Working with Interactions

This chapter provides an overview of interactions in PeopleSoft Customer Relationship Management (PeopleSoft CRM) and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Interactions

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteractions and Subinteractions

Interactions are communications between you and customers or workers. At the practical level, an interaction is, essentially, a call. Tracking such communications provides valuable insight into customer- and worker-related activities.

Subinteractions are interactions that relate to a specific PeopleSoft CRM transaction (or call type), such as a lead, order, or case. In essence, subinteractions are the activities that occur during a call.Notes that are associated with an interaction are also subinteractions. A single interaction can have zero, one, or many subinteractions.

Note. Interactions are not created for partner communications except from the 360-Degree View page. Subinteractions are never created for partner communications.

External Customers Versus Workers

You create different types of subinteractions depending on whether an interaction is for an external customer or a worker. In most CRM applications, customers are external to an organization. Any person or organization whose data that you manage in one of the customer or partner components (Company, Partner Company, Person, or Site) is considered an external customer. However, in PeopleSoft HelpDesk and HelpDesk for Human Resources, customers are internal people whose data you manage in the Worker component.

The Worker component enables you to manage data for help desk internal customers and for CRM staff users such as salespeople, call center agents, and field service technicians. A worker can function as either a customer or as CRM staff; therefore, the creation of a worker interaction is context-dependent. Worker interactions are created only from the context of a help desk case, an HR help desk case, or on the Worker 360-Degree View page.

For example, if you open a helpdesk case for Mark Anderson, any correspondence that you send to Mark from that case is logged as an interaction, and the case itself becomes a subinteraction. If Mark is also a customer service representative, he might receive notifications that are related to cases for other callers. These notifications are not logged as interactions because, in this context, Mark is a contact, not a customer.

Subinteraction Types

You can create the following basic PeopleSoft CRM transactions as subinteractions of external customer interactions:

You can create the following PeopleSoft CRM transactions as subinteractions of worker interactions:

Note. Additional types of subinteractions are available in PeopleSoft CRM industry-specific applications.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicContact Methods and Status

Every interaction has an associated contact method. An interaction's contact method categorizes the interaction. It indicates the direction (inbound or outbound) of the interaction and the communication channel. Inbound interactions occur when a customer initiates the contact; outbound interactions occur when you initiate the contact. Outbound interactions can be manual (for example, when a salesperson sends correspondence to a customer) or automatic (for example, when workflow notifies a customer that a case is closed).

Many communication channels are used for both inbound and outbound communications. For example, phone, email, and paper correspondence (whether mailed or faxed) can originate internally or externally. However, the customer always initiates web-based interactions. Therefore, the Inbound Chat and Inbound Web (for web self-service) contact methods do not have any outbound counterparts.

The Interaction Detail page contains the contents of the interaction (the text of the email, correspondence, or chat), and the interaction detail type identifies that detail type. For example, the phone interaction detail type is just one type, whereas the contact methods include Phone In and Phone Out. Contact methods include both the channel and the direction of the interaction (in or out), while the interaction detail type is used mainly to control different sets of interaction statuses. There are different sets of interaction statuses for different channels and directions.

Contact Method (INTERACTION_MTHD) and Interaction Detail Type (RB_MCF_DETAIL_TYPE) are translate fields.

Interaction Status

Every interaction has a status, which varies depending on the contact method. This table shows the system delivered statuses for each contact method:

Contact Method


Inbound Chat

Accepted, Completed and Requested.

See Working with Multichannel Applications.

Inbound Email

Assigned, Canceled, Completed, Processing, New, and Reassigned.

See Managing Email.

Inbound Fax/Outbound Fax

None specified.

Inbound Phone/Outbound Phone

Busy, Callback, Child Answered, Completed, In Progress, No Answer, and Do Not Call Again.

See Using the 360-Degree View.

Outbound Email/Outbound Worklist Notification

Outbound Email includes email replies, manual notification (sent as email), and email that is sent through a correspondence request.

Outbound Worklist Notification refers to manual notifications that are sent as worklist entries.

Completed, Cancelled, Failed In Delivery, and In Progress.

See Managing Email.

Outbound Print/Printer

Completed, Cancelled, Failed In Delivery, and In Progress.

Outbound SMS

Completed, Cancelled, Failed In Delivery, and In Progress.

Synchronized Email


Self-Service/Inbound Web


See Working with Customer Self-Service Transactions.

An interaction's initial status depends on how the interaction is created. You can manually update statuses for interactions that you create using the 360-Degree View feature, but the system maintains statuses for other types of interactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteraction Creation

You can create interactions manually, or the system can create them automatically. This table lists the situations in which the system creates interactions:



Contact Method and Status Management

A user accesses a customer, partner, or worker 360-Degree View.

Created based on the user's actions in the 360-Degree View.

In the 360-Degree View, the user can see the contact method and can change it manually. The multichannel framework type is not user-selectable. In the 360-Degree View, the multichannel framework type is always Phone.

The PeopleSoft CRM Computer Telephony Interface (CTI) application uses a delivered CTI transaction to access a page in PeopleSoft CRM.

Note. CTI transactions that you create do not automatically create interactions or subinteractions.

Created by the system if the transaction's target page is a subinteraction-enabled object.

Contact method: Phone

Status default: In Progress

A user sends email or print correspondence using the PeopleSoft CRM correspondence management features.

Created for the object from which the correspondence was sent.

Contact method: Outbound mail

Status default: In Progress

  • A user sends manual notifications as email to internal (for example, workers) and external recipients (for example, customer contacts and consumers), or as worklist entries to internal recipients.

  • A user replies to an inbound email using Email Workspace (available if you license the PeopleSoft email response management system [ERMS]).

Interactions are created for the notifications. A subinteraction is created for the transaction with which each outbound email or worklist notification is associated.

Contact method: Outbound email

Status default: In Progress

The PeopleSoft ERMS processes an inbound email.

The system creates an interaction for the inbound email.

A subinteraction is created when a user manually associates related objects to the inbound email. If a newly received email is part of a thread, it automatically inherits its parent email's related objects and subinteractions.

Contact method: Inbound email

Status default: New

The system sends an automated email to a customer, partner, or worker from the context of a help desk case to a worker. Automated email is sent by AAF workflow, by business project workflow, or by the ERMS system autoresponse process to structured email.

Note. Auto -acknowledgement email sent by the ERMS system or in response to a customer's Contact Us submission does not create an interaction.

Interactions are created for AAF workflow notifications but not for business project workflow notifications.

No subinteractions are created.

A subinteraction is created by the ERMS autoresponse process if the subinteraction is associated with transactions.

Contact method: Outbound email

Status default: In Progress

A self-service customer or partner submits a Contact Us message.

The Contact Us page is available only to external customers or partners, not to workers.

The text of the message becomes the interaction note.

Contact method: Phone

Status default: In Progress

A customer or partner requests a chat session from the self-service Contact Us page.


Contact method: Chat

Status: Requested

A self-service user creates a new case or updates an existing case in PeopleSoft Support, HelpDesk, or HelpDesk for Human Resources.

The case that was created or updated.

Contact method: Phone

Status default: In Progress

To record communications that occur outside of the PeopleSoft CRM system, users can manually create interactions using the appropriate 360-Degree View. Users might manually create interactions if:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicInteraction Display

There are various interfaces for viewing interaction information.

Interactions in the 360-Degree View Pages

PeopleSoft CRM provides 360-Degree View pages for customers, partners, and workers. There are two separate 360-Degree View pages for workers: one for PeopleSoft HelpDesk and one for HelpDesk for Human Resources. As delivered, all of the 360-Degree View pages are configured to show interactions in the dynamic grid that you create for it. You can configure a dynamic grid to display all of that interaction's subinteractions when it is expanded.

The 360-Degree View page for a customer shows all of the interactions for that customer. The Partner 360-Degree View page shows all of the interactions for the partner.

Other Interaction Lists

In addition to the 360-Degree View pages, you can view lists of interactions using:

Interaction Details

From any interaction list, you can drill into the Interaction page, where you can see the details of a specific interaction. The page that appears depends on the interaction type:

See Also

Getting Started with PeopleSoft CRM Portal Pack

Using the 360-Degree View

Click to jump to parent topicModifying Interaction Status

This section discusses how to modify interaction status descriptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Set Up Interaction Status

Page Name

Definition Name



Interaction Status


Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Correspondence, Interaction Status Setup, Interaction Status

Modify interaction status descriptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying Interaction Status Descriptions

Access the Interaction Status page (Set Up CRM, Common Definitions, Correspondence, Interaction Status Setup, Interaction Status).

Warning! If you change interaction statuses, you must make appropriate code changes in PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Status Code

Displays the statuses that PeopleSoft CRM delivers for the interaction detail type.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Interactions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Interactions

Page Name

Definition Name



Interaction List


Customers CRM, Interaction List, Interaction List

Search for interactions.



  • Click the Edit This Interaction button for an interaction that has no associated contact method on the Interaction List page.

  • Click the Edit This Interaction button for an interaction that has no associated contact method on any 360-Degree View page.

  • Click the Edit This Interaction button for an interaction that has no associated contact method on the Recent Interactions pagelet.

View interaction details, including a list of related subinteractions and the complete text of any interaction note.

Interactions - View Correspondence


  • Click the link for an interaction that represents correspondence on the Interaction List page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents correspondence on any 360-Degree View page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents correspondence on the Recent Interactions pagelet.

View interaction details for the correspondence request.

Inbound Email


  • Click the link for an interaction that represents inbound email on the Interaction List page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents inbound email on any 360-Degree View page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents inbound email on the Recent Interactions pagelet.

View interaction details of inbound email.

Outbound Email


  • Click the link for an interaction that represents outbound email on the Interaction List page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents outbound email on any 360-Degree View page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents outbound email on the Recent Interactions pagelet.

View interaction details of inbound email.



  • Click the link for an interaction that represents chat on the Interaction List page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents chat on any 360-Degree View page.

  • Click the link for an interaction that represents chat on the Recent Interactions pagelet.

View interaction details of a chat.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Interactions

Access the Interaction List page (Customers CRM, Interaction List, Interaction List).

Use this page to search for and view interactions by selected search criteria. You cannot add or modify interaction data on this page.


Use this section to define search criteria and perform searches. You can control the appearance and behavior of the interaction search by using the PeopleSoft CRM search configuration utility.

See Configuring Search Pages.

Note that not all search fields apply to all interaction types. For example, only interactions that are created from a 360-Degree View page have a value in the Callback Date field.


Select a subinteraction type. The search locates interactions that have the type of subinteraction that you select. Available values depend on which PeopleSoft CRM products you have licensed.


This section displays search results and lists all subinteractions (shown in the Type column), along with their interactions.

Click the Edit This Interaction button to access the Interaction page and view detailed information about the interaction. A different interaction detail page appears for each type of interaction.


Displays links to associated subinteractions. An interaction can have more than one link. The link text is the subinteraction type—for example, Case or Order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Interaction Details

Access the Interaction page (click the Edit This Interaction button for an interaction that has no associated contact method on the Interaction List page).

Customer Information


Displays the name of the person (company contact, partner contact, consumer, or worker) for whom you created the interaction.

Interaction Information

The fields in this group box are identical to the fields in the Log Interaction group box on the 360-Degree View page.

See Using the 360-Degree View.

Interaction Category

This section is applicable to interactions that are created for chat, phone, and email communications. It shows the category that was selected prior to closing the associated channel of communication.

For other interactions that are not associated with categories that are specific to multichannel communications, the No Interaction Category message is displayed.

See Chat Session Categorization, Reviewing Email Event History.

Related Transactions

This grid lists any subinteractions (including notes) that are associated with the interaction.

Note. Your internal business processes determine whether users enter notes in the interaction itself or in another transaction (such as a case or lead) that was the subject of the phone call.


Displays the type of subinteraction. Available values depend on which PeopleSoft CRM products you have licensed.

Start Date & Time

Displays the date and time that the subinteraction was created.


Displays the full text of the note if the type is Note. For other types of related transactions, this field is blank or it may contain comments such as Added New Case or Multi-channel related transaction.

Other Page Elements

Return to 360-Degree View

Click this link to return to the 360-Degree View page. This link appears only if you originally accessed the Interaction page from the 360-Degree View page.

Return to Interaction List

Click this link to return to the Interaction List page. This link appears only if you originally accessed the Interaction page from the Interaction List page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Correspondence Interaction Details

Access the Interactions - View Correspondence page (click the link for an interaction that represents correspondence on the Interaction List page).

The fields on this page are identical to the similarly named fields in the Correspondence Request page.

View Entire Correspondence

Click to view the correspondence detail in the Correspondence Request page.

See Understanding Correspondence and Notifications.