A list of dimension description records. Dimension description records are records which are used to represent dimensions in the MDEX Engine. A list of dimension description record slices. A record slice is a piece of a record. It must contain a record spec (in this case, mdex-dimension_Key) but need not contain all of the other required assignments. Dimension description record slices are used to specify particular assignments to be updated on dimension description records. A list of property description records. Property description records are records which are used to represent properties in the MDEX Engine. A list of property description record slices. A record slice is a piece of a record. It must contain a record spec (in this case, mdex-property_Key) but need not contain all of the other required assignments. Property description record slices are used to specify particular assignments to be updated on property description records. A list of group description record slices. A record slice is a piece of a record. It must contain a record spec (in this case, system-group_Key) but need not contain all of the other required assignments. group description record slices are used to specify particular assignments to be updated on group description records. The multi-select status of a property. Describes how refinements will be sorted. Used to wrap the global configuration record, which is used to configure settings which apply to the MDEX Engine as a whole. A list containing the full representations of groups. In addition to the information presented in a group summary, the group element also contains a list of the members of the group. A list containing the full representations of precedence rules. Used to wrap a piece of XML-based configuration. A list of property keys. A list of dimension keys. A list of group summaries. A group summary consists of a groupSummary element with key and cardinality attributes. If the group has a display name, the summary will also include a displayName attribute. A list of XML configuration document names. The configuration element is a wrapper for the various types of schema and configuration used in the MDEX Engine, including dimensions, properties, groups, XML configuration documents, and the global configuration record.