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Administering Oracle Tuxedo SCA Components

Administering Oracle Tuxedo SCA Components
This chapter contains the following sections:
Oracle Tuxedo SCA Deployment Model
An SCA composite is typically described in an associated configuration file, the file name ends with ".composite". This file uses an XML-based format call the Service Component Definition Language (SCDL) to describe the components this composite contains and specify how they related to one another. Deploying Oracle Tuxedo SCA requires at least one root composite file that is located in $APPDIR.
There are two configuration file types:
There can be one or more components configured in the root composite file, and each of these components has its own .composite and .componentType file residing in its own subdirectory.
SCA Composite Configuration File
There can be zero or more component elements within a composite. The root composite files must be stored in $APPDIR in a server environment.
Listing 1‑1shows an example of a root composite which contains two components:
Listing 1‑1 Root Composite with Two Components
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="">
       <component name="ECHO">
              <implementation.composite name="ECHO" />
       <component name="TOUPPER">
              <implementation.composite name="TOUPPER" />
Based on the configuration in Listing 1‑1, Listing 1‑2 shows the implied the directory hierarchy.
Listing 1‑2 SCA Composite Directory Hierarchy
This example is a typical server configuration. The Oracle Tuxedo SCA client also has a similar application topology meaning that the client application is located in a subdirectory of the root composite file. Listing 1‑3 lists the directory structure for a client named EchoClient that uses the ECHO1 service provided by ECHO.
Listing 1‑3 Directory Structure
SCA Component Configuration File
Components are the basic elements of business function in an SCA assembly, which are combined into complete business solutions by SCA composites. Components are configured instances of implementations. Components provide and consume services. More than one component can use and configure the same implementation, where each component configures the implementation differently.
Components are declared as sub-elements of a composite in an xxx.composite file. A component is represented by a component element that is a child of the composite element. Using the composite from Listing 1‑1, the 2 components (ECHO and TOUPPER), contains specific information. For the ECHO service ($APPDIR/ECHO/ECHO.composite), the ECHO.composite information is shown in Listing 1‑4.
Listing 1‑4 ECHO.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns=""
       <service name="ECHO">
              <interface.cpp header="ECHO.h" />
              <binding.atmi requires="legacy">
                     <map target="EchoString1">ECHO1</map>
                     <map target="EchoString2">ECHO2</map>
       <component name="EchoServiceComponent">
              <implementation.cpp library="ECHO" header="ECHOImpl.h" />
The ECHO service provides two Oracle Tuxedo services: ECHO1 and ECHO2. ECHO1 executes CPP function “EchoString1”. ECHO2 executes CPP function "EchoString2". The existence of $APPDIR/ECHO/ECHOImpl.componentType and $APPDIR/ECHO/ are implied. Listing 1‑5 shows information that may be contained in ECHOImpl.componentType.
Note: (or ECHO.dll Windows), is the shared library that contains the actual implementation of EchoString1 and EchoString2 and is loaded into memory when the service is initialized. ECHO1 and ECHO2 are dynamically advertised at server initialization. For example, if EchoServer is the Oracle Tuxedo server that provides these two services, the Oracle Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file should contain information as shown in Listing 1‑6.
Listing 1‑5 ECHOImpl.componentType
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<componentType xmlns=""
       <service name="ECHO">
              <interface.cpp header="ECHO.h"/>
Listing 1‑6 UBBCONFIG File Example
For the TOUPPER service, the existence of $APPDIR/TOUPPER/TOUPPER.composite is also implied by the file. Listing 1‑7 shows information that may be contained in TOUPPER.composite file.
Listing 1‑7 TOUPPER.composite file Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns=""
       <service name="TOUPPER">
              <interface.cpp header="TOUPPER.h" />
                     <binding.atmi requires="legacy">
                            <map target="UpperString1">TOUPPER1</map>
                            <map target="UpperString2">TOUPPER2</map>

       <component name="ToupperServiceComponent">
              <implementation.cpp library="TOUPPER" header="TOUPPERImpl.h" />
This composite file also implies the existence of $APPDIR/TOUPPER/TOUPPERImpl.componentType and $APPDIR/TOUPPER/
Oracle Tuxedo SCA only supports "cpp" implementation types.
Configuring Oracle Tuxedo SCA Components
Configuring Oracle Tuxedo SCA components comprises the following:
Configuring an SCA ATMI Client
The SCA ATMI client is a native Oracle Tuxedo client that is written using the SCA paradigm and built using the buildscaclient utility. The client executable must be in a subdirectory of a directory that contains the root.composite file.
The APPDIR environment variable must point to the root.composite file directory.
Listing 1‑8 shows the client application root composite file $APPDIR/root.composite.
Listing 1‑8 Client Application Root Composite File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="testApp">
       <component name="testStringClientComp">
              <implementation.composite name="ECHO"/>
The $APPDIR/ECHO directory contains the ECHO application. The directory name, "ECHO", must match the name specified in <implementation.composite name="ECHO"/>. Listing 1‑9 shows the client application composite file.
Listing 1‑9 Client Application Composite File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="ECHO">
  <reference name="ECHO">
    <interface.cpp header="ECHO.h"/>
      <binding.atmi requires="legacy">
          <inputBufferType target="TestString">STRING</inputBufferType>
          <outputBufferType target="TestString">STRING</outputBufferType>
          <errorBufferType target="TestString">STRING</errorBufferType>
The client dynamic link library for this client application is also contained in this directory. For example, using the example in Listing 1‑9, the $APPDIR/ECHO/ shared object exists in the ECHO directory. The target "TestStr" is used to group buffer types together.
The client executable also exists in this directory. There is no naming convention associated with a client application. This client ECHO application could very well contain "doEchoClient" in the ECHO application directory. For example: $APPDIR/ECHO/doEchoClient.
You must set SCA_COMPONENT. See Listing 1‑9, SCA_COMPONENT=testStringClientComp.
Configuring an SCA JATMI Client
The JATMI client application configuration composite file is part of the Java .jar file. The JATMI client composite file is not part of any package and is located in the base of the .jar file. When client application is invoked, SCA Java runtime loads the composite file. No special setup is required.
The client application .jar file must be included in the CLASSPATH. The following .jar files should also be part of CLASSPATH:
Listing 1‑10 shows an SCA JATMI client composite file example.
Listing 1‑10 SCA JATMI Client Composite File Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" xmlns:f="binding-atmi.xsd"
       <reference name="ECHO" promote="EchoComponent/ECHO">
              < class="" />
              <f:binding.atmi requires="legacy">
       <component name="EchoComponent">
              class=" />
Configuring an SCA Workstation Client
Configuring an SCA workstation clients is similar to configuring SCA native clients. One difference is that an SCA workstation client requires using the <workStationParameters> element and its sub-elements in the composite. The SCA runtime automatically detects whether the client is built as an SCA native client or SCA workstation client and loads the correct reference binding library accordingly.
An SCA Oracle Tuxedo Workstation client has a similar directory hierarchy to an SCA native client. Both rely on the environment variable $APPDIR, which points to where the client application is located.
Listing 1‑11 and Listing 1‑12 show SCA Oracle Tuxedo workstation client configuration examples.
Listing 1‑11 $APPDIR/root.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="testApp">
       <component name="testStringClientComp">
              <implementation.composite name="ECHO"/>
Listing 1‑12 $APPDIR/ECHO/ECHO.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="ECHO">
  <reference name="ECHO">
    <interface.cpp header="ECHO.h"/>
      <binding.atmi requires="legacy">
        <inputBufferType target="TestString">STRING</inputBufferType>
        <outputBufferType target="TestString">STRING</outputBufferType>
        <errorBufferType target="TestString">STRING</errorBufferType>
Configuring an SCA Web Service Client
The SCA Web service client is basically the same as SCA native client except that is uses the <> element instead of <binding.atmi>. The SCA runtime automatically detects which binding the client is using, and loads the correct reference binding accordingly.
The SCA Web service client has a similar directory hierarchy as native client. They both rely on the $APPDIR environment variable to point to where the client application is located.
Listing 1‑13 and Listing 1‑14 show SCA Web service client configuration examples.
Listing 1‑13 $APPDIR/root.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="testApp">
       <component name="calcClient">
              <implementation.composite name="calcClient"/>
Listing 1‑14 $APPDIR/calcClient/calcClient.composite
<composite xmlns=""name="calcClient">
       <reference name="Calculator">
              <interface.cpp header="CalcService.h"/>

The <interface.cpp> element is required to build the appropriate proxy stub. Also, the client directory should contain the WSDL file where the endpoint specified in <> is located. In addition, the configuration of the Oracle Tuxedo Web services gateway (GWWS) is necessary and requires the following steps:
Make sure the TMMETADATA and GWWS servers are shut down.
Run wsdlcvt on the WSDL of the service(s) used. This produces a WSDF file, an Oracle Tuxedo Metadata Repository interface definitions file, fml32 field tables and XML schemas.
Load the Oracle Tuxedo Metadata Repository interface definitions into the TMMETADATA server repository (e.g.: $ tmloadrepos -I calc.mif metadata.repos -y). For more information, see tmloadrepos documentation.
Add a reference to the WSDF in the GWWS configuration input file (named gwws.dep for example). Listing 1‑15 shows the added elements highlighted in blue.
Listing 1‑15 GWWS Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<saltdep:Deployment xmlns:saltdep="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<saltdep:Import location="calc.wsdf"/>
              <saltdep:GWInstance id="GWWS1">
                     <saltdep:Binding ref="calc:CalculatorSOAP11Binding">
                     <saltdep:Endpoint use="CalculatorSOAP11port"/>
Configuring an SCA ATMI Server
For an SCA ATMI server, the SCA ROOT is the same as $APPDIR. There should be at least one composite file that describes the SCA application. The SCA runtime searches for this composite file and from there it loads all the composite and componentType files for SCA server applications that are hosted in an Oracle Tuxedo environment.
Listing 1‑16 shows a root composite file, named root.composite contains two SCA applications hosted in an Oracle Tuxedo application domain. The two applications are called Purchase and Finance. There are at least two subdirectories for these two SCA applications. One is called Purchase.component and the other is called Finance.component.
Listing 1‑16 $APPDIR/root.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="root">
       <component name="Purchase.component">
              <implementation.composite name="Purchase" />
       <component name="Finance.component">
              <implementation.composite name="Finance" />
Listing 1‑17 shows the Purchase.component directory contains a composite file for the Purchase application named Purchase.composite. Similarly, the Finance.component directory contains a composite file for the Finance application named Finance.composite.
Listing 1‑17 $APPDIR/Purchase.component/Purchase.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns=""
       <service name="purchase">
              <interface.cpp header="Purchase.h" />
       <binding.atmi requires="legacy">
              <map target="Order">ORDER</map>
              <map target="TrackOrder">TRACKORDER</map>
       <component name="PurchaseServiceComponent">
              <implementation.cpp library="Purchase" header="PurchaseImpl.h" />
Listing 1‑18 shows Purchase.composite contains the PurchaseImpl.componentType file in the $APPDIR/Purchase.component directory and uses CPP as its application implementation. When an SCA server using this configuration is built using the buildscaserver utility, it advertises two SCA services automatically at runtime (ORDER and TRACKORDER). The actual CPP implementation of the services is called Order and TrackOrder.
Listing 1‑18 $APPDIR/Purchase.component/PurchaseImpl.componentType
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<componentType xmlns=""
       <service name="purchase">
              <interface.cpp header="Purchase.h"/>
Assume these two SCA applications hosted in Oracle Tuxedo and built using buildscaserver are called PurchaseSvr and FinanceSvr. You must add the following lines to the *SERVERS section in the UBBCONFIG file:
There is no need to add a service in the *SERVICES section. SCA services hosted by Oracle Tuxedo are dynamically advertised.
Configuring an SCA Web Service Server
Configuring Web services binding for components (server side) is similar to configuring ATMI binding for hosting SCA components.
Listing 1‑19 shows a root composite file named root.composite. It contains one SCA component hosted in an Oracle Tuxedo application domain. The two applications are called Purchase and Finance. There are at least two subdirectories for these two SCA applications, one is called Purchase.component, and the other is called Finance.component.
Listing 1‑20 shows the actual component subdirectory. Listing 1‑21 shows the componentType side file
Listing 1‑19 $APPDIR/root.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns="" name="root">
       <component name="account">
              <implementation.composite name="account" />
Listing 1‑20 $APPDIR/account/account.composite
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<composite xmlns=""
              <service name="AccountService">
                     <interface.wsdl interface=""/>

       <component name="AccountServiceComponent">
              <implementation.cpp library="Account" header="AccountServiceImpl.h"/>
Listing 1‑21 $APPDIR/account/AccountServiceImpl.componentType
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<componentType xmlns=""
       <service name="AccountService">
              <interface.cpp header="AccountService.h"/>
The above SCA component are hosted in an Oracle Tuxedo server built using buildscaserver with the -w option (for Web services) and named WSServer
Then in the Oracle Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file you need to add the following line in the *SERVERS section: WSServer SRVGRP=ACCTGRP SRVID=500.
There is no need add a service in the *SERVICES section. SCA services hosted by Oracle Tuxedo are dynamically advertised.
In addition, configuration of the Oracle Tuxedo Web services gateway (GWWS) is necessary. Do the following steps:
Make sure the TMMETADATA and GWWS servers are shut down
Run wsdlcvt on the WSDL of the service(s) used. This produces a WSDF file, an Oracle Tuxedo Metadata Repository interface definitions file, fml32 field tables and XML schemas.
Load the Oracle Tuxedo Metadata Repository interface definitions into the TMMETADATA server repository (for example, $ tmloadrepos -I AccountService.mif metadata.repos -y). For more information, see tmloadrepos documentation.
Add a reference to the WSDF in the GWWS configuration input file (named gwws.dep for example). Listing 1‑22 shows the elements added highlighted in blue.
Listing 1‑22 gwws.dep File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<saltdep:Deployment xmlns:saltdep="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<saltdep:Import location="AccountService.wsdf"/>
              <saltdep:GWInstance id="GWWS1">
                            <saltdep:Binding ref="AccountService:AccountServiceSOAP">
                            <saltdep:Endpoint use="AccountServiceSOAP"/>
Configuring SCA Client Security
Oracle Tuxedo SCA components support two types of security:
Oracle Tuxedo Application Domain Security
Oracle Tuxedo Application Domain Security is set when the TUXCONFIG file for the Oracle Tuxedo Application Domain contains the SECURITY keyword in the *RESOURCES section. There are five levels of application security: NONE, APP_PW, USER_PW, ACL, and MANDATORY_ACL. All security levels except NONE require at least an application password from user to gain access to the Oracle Tuxedo application. At the USER_PW level and above there is an additional user password to authenticate the user and establish user credentials. In total there are potentially two passwords that need to be configured.
All SCA clients require this password information in order to gain access to Oracle Tuxedo application servers. There are two ways for an SCA client to retrieve password information:
In order for the Oracle Tuxedo administrator to configure password retrieval, the administrator must:
Maintain the file and set this file up correctly for the client application. The administrator must duplicate the file across different machines if necessary.
Listing 1‑23 and Listing 1‑24 contain SCA ATMI client application examples.
Listing 1‑23 $APPDIR/ $APPDIR/
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<composite xmlns=""
       <component name="simpapp.TuxClient">
              <implementation.composite name="simpapp.client"/>
              <reference name="TOUPPER">tuxToupper</reference>

Listing 1‑24 $APPDIR/simpapp.client/simpapp.client.composite
<composite xmlns=""

  <reference name="TOUPPER">
    <interface.cpp header="ToupperTuxService.h"/>
    <binding.atmi requires="legacy">
      <inputBufferType target="charToup">STRING</inputBufferType>
      <outputBufferType target="charToup">STRING</outputBufferType>
The above composite defines an Oracle Tuxedo application domain password identification "aaa" which causes the ATMI reference binding to retrieve the password with identification "aaa" from the file at the runtime. If you increased Oracle Tuxedo application domain security by requiring user authentication. (SECURITY=USER_PW or above) you would use the following command: scapasswordtool -i crusoe -a.
Then use a text editor or any other tool that can edit the simpapp.client.composite file and add the following entry in the <binding.atmi/authentication> element: <userPasswordIdentifier>crusoe</userPasswordIdentifier>
Anyone using the password "crusoe" can access Oracle Tuxedo applications.
Oracle Tuxedo Link-Level Security
Oracle Tuxedo Link-Level Security has two variations. One is the easily configured Link-Level Encryption (LLE) and the other one is the more commonly used Transport Layer Security (TLS) also known as Secured Socket Layer (SSL). An SCA ATMI client using the native ATMI reference binding does not need link-level security configured at the SCA level since its transport method is native message queues and the Oracle Tuxedo BRIDGE.
The SCA JATMI client reference binding does not support link-level security. The only type of SCA client that allows configuration of link-level security is SCA Workstation ATMI client.
The SCA Workstation ATMI client contains a <workStationParameters> element configured in the composite file. The SCA runtime automatically loads the correct reference binding for this type of client.
Configuring Link-Level Encryption
Link-level encryption can be configured by adding an <encryptBits> element in the composite file. The following elements should not be configured for LLE, since they are specific to SSL encryption and imply that SSL encryption is used:
The <encryptBits> element specifies the encryption strength that this client attempts to negotiate. The syntax for the <encryptBits> element is <minimum encryption strength>/<maximum encryption strength>. To configure minimum 56-bit encryption you must add the following to the composite file:
encryptBits specifies the encryption strength that the client connection attempts to negotiate. The format is <minencryptbits>/<maxencprytbits> (for example, 128/128). Values can be 0 (no encryption is used), 40, 56, 128, or 256. Invalid values result in a configuration exception.
This tells SCA Workstation Reference binding to require 56 to 128 bits encryption strength when negotiating with WSH. You must also add the following line to the *SERVERS section in the UBBCONFIG file:
WSL SRVGRP=GROUP1 SRVID=1001 CLOPT="-A -- -n //STRIATUM:8741 -a -z 56 -Z 256
Configuring Transport Layer Security
In addition to <encryptBits>, to enable Link-Level Security over TLS/SSL you must configure secPrincipalName, secPrincipalLocation, and secPrincipalPassId.
secPrincipalName - the name of the security principal. It is used for searching the client X.509 certification from the LDAP server.
secPrincipalLocation - the client private key file.
secPrincipalPassId - the password identifier that is used to retrieve client password used to encrypt the private key file.
These three parameters specify the parameters needed when a TLS/SSL connection needs to be established by a SCA Workstation ATMI client.
Listing 1‑25 contains the lines you must add to the client composite file in /binding.atmi/workStationParameters to configure TLS/SSL.
Listing 1‑25 Client Composite File
In Oracle Tuxedo, you must add -S 8742 to WSL to indicate that TLS/SSL is used if the client connects through port 8742.
       CLOPT="-A -- -n //STRIATUM:8741 -S 8742 -z 56 -Z 128"
Administering Oracle Tuxedo SCA Components
This section contains the following topics:
Tracing the SCA ATMI Server and Client
Both The SCA ATMI server and client can utilized the existing tracing capability provided by Oracle Tuxedo and SCA. The following sections describe how to use them in detail:
Oracle Tuxedo TMTRACE
SCA ATMI servers and clients support the Oracle Tuxedo tmtrace(5)function. All traces generated from TMTRACE are logged in the ULOG file. Checking the ULOG file trace information helps to determine the cause of a failure. The Oracle Tuxedo TMTRACE facility is enabled by setting TMTRACE environmental variable, or by using the tmadmin chtr sub-command.
To trace Oracle Tuxedo ATMI messages enter: export TMTRACE=atmi:ulog at the command line.
SCA Runtime, ATMI Service, and Reference Binding Tracing
There are two environment variables used for tracing:
SCACPP_LOGGING: Set to a numeric value and controls the number of trace messages produced.
SCACPP_ULOG: Set to "yes" to send trace messages to the ULOG. If this environment variable is not set or is set to "no", then trace messages are written to standard output.
These tracing facilities are only available for Oracle Tuxedo server builds using buildscaserver and SCA client builds using buildscaclient.
Listing 1‑26 shows a ULOG example containing SCA runtime tracing:
Listing 1‑26 SCA Runtime Tracing Information ULOG File
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: osoa::sca::CompositeContext::getCurrent
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> Tuscany::sca::SCARuntime::getCurrent Runtime
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> tuscany::sca::util::ThreadLocal::getValu e
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: << tuscany::sca::util::ThreadLocal::getValu e
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> tuscany::sca::SCARuntime::getShared Runtime
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: SCARuntime::getSharedRuntime()
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> tuscany::sca::util::Mutex::lock
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: << tuscany::sca::util::Mutex::lock
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> tuscany::sca::util::Mutex::unlock
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: << tuscany::sca::util::Mutex::unlock
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: << tuscany::sca::SCARuntime::getSharedR untime
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> tuscany::sca::util::ThreadLocal::Thread Local
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: << tuscany::sca::util::ThreadLocal::Thread Local
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> tuscany::sca::SCARuntime::SCARuntime
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: SCA runtime install root f:\tuxedo\tux101rp _wsc\udataobj\salt\sca
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: Default component: testStringClientComp
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: >> tuscany::sca::util::ThreadLocal::getValu e
142059.STRIATUM!?proc.1108.3000.-2: << tuscany::sca::util::ThreadLocal::getValu e
Monitoring SCA ATMI Servers
An Oracle Tuxedo SCA server built with the buildscaserver utility can be monitored using the scaadmin utility. This utility shows service statistics information and helps perform maintenance through dynamic shared library loading and unloading.
To reload all components hosted by the uBikeServer Oracle Tuxedo server previously built using the buildscaserver command, do the following:
Enter the following at the command line to display statistics on the services offered by the uBikeServer Oracle Tuxedo server (Table 1‑1 shows the results):
Before scaadmin is executed, you must set the TUXCONFIG environment variable. Table 1‑2 lists scaadmin sub-commands.
When multiple servers share the same component library on Windows and HP systems, the shared component library cannot be reloaded. To reload a component library common to multiple servers, the "scaadmin" reload sub-command must be performed on all affected servers simultaneously.
Tracing SCA JATMI Clients
The Oracle Tuxedo SCA Java reference binding and data transformation support output to the console and to a log file. By default there are at most 10 log files, the maximum size of each file is 100000 bytes, and are located in $APPDIR with name jatmi<number>.log file. The log file names are cycled with the latest one using the number 0, and the one just before latest one uses 1 (for example. jatmi0.log is the latest log file, and jatmi9.log is the oldest log file). If the APPDIR environment variable is not set and java property is not specified, the log is placed in the current working directory.
By default, the log files are overwritten each time the application starts. Many logger parameters can be fine tuned. Table 1‑3 lists tunable Java properties related to logging.
APPDIR environmental variable, if APPDIR is not set uses current working directory
0 ... maximum file size supported by the system
To have the Oracle Tuxedo SCA Java reference binding log in a different language, first check the supported languages that are installed. The default is English. To switch to a different language, add: "-Duser.language=<your preferred language>" to your Java command line when starting the Oracle Tuxedo SCA Java client. For example:
java -classpath .:/apps/classes:$CLASSPATH -Duser.langueage=ES myApplication.
This generates an English log in plain text format to the console only.
Table 1‑3 shows an example of the log file contents.
Listing 1‑27 Log File Contents
9/3/08:3:19:14 PM:10:TRACE[TuxedoConversion,processSendBuf]< (10) return 1st args
9/3/08:3:19:14 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]ServiceType: requestresponse
9/3/08:3:19:14 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]Return Type Class: simpapp.View7Rep
9/3/08:3:19:14 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]target service name: RULE7
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]TPURCODE: 0
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[TuxedoConversion,processReplyBuffer]> (reply simpapp.View7Rep@191777e:0:null)
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processReplyBuffer]returnType: simpapp.View7Rep
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processReplyBuffer]Reply Buffer Class: simpapp.View7Rep
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processReplyBuffer]Reply Buffer Type: X_COMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processReplyBuffer]Reply Buffer Subtype: View7Rep
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[TuxedoConversion,processReplyBuffer]< (30) return buffer directly
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[Accessors,getConventionProperty]Convention Property: CONVENTIONS_TUX
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]networkAddress: host = STRIATUM, port = 8080
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]> ()
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingImpl,isLegacy]> ()
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingImpl,isLegacy]< (10) return true
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingImpl,isMap]> ()
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingImpl,isMap]< (10) return false
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]Operation name = rule7_OVVO
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingImpl,getServiceType]> (rule7_OVVO)
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingImpl,getServiceType]< (10) return null
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingImpl,getInputBufferType]> (rule7_OVVO)
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingImpl,getInputBufferType]< (10) return null
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingImpl,getOutputBufferType]> (rule7_OVVO)
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingImpl,getOutputBufferType]< (10) return null
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingImpl,getErrorBufferType]> (rule7_OVVO)
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingImpl,getErrorBufferType]< (10) return null
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]svcName = RULE7
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]svcType = requestresponse
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]inbuf = X_COMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]outbuf = X_COMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]errbuf = null
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[AtmiBindingInvoker,determineServiceCallParameters]< (10) return
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]Input Buffer Type: X_COMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]Output Buffer Type: X_COMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]Error Buffer Type: null
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]inBufType:X_COMMON, count: 1
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]outBufType:X_COMMON,
count: 1
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]View Classes: simpapp.View7Req,simpapp.View7Rep
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,getClassList]getClassList: Getting class for simpapp.View7Req
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,getClassList]getClassList: Getting class for simpapp.View7Rep
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,setFieldClasses]setFldClasses: null
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[AtmiBindingInvoker,invoke]Passing thro invoker...
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[TuxedoConversion,processSendBuf]> (args [Ljava.lang.Object;@ab1b4)
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processSendBuf]args[0] class simpapp.Rule7Req
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,needConversion]buftype: X_COMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processSendBuf]Argument Class Name: simpapp.Rule7Req
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processSendBuf]Input Buffer Id : XCOMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processSendBuf]Type code : 10
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,processSendBuf]InputBufferType: XCOMMON
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,getClassList]getClassList: Getting class for simpapp.View7Req
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[TuxedoConversion,getClassList]getClassList: Getting class for simpapp.View7Rep
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[Accessors,determineConvention]> (simpapp.Rule7Req)
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[Accessors,determineConvention]Method name: getId
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[Accessors,determineConvention]Method name: setCmd
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[Accessors,determineConvention]Method name: setId
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:DBG[Accessors,determineConvention]Method name: getCmd
9/3/08:3:19:15 PM:10:TRACE[Accessors,determineConvention]< (30) return BEAN

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