Setting a service description

Use the SC command's Description option to set a description for the Endeca Server Windows service.

Before adding a description to the service, make sure that you have Administrator rights.

When you create a service with the SC Create command, you cannot set a service description. However, after creating the service, you can use the SC command's Description option to add a new description or to modify an existing description.

The format of the SC Description command is:
sc description serviceName descriptionText
where serviceName is the name of the service to modify and descriptionText is the new description within double quotes. There is no limit to the number of characters that can be contained in the service description.

To add or modify the description of the Endeca Server Windows service:

  1. Stop the Endeca Server Windows service.
  2. Click the Start button in the Windows taskbar.
  3. In the menu, right-click Command Prompt.
  4. On the pop-up right click context menu, select Run as administrator.
  5. At the command prompt, enter the sc description command with the service name and new description, as in this example, which sets a description for the EndecaServer service:
    sc description EndecaServer "Creates and manages Endeca data stores."
If the command was successful, the SCM will return this message:
[SC] ChangeServiceConfig2 SUCCESS