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Table of Contents

Introducing Oracle Tuxedo
What is Oracle Tuxedo?
A Brief History of the Tuxedo System
Releases 1.0 Through 7.1
Release 8.0
Release 8.1
Release 9.0
Release 9.1
Release 10.0
Release 10g Release 3 (10.3)
Release 11g Release 1 (
Release 11g Release 1 (
Release 11g Release 1 (
Release 12c Release 1 (12.1.1)
Support for Industry Standards
Support for Popular Platforms
Support for Multiple Programming Models and Languages
Mission-Critical Software
Distributed Transaction Management
X/Open XA and TX Compliance
Transactions Documentation
Scalability and Performance
High Availability and Fault Management
Management Tools
Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console
Command-Line Interface
MIB Interface
Client and Server Components
Oracle Tuxedo Client Components
Oracle Tuxedo Server Components
Invocation Capabilities
Client-to-Server Invocation Capabilities
Server-to-Server Invocation Capabilities
Oracle Tuxedo Product Family
About Oracle ART
Oracle Art Runtime
Oracle ART Workbench
Oracle ART Documentation
About Oracle JCA
Oracle JCA Documentation
About Oracle Jolt
Oracle Jolt Documentation
About Oracle SALT
Oracle SALT Documentation
About Oracle SNMP Agent
Oracle SNMP Agent Documentation
About Oracle TSAM
Oracle TSAM Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Core Components
Important Oracle Tuxedo Terms and Concepts
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Overview
Oracle Tuxedo ATMI Architecture
Oracle Tuxedo Transaction Processor and Infrastructure
System Management Interface
ATMI Programming Interface
Request/Response Communications
Conversational Communications
ATMI Interface Documentation
FML Programming Interface
Typed Buffers
Oracle Tuxedo Workstation
Workstation Communication
Workstation Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo /Q
Storing and Retrieving Messages
/Q Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo EventBroker
Mediating Between Producers and Consumers of Events
EventBroker Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo Domains
Transparency Between Domains
Domains Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Components
Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Overview
Oracle Tuxedo CORBA TP Framework
Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Architecture
Oracle Tuxedo OTM and Infrastructure
System Management Interface
Application Programming Interface
Application Programming Environment
Oracle Tuxedo ORB Software
Oracle Tuxedo IIOP Listener/Handler
IIOP Listener/Handler Communication
IIOP Listener/Handler Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Environmental Objects
Oracle Tuxedo CORBA Object Services
Oracle Tuxedo TP Framework
Oracle Tuxedo Product Support and Resources
About the Oracle Tuxedo Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo Online Documentation
Oracle Tuxedo Context-Sensitive Help
Using the Oracle Tuxedo Online Documentation
Accessing the Documentation in a Browser
Site Map
PDF Document Files
Using the Online Search Feature
Learning Paths
Oracle Tuxedo Web-Accessible Services
What Does Web Accessible Mean?
Exposing Tuxedo Services as Web Services
Web Services Standards at a Glance
Exposing Tuxedo Services as Web Services Through Oracle SALT
SALT Gateway Server — GWWS
SALT Documentation
Exposing Tuxedo Services as Web Services Through Other Oracle Products
Through Oracle WebLogic Server
Through Oracle AquaLogic Service Bus
Ceasing Tuxedo Services Using a Web Application Server
Making Tuxedo Services Web Accessible Through Oracle Jolt
Jolt Class Library
Jolt Client Personalities
Jolt Servers
Jolt Documentation
Making Tuxedo Services Web Accessible Through Oracle WebLogic Server

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