Windows Server 2008 R2, you can use the Microsoft Visual C++.Net IDE on the Windows Server 2008 R2 platform to develop both ATMI application clients and servers.
Using Development Tool
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI integrates into the Microsoft Visual C++.Net IDE (msdev) and emulates the functionality of msdev when integration is not possible. This integration makes it easier for you to develop Oracle Tuxedo ATMI applications for 16-bit and 32-bit Windows operating systems.
The coding required to create Oracle Tuxedo ATMI service requests, send requests, set up conversational connections, and get replies is fundamentally the same in both UNIX and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments.
BuildTuxedo is a single tool, tightly integrated with the msdev build environment, that developers can use instead of the buildserver, buildclient, and buildclt commands. (Of course, these commands are still available for those who prefer to use them.) The BuildTuxedo system operates seamlessly on all currently supported Windows environments.
Using the buildserver and buildclient Commands
Both the buildclient() and buildserver() commands are available to Windows Server 2008 R2 but not to Windows XP. Only the buildclient() command is available to Windows XP, meaning that only Tuxedo application clients can be built on a Windows XP system. For more information about the build commands, see buildclient(1)and buildserver(1)in Oracle Tuxedo Command Reference.
There are differences between how the options to the buildclient() and buildserver() commands work on non-integrated development environments and on integrated development environments, as indicated in the following table.
All options are displayed on tabs by default. (The -v option is unnecessary and unsupported.)
-o (output_filename)
Select Settings from the msdev Build menu.
Select Settings from the msdev Build menu.
Access the BuildTuxedo GUI.
Access the BuildTuxedo Test window and select the Resources tab.
Access the BuildTuxedo GUI.
Access the BuildTuxedo Test window and select the Services tab.
To modify the build environment in an integrated development environment, follow these steps:
Choose Settings from the msdev Project menu.
To specify the library and include paths in an integrated development environment, follow these steps:
Adding BuildTuxedo to the MSDEV Tools Menu
To add BuildTuxedo to the MSDEV Tools menu, follow these steps:
In the Microsoft Visual C++.Net IDE (msdev) graphical user interface (GUI), choose Tools External Tools. The External Tools window displays.
Figure 3‑1 External Tools Window
To enable a letter key as a hot key, put an ampersand (&) before the appropriate letter.
Type the full pathname of BuildTuxedo (%TUXDIR%\bin\BuildTuxedo).
To the right of the Command field, click the ellipsis button , browse to the desired directory, select buildtuxedo.exe, and click Open. The selected pathname appears in the External Tools window.
In the Initial directory field of the External Tools page, click the right arrow button to display a pop-up menu. In the pop-up menu, choose Project Directory ($(ProjectDir)).
BuildTuxedo is now part of the MSDEV Tools menu.
Creating Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Project Files
BuildTuxedo maintains a separate project file in the current directory for each Oracle Tuxedo ATMI application using it. When BuildTuxedo begins, it searches for a valid project file in the current directory. If one is found, the various dialog controls are set to the values stored in the file and the dialog is displayed. The title bar displays the following information:
BuildTuxedo project_name
Because your BuildTuxedo project is closely associated with the msdev project in the current directory, BuildTuxedo also searches for two other files:
A valid msdev makefile (filename.mak)
An msdev project file (filename.mdp, filename.dsw, or filename.dsp)
If BuildTuxedo cannot find either of these files, it displays a warning and/or fails to activate. If the directory contains multiple BuildTuxedo project files, or multiple msdev project files or make files, menu items that contain appropriate target names are added to the System menu.
To save the current project file, select OK or Apply. To cancel any changes that you make to the project file or any file maintained by the Oracle Tuxedo system, click Cancel or Esc.
Setting Up Your Environment
Before you can build your Oracle Tuxedo ATMI application in an IDE, you must set the following fundamental parameters in your environment:
To provide this information, access the BuildTuxedo project_name dialog box in the msdev GUI.
Specifying the Build Type, Header File, and Filename
To specify the build type, header file, and filename, follow these steps:
Figure 3‑2 Build Page
Native Client or Workstation Client
The Initialization and Cleanup options allow you to override the default init/exit functions by specifying valid function names. The Entry Point option allows you to specify the name of the function generated by BuildTuxedo. After specifying its name, you can call the function from anywhere in the application.
How BuildTuxedo Uses the Header File
In the header file, BuildTuxedo adds the necessary pragma statements to build the current Oracle Tuxedo ATMI project correctly. BuildTuxedo opens the file specified in the Header File field of the Build page, if the file is present; otherwise, it creates a new one. A section starting with:
//Begin Tuxedo Section*****DO NOT EDIT*****
and ending with:
//End Tuxedo Section
designates the area in the header file in which pragma statements are written. This area is maintained by BuildTuxedo. If BuildTuxedo does not locate this section in the file, it appends it to the end of the header file. Because all other text within the file remains unchanged, you can specify stdafx.h as the header file.
If your project is new, and you select OK or Apply, you must select Files into Project from the MSDEV Insert menu. You then add the file generated by BuildTuxedo to the current project. You need to do this only for a new project or when you change the name of the C/C++ output file.
Specifying Function and Service Names
Select the Services tab to display the Services page, in which you specify function and service names.
Figure 3‑3 Services Page
In the Services page, two lists are used to maintain the service dispatch table:
Generally, the service and the function that performs the service are represented by the same name. For example, function x performs service x. In some cases, the function may have a different name from the service it performs. For example, in one case, function abc performs services x, y, and z. In another case, the service name may not be known until run time.
You must specify any function associated with a service when you build the server. For any function associated with a service, you must specify the service, the appropriate prototype, a C linkage, a void return, and a single TPSVCINFO pointer parameter. To specify a function to which a service name can be mapped, you must add the function to the Function Name list. This information is required for the service dispatch table.
If you are using the buildserver(1)command, you can provide this information with the -s option. For more information about the -s option, see Programming an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Application Using C or Programming an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Application Using COBOL.
To add or edit names on the Function Names list, follow these steps:
Specifying a Resource Manager
To specify a resource manager, follow these steps:
Select the Resources tab in the BuildTuxedo window to display the Resources page.
Figure 3‑4 Resources Page
Debugging an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Server Application
You should use the following procedure only if you have built the ATMI server application using the Debug configuration for your project.
To debug a server that has not been booted, follow these steps.
At any Windows command prompt, type tmboot -n -d 1 -s servername to display the command-line options used by tmboot(1)to start servername.
Execute the tmboot -M command to boot the BBL. (If necessary, boot additional application servers or machines.)
In msdev, select Project Settings.
To end the debugging session, type tmshutdown at any Windows command prompt.
Do not stop the server by selecting Debug Stop; the Oracle Tuxedo system may subsequently attempt to restart the server.
To debug a server that is already running, type msdev -p nnn at any Windows command prompt, replacing nnn with the server’s process ID (represented by a decimal number).
Developing an ATMI Application Using the Command Line Instead of the Visual C++.Net IDE GUI
If you must develop an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI application using the command line instead of the Microsoft Visual C++ IDE GUI, use the buildserver(1)and buildclient(1)commands. To do this, specify the compiler and link options necessary to build an Oracle Tuxedo ATMI application. For information about using these tools, see the following documents:
To build a debug version of your ATMI application using buildserver or buildclient, you must compile all source files with the /Zi and /Od options. The /Zi option enables debugging; the /Od option disables optimization. In addition, you may need to define the _DEBUG preprocessor directive. To complete the process, indicate the link option as follows:
-l"/link/debug:full /debugtype:both"
See Also
For information about the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI, see the following documents:

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