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The Oracle Tuxedo Plug-in for Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 adds Oracle Tuxedo development support to the Oracle Solaris Studio IDE. This support lets you use the features of the IDE to quickly and easily develop Oracle Tuxedo SCA and ATMI applications.
The IDE works with your separately installed Oracle Tuxedo so that you can create, build, run, and debug application, server, component, and client projects.
The following sections introduce you to the basics of a project in the IDE, and describe how to install the plug-in and its prerequisite software.
Oracle Solaris Studio and the IDE
Oracle Solaris Studio comprises a suite of tools for application development on Oracle Solaris and Linux operating environments, including C, C++, and Fortran compilers, the dbx debugger, and performance and code analysis tools.
The Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 IDE (Integrated Development Environment) provides modules for creating, editing, building, and debugging C, C++, and Fortran applications using a graphical user interface and the Oracle Solaris Studio compilers and tools.
Using Tuxedo Projects in the IDE
In the Oracle Solaris Studio IDE, all development has to take place within a project. A project is a group of C, C++, or Fortran files, and the settings with which you build, run, and debug those source files.
The IDE stores all of the information about your project in makefiles, a properties file, and a few XML configuration files. You can build and run your projects outside the IDE exactly the same as inside the IDE.
The Oracle Studio IDE includes several project templates that are used when creating new projects. The Oracle Solaris Studio Tuxedo plug-in for the IDE adds templates and support for Oracle Tuxedo projects for SCA and ATMI applications.
Installing and Setting Up the Plug-in and Its Prerequisites
The Oracle Solaris Studio Oracle Tuxedo plug-in requires that you have Oracle Solaris Studio and Oracle Tuxedo installed on an Oracle Solaris 10, Linux, or Oracle Solaris 11 platform. It also requires an IDE patch, which is provided with the plug-in.
Installing Oracle Solaris Studio and Oracle Tuxedo
Before installing the plug-in, you must install Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3.
Installing on an Oracle Solaris 10 or Linux Platform
To install Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 on an Oracle Solaris 10 or Linux platform:
If you downloaded the package installer, unpack it with the following command and then follow the instructions in the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Installation Guide to install Oracle Solaris Studio in the default installation directory /opt. If you downloaded the tarfile, which extracts the installed version of Oracle Solaris Studio software (no packages), unpack it in the directory of your choice with the following command:
bzcat download_directory/SolarisStudio12.3-OS-PLATFORM-FORMAT.tar.bz2 | /bin/tar -xf -
Installing on an Oracle Solaris 11 Platform
To install Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 on an Oracle Solaris 11 platform:
Setting the Path to Your Installed Oracle Solaris Studio
To set the path to your installed Oracle Solaris Studio:
On Solaris platforms, add the path /installation_directory/solarisstudio12.3/bin to your PATH.
On Linux platforms, add the path /installation_directory/oracle/solarisstudio12.3/bin to your PATH.
The default installation directory is /opt.
Installing Oracle Tuxedo
To use the features of the plug-in in the IDE, you must have Oracle Tuxedo and Oracle Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo (SALT) installed. You can download this software from the download page at
Setting the Path to Your Installed Oracle Tuxedo
If you add the path to your installed Oracle Tuxedo to your PATH, the IDE will find it. Otherwise you will need to set the path using the Options window after you start the IDE.
Installing the Oracle Tuxedo Plug-in and IDE Patch
You can download the Oracle Tuxedo plug-in and the required IDE patch for Oracle Solaris 10 and Linux platforms from the download page at The download page also includes instructions for installing the plug-in and patch on Oracle Solaris 11 platforms.
Installing on an Oracle Solaris 10 or Linux Platform
If you installed Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 using its package installer, then download the package for the plug-in and IDE patch and install them by doing the following:
bzcat download_directory/solarisstudio12.3-tuxedoplugin12.3-PLATFORM-FORMAT.tar.bz2 | /bin/tar -xf -
Password: root-password
Install the IDE patch, located in the patch directory, by following the instructions in its README file.
Install the plug-in, located in the package directory, by doing one of the following:
pkgadd -d SPRO-12-3-tuxedo-plugin
rpm -i solarisstudio12.3-tuxedo-plugin-12.3-1.x86_64.rpm
If you installed Oracle Solaris Studio12.3 by extracting it from the download tarfile, then do the following:
bzcat solarisstudio12.3-tuxedoplugin12.3-PLATFORM-bin.tar.bz2
/bin/tar -xf download_directory/tuxedo-plugin.tar
Starting the IDE
To start the Oracle Solaris Studio IDE, type:
solstudio &
Uninstalling the Oracle Tuxedo Plug-in
If you installed the plug-in using the download package, uninstall it by doign one of the following:
pkgrm SPRO-12-3-tuxedo-plugin
rpm -e solarisstudio12.3-tuxedo-plugin-12.3-1
The Oracle Solaris Studio uninstaller does not remove the plug-in. You can run the Oracle Solaris Studio uninstaller after you have removed the plug-in.

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