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Activities That Add Roles

In the course of policy processing situations may arise where new roles need to be added or replaced when the Role screen functionality is disabled. In these situations, an activity may be used to perform that task. The purpose of the activity is to add clients that already exist in the database to new roles on an existing policy.


If an activity that adds roles has been configured, it will be available in the Add Activity drop down list when an active policy is open.


Steps to Process Activities That Add Roles

  1. Open an active policy.

  2. Click the Add Activity link on the Secondary menu.

  3. Select the Add Roles activity from the Activity drop down list.

  4. Enter an effective date for the new role.

  5. Select a role type from the drop down box.

  6. Select a method for entering the client name from the Select Name Entry Option drop down box.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click the Activity link on the Left Navigation menu to open the Activity screen.
  9. Click the lightning bolt icon to the right of the activity to process it.


To verify that the new role was added, click the Roles link from the Left Navigation menu and examine the Roles screen. The new role should appear on the Role screen. 


Add Roles Activity

AddRoles Activity Window


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